Zone1 Social Security Scam

SS is only part of my estate, which is well over a $million. My combined income from investments including SS exceeds $60,000/year.

But tell me, how could I have opted out of SS, starting in 1956, when I first paid into it? I have worked for over a dozen companies, and none had an 'opt out of SS' provision.

Maybe in the future, when SS goes bust, things will be better for the working person.
You actually had the balls to post this?

So your a rich person,when you reached the limit of SS and now you don't want it to go away?

You didn't pay your fair share, and waiting to you to collect off of my dead freinds for some facial massage in Bermuda when you turn 65?

Social Security works

It is an important safety net for tens of millions of Americans

Gradually raise the age to 70 and increase the threshold where you no longer pay to $250,000
SS “worked” in 1935 because the retirement age was 65 and the life expectancy was 58 for men and 62 for woman.

So all we need to do is raise th pe retirement age to 79-80 and it will work as designed when FDR got it passed.
So your a rich person,when you reached the limit of SS and now you don't want it to go away?
It takes more than one $million to be considered rich.
You didn't pay your fair share, and waiting to you to collect off of my dead freinds for some facial massage in Bermuda when you turn 65?
I turned 65 17 years ago. Still working and paying into SS, as well as collecting.
It takes more than one $million to be considered rich.

I turned 65 17 years ago. Still working and paying into SS, as well as collecting.
So your a Walmart greeter? You can only work and make like 6 grand a year? ( Don't quote me on the exact number,but it's pathetically low, you can't have more than 2 grand in your bank account)
SS “worked” in 1935 because the retirement age was 65 and the life expectancy was 58 for men and 62 for woman.

So all we need to do is raise th pe retirement age to 79-80 and it will work as designed when FDR got it passed.
Actuarial tables for working age people enrolled in SS in 1935 aren't available. Life expectancy at birth doesn't apply.
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So your a Walmart greeter? You can only work and make like 6 grand a year? ( Don't quote me on the exact number,but it's pathetically low, you can't have more than 2 grand in your bank account)
I pay taxes on 85 percent of my SS benefits, have for years. I will be returning $3400 of my benefit back to SS next April. Limitations on earnings you mention don't apply to me.
You didn't pay your fair share, and waiting to you to collect off of my dead freinds for some facial massage in Bermuda when you turn 65?
Perhaps your friends should have taken better care of themselves. Premature worker deaths are figured into the overall scheme.
Actuarial tables for working age people enrolled in SS in 1935 aren't available. Life expectancy at birth doesn't apply.
They are for 1950 and beyond though. In 1950 the life expectancy was 68. In 1965 it was 70. Taking that as a trend let’s assume the life expectancy in 1935 was 66. So SS had to pay out one year before the beneficiary was beyond their life expectancy.
Knowing me I wouldn't have saved it. Same with most people. That's why SS is so needed still. Many people that earn big bucks don't save for their retirement. SS addresses this human weakness.

We can still keep the same mandated contributions but instead of letting the government mishandle it it should be put in private accounts owned by the individual and off limits to the government
Taxes are a bigger 'theft'. The government takes from the poor and gives it to the rich.
SS is nothing but a tax and FYI you Ss payments are being paid by the money taken from people who are working today
SS “worked” in 1935 because the retirement age was 65 and the life expectancy was 58 for men and 62 for woman.

So all we need to do is raise th pe retirement age to 79-80 and it will work as designed when FDR got it passed.

Actually, we need to raise the retirement age gradually to 70 and increase the cap on contributions to $250,000 a year
SS is nothing but a tax

Actually, we need to raise the retirement age gradually to 70 and increase the cap on contributions to $250,000 a year
Actually we need to get rid of it and let people hold their money in private accounts then people could decide for themselves when they want to retire.

The government has a vested interest in making people work for as long as possible
Actually we need to get rid of it and let people hold their money in private accounts then people could decide for themselves when they want to retire.

The government has a vested interest in making people work for as long as possible

Get yourself an IRA or 401k
Get yourself an IRA or 401k

not every employer offers a 401 and an IRA is only good for 6000 a year.

AND both of those are designed to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible from retirees

So you have the government not only taking 12.4% of your income only to mismanage it and cost you a return that would actually accrue wealth but your IRA and 401k are literally taxed until the day you die
They are for 1950 and beyond though. In 1950 the life expectancy was 68. In 1965 it was 70. Taking that as a trend let’s assume the life expectancy in 1935 was 66. So SS had to pay out one year before the beneficiary was beyond their life expectancy.
The important number is the life expectancy of someone who reaches retirement age. The older you get the more likely you are to live even longer. Early life mortality greatly affects overall life expectancy. For example, in 1935 6 percent of children died before their first birthday.

I'm 82, but my 'life expectancy' is 94.
We can still keep the same mandated contributions but instead of letting the government mishandle it it should be put in private accounts owned by the individual and off limits to the government
That may indeed be in the future. SS can't continue under the current demographics much longer. Too many retirees, too few workers paying in. All good things must end.
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