Zone1 Social Security Scam

So is insider trading unless your in Congress, what was your point again, I forget?

Many Congress members have gone to jail for insider trading

Why don’t you take Social Security to court if you believe t is illegal?
It has been over 80 years
Exactly I remember reading one time about this county in Mississippi (like 100% white) 80% of them is on social security for back problems, it turns out they were all seeing this one doctor who was getting kick backs .
The three I know...
1) Was a really good worker before, then he was hanging Christmas lights and fell off the ladder and landed on where the TV tower used to be a broke his hip. In the process of healing he became seriously addicted to painkillers. I offered to hold his job for him and the company would pay for his drug treatment at a facility. He refused. Ended up having to fire him maybe 2 weeks later. He ends up getting divorced, ends up in jail for possession and then he ends up on SS for "mental issues" WHAT??
2) A pressman genuinely got hurt on the job trying to lift a roll of paper. He was out for several months. I give him a desk job where he orders supplies, does inventory etc. He ends up quitting not even a year into it and gets on SS. As it happens a person I know lives 2 doors down from him. This was about 2 years later.... he is still on SS and he is mowing his grass on a riding lawnmower. I also notice he has a fishing boat! Oh... yeah... so bad off he can't work, but can bounce around on a riding lawnmower and put a boat in and out of water!
3) Bonzi's ex-husband. "Stomach issues". He is on full SS. No shit. Stomach issues.
But he ate anything he wanted, played 18 holes golf two days a week and liked to be outside doing yard work! But "can't work".

Social Security fraud is rampant. Millions receiving benefits just like these losers.
Meanwhile I have RA, Chronic Venous Insufficiency and an Aortic aneurysm and I go to work everyday.
Worker contribution is 6.2 %, not a large part. Bigger control is through Fed, State, and Sales taxes.
The employer contribution is part of your compensation.

12.4% of ones lifetime income can easily provide a retirement income that will greatly surpass the pittance paid out by social security.
The employer contribution is part of your compensation.

12.4% of ones lifetime income can easily provide a retirement income that will greatly surpass the pittance paid out by social security.
Extremely true in principle, but not in practice.
Despite 2008 happening... the average American still has negative savings and once again pushing 5 figure credit card debt.
Extremely true in principle, but not in practice.
Despite 2008 happening... the average American still has negative savings and once again pushing 5 figure credit card debt.
Easily remedied. Just require employees to put that 12.4% into a privately owned retirement account instead of letting the government have it.
And just wait until the Dems get their paws into our IRAs and 401Ks. They are definitely targeting those to loot as well.
The three I know...
1) Was a really good worker before, then he was hanging Christmas lights and fell off the ladder and landed on where the TV tower used to be a broke his hip. In the process of healing he became seriously addicted to painkillers. I offered to hold his job for him and the company would pay for his drug treatment at a facility. He refused. Ended up having to fire him maybe 2 weeks later. He ends up getting divorced, ends up in jail for possession and then he ends up on SS for "mental issues" WHAT??
2) A pressman genuinely got hurt on the job trying to lift a roll of paper. He was out for several months. I give him a desk job where he orders supplies, does inventory etc. He ends up quitting not even a year into it and gets on SS. As it happens a person I know lives 2 doors down from him. This was about 2 years later.... he is still on SS and he is mowing his grass on a riding lawnmower. I also notice he has a fishing boat! Oh... yeah... so bad off he can't work, but can bounce around on a riding lawnmower and put a boat in and out of water!
3) Bonzi's ex-husband. "Stomach issues". He is on full SS. No shit. Stomach issues.
But he ate anything he wanted, played 18 holes golf two days a week and liked to be outside doing yard work! But "can't work".

Social Security fraud is rampant. Millions receiving benefits just like these losers.
Meanwhile I have RA, Chronic Venous Insufficiency and an Aortic aneurysm and I go to work everyday.
No wonder why Bonzi married you, you're a real nice guy and she is a sweet heart, I still remember her first post on here like yesterday, it was so funny she took so much slack for posting a conservative point of view, tell her we said hi!
The employer contribution is part of your compensation.

12.4% of ones lifetime income can easily provide a retirement income that will greatly surpass the pittance paid out by social security.
I prefer to call it matching contribution, like a 401k, rather than compensation. Also, the contributions of both go to retirees, not directly to the employee.

$26,000 per year (my benefit starting in January) is hardly a 'pittance', especially considering that I have only paid in $72,000 total.

A married couple, both receiving similar SS benefits, can live pretty good on $52,000 per year, tax free.
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$26,000 per year (my benefit starting in January) is hardly a 'pittance', especially considering that I have only paid in $72,000 total.

A married couple, both receiving SS benefits, can live pretty good on $52,000 per year, tax free.
You're giving up too much for that.

The government has literally deprived you of a million plus dollar nest egg and you actually paid twice that amount because your employer's match is part of your compensation.

Do the math and see what you could have had if you actually had that money invested instead of letting the government hold it for you.
You're giving up too much for that.

The government has literally deprived you of a million plus dollar nest egg and you actually paid twice that amount because your employer's match is part of your compensation.

Do the math and see what you could have had if you actually had that money invested instead of letting the government hold it for you.
Knowing me I wouldn't have saved it. Same with most people. That's why SS is so needed still. Many people that earn big bucks don't save for their retirement. SS addresses this human weakness.
SS benefits everyone, by keeping us out of the poorhouse in our old age. You have to imagine society without that safety net. :omg: It's so bad that 'guaranteed minimum income' programs are being proposed for pre-retirement workers who are unable to survive financially.
You do realize that for 99% of human society we didn’t have SS right? Human society has existed for thousands of years SS for leas than 100.
Show me how Dems are going to steal your money

Just another case of Conservatives misrepresenting the facts
I did in this thread already, I speak a little polish,was I accidentally writing it down?

Speaking of this, why can't you ultra left wing liberals slow down a bit and comprehend?

For the most part I was always on your side but you make ridiculous statements, you always appear weak , and dumb founded , when I lived in Boise Idaho for a year and a half I comprehend all the new California liberal money coming in, and to this day I am in touch with interfaith shelter in Boise I am real good friends with the director of that non denominational homeless shelter, and all the donations they could muster together was a small tent for like a 100 people .

What am I getting at?

Liberals like you right wing are very good people but the only way you will give to charity is high taxes.

Don't you get that my friend of like 10 years?

I could research the 401k thing but why bother, it's always the Overton window with you guys.

I am begging democrats like you and your friends

Man up give to poor people, quit thinking taxes is charity because it's not

The people and the government are one-in-the-same; the notion that the people and ‘the government’ are two separate entities is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
That's the way it was designed. However, the founders didn't envision the professional politicians and bureaucrats that have developed since the days of FDR. We now have a ruling class composed of professional politicians and un-elected bureaucrats that run the country to their preferences, not "we the people's"

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