Socialism = Capitalism plus


We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
I have a master's in history and you are what is known as an ignoramus LOL. He thought the Communist revolution would happen in England because of the industrial revolution but it happened in a backward Russia. He did not foresee the em b o u r g e o i s e m e n t of the working class. That is they became middle class because because of progress and unions which you idiots have been destroying for 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper. You are a running dog dupe of the capitalist swine LOL. Since we no longer have the greatest generation or strong unions, we need our government to give us some progress. That is called socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world.
You're proof that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent".

Mindless repetition of Communist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
You are a dupe of a****** rich people. Ok? LOL
You're a not-so-useful idiot.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
I have a master's in history and you are what is known as an ignoramus LOL. He thought the Communist revolution would happen in England because of the industrial revolution but it happened in a backward Russia. He did not foresee the em b o u r g e o i s e m e n t of the working class. That is they became middle class because because of progress and unions which you idiots have been destroying for 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper. You are a running dog dupe of the capitalist swine LOL. Since we no longer have the greatest generation or strong unions, we need our government to give us some progress. That is called socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world.
You're proof that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent".

Mindless repetition of Communist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
You are a dupe of a****** rich people. Ok? LOL
You're a not-so-useful idiot.
You can lead a dupe to water but you can't make them drink. Everybody in the world outside the dupe bubble of idiocy thinks you are total morons. Actually you people are just as smart as Democrats but ignorant and brainwashed. Not your fault it is an amazing propaganda machine all run by Rupert Murdoch and demagogues like Rush Limbaugh. Try Google news and get all the angles instead of crap like the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is a master Criminal etc etc.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.
What fallacy are you talkin about, super duper? Tell me and I will show everyone what an idiot you are LOL. Don't worry I'm going to be out of the country for a couple of years checking out Southeast Asia and Europe etc. One good trip before I settle down at age 70.

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
Stop blaming the poor for the results of your scumbag GOP policies that have destroyed opportunity the last 35 years. Everyone would rather have a good job.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.
Do you have any argument at all, troll. I have never seen a democratic troll. They are well informed and have arguments, actual facts at their behest. And I'm beginning to agree with Charles de Gaulle that Anglo Americans are idiots, always screwing people over and congratulating themselves for having the English channel and the Atlantic ocean to protect them.... Brexit and Trump are misinformed idiocy... Of course I mean only right wing Anglo Americans imperialist Savage capitalist misinformed twits who hate about 80% of their compatriots.
Franco look at the policies, look at the results, then spin it again. Same old same old you are incapable to remain objective and admit you may have been wrong. Facts are facts, results are results, regardless of your constant bull shit political doctrine some people will never see the truth. I know your better then that.

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
GOP mythology is so f***** up and also not true.
Franco look at the policies, look at the results, then spin it again. Same old same old you are incapable to remain objective and admit you may have been wrong. Facts are facts, results are results, regardless of your constant bull shit political doctrine some people will never see the truth. I know your better then that.
I am not wrong except if you believe total garbage GOP propaganda and alternative facts you can't find anywhere else in journalism or law enforcement.
Like how the left doesnt know what liberalism is? Like that, bill?
You are changing the subject. Another losing argument.
Some many on the right use socialism loosely. Big whoop. We get it.
You regressive leftists change words definitions more that a newborn does diapers
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Like how the left doesnt know what liberalism is? Like that, bill?
You are changing the subject. Another losing argument.
Some many on the right use socialism loosely. Big whoop. We get it.
You regressive leftists change words definitions more that a newborn does diapers
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
America has been helping its poor since the nation began. If that makes us socialist so be it. In fact, many nations, as does the USA, have long had a long history of mixing capitalism and socialism, and even other economic systems. Of the sixty or so types of socialism of only one leads to communism. And despite warnings from many, Social Security did not change America to communism.
You are changing the subject. Another losing argument.
Some many on the right use socialism loosely. Big whoop. We get it.
You regressive leftists change words definitions more that a newborn does diapers
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
This guy was a liberal:

This guy is not:

America has been helping its poor since the nation began. If that makes us socialist so be it. In fact, many nations, as does the USA, have long had a long history of mixing capitalism and socialism, and even other economic systems. Of the sixty or so types of socialism of only one leads to communism. And despite warnings from many, Social Security did not change America to communism.

Just because the US has a history of taking money by force from the people that earned it and giving to the welfare queens that didn't earn it doesn't make it right. That is a despicable thing to do. The government should never be in the business of stealing your money and giving it to somebody else.

Socialism is wrong not matter how you package it.

When Davy Crockett was a Congressman he got pissed when the Congress allocated taxpayer's money to help rebuild Georgetown after a fire. He gave a very good speech on the floor of the House called "Not Yours to Give". You should read it.

If you have trouble reading here is a video of it.

You are changing the subject. Another losing argument.
Some many on the right use socialism loosely. Big whoop. We get it.
You regressive leftists change words definitions more that a newborn does diapers
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
The actual political definition of a liberal and conservative were redefined centuries ago. The current interpretation of the two stereotypes has become those that believe in strict adherence to the constitution, freedoms , rights, granted, and limited power of the government are labeled conservative, those on the other hand that subscribe to unlimited government power, exhibit a venomous disdain toward the limits dictated by the constitution and rule of law are labeled as liberals.
The liberal progressive movement in America, founded at the turn of the 20th century, exhibits tendencies very similar to fascism and remain the guiding principles of what we today refer to as liberals. Liberal tendencies toward intolerance remain the focal point in their speech and treatment of those exhibiting counter viewpoints, namely conservatives. As a result when one speaks of brainwashing, racism, fascism.....their argument or position has been proven weak, feel threatened, or lacking of constructive thought and response.
It’s wonderful that we still have these rights and are able to agree to disagree, not so in the new vision of the world proposed by members of the liberal persuasion.
So whom is brainwashed?

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Nonsense and pure unadulterated bullshit. Are all of you lefties really that dammend stupid?
The actual political definition of a liberal and conservative were redefined centuries ago. The current interpretation of the two stereotypes has become those that believe in strict adherence to the constitution, freedoms , rights, granted, and limited power of the government are labeled conservative, those on the other hand that subscribe to unlimited government power, exhibit a venomous disdain toward the limits dictated by the constitution and rule of law are labeled as liberals.
The liberal progressive movement in America, founded at the turn of the 20th century, exhibits tendencies very similar to fascism and remain the guiding principles of what we today refer to as liberals. Liberal tendencies toward intolerance remain the focal point in their speech and treatment of those exhibiting counter viewpoints, namely conservatives. As a result when one speaks of brainwashing, racism, fascism.....their argument or position has been proven weak, feel threatened, or lacking of constructive thought and response.
It’s wonderful that we still have these rights and are able to agree to disagree, not so in the new vision of the world proposed by members of the liberal persuasion.
So whom is brainwashed?
You are, dumbass. You know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats and all the misinformation from Fox Rush etc, but you don't know that you are being screwed every day by the greedy idiot mega Rich GOP. 35 years now the GOP has been cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, yet you blame everything on lazy Criminal Americans. Absolute right wing idiocy super duper. Everything you know is wrong LOL

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