Zone1 Social Security Scam

Most firefighters have to do 30 years and there is typically a minimum retirement age. My neighbor is a FF and here in my area That's 57. Not too old to keep working but I dont know if you're getting another career. Not to mention that most of them are hobbled up, knees, back, hands etc so its not as easy as just getting another career.

To the greater point. I thought SS worked and that's why Americans love it so much? Didn't you say that at the start of this thread? It seems as though you're now saying that SS kinda "works" so long as the people who are collecting are kind enough to die so they don't collect for too long. I fail to see how the SS system is better than just investing a small percentage of your earnings over your working career. In the case of the person who invests their money they can retire when they choose, will have enough to last them regardless of how long they live and can pass the remaining funds to whomever they choose when they die or even before if they so choose. The other option you retire when the Government says, only really works if you live for 5-8 years after retirement and don't get to pass whatever money you don't use on.

The real reason people "love" SS is because they have been lead to believe that it's some sort of retirement account that they have paid into during their career. So, there is no way to stop SS without some large part of the electorate feeling like their money was stolen and they are being screwed and that's precisely the argument politicians make any time anyone talks about even changing SS let alone discontinuing the program.
One great benefit of SS is its 'portability'. If you change jobs you don't lose benefits, as you would in a union or company pension plan. I had several hundred dollars invested in my union's plan when I retired my union card. I got a check back for $40.
Regardless, I don't judge political policies based on how they benefit me personally.
I wouldn't call SS a 'political' policy. That's why it was called the 'third rail', no politician dared mess with it.
Nobody is disputing it's importance. The problem is that it doesn't work, it's run as a ponzi scheme and it's being destroyed by the the same people in government that established it.
It's greed and the lack of empathy of those who seek to end SS, along with Medicare, Medicaid, ACA and CHIP.
Soc Sec and Medicare seem stone SIMPLE compared to ObamaCare. When the govt takes away your professsional org insurance and leaves you No option, but the ACA Marketplace -- sometimes easing into retirement FORCES you juggle all 3 at a time. In my case, we used early enrollment in SSec to pay the premiums for her ObamaCare until SHE goes on Medicare.
OK. I wasn't suggesting it was.

Regardless, it has nothing to do with my statement. Whatever you want to call it, I'm not judging SS by how it impacts me personally.
I use both my benefit and the data, which has SS paying out at current levels until 2034, when the Trust Fund surplus is gone. They have 12 years to fix it for the future.

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