Socialism = Capitalism plus

Sure seems to be an easy fix to this mess....move to one of those "happy" places....dumbass.
Unless you are mega rich or married to a citizen, you can't, ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Stop being duped by the give away to the rich brainwashing greedy idiot mega Rich GOP duh.
You mean -- other nations have immigration laws, and it's okay that they enforce them and decide who gets into their countries?

It is ok. If other nation's want to wall themselves off and hide, I'm all for it. But not here. We're better than that.
We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

Fuck that. Government isn't there to take care of us.
Many of those in need are veterans. We as a nation owe them.

We don't owe illegals anything except removal from the US.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
Then shut your fat commie mouth and move there.
great argument brainwashed functional moron. Go out and beat up someday people LOL or Muslims or socialists... Here's a tip, when you say communists you tell 80% of the world that you are a moron, brainwashed or not. what do you people have against happy workers and middle-class? you're brainwashed with hate against minorities and the poor now. They to be called the unfortunate, people knew that they were unlucky more than anything. Reagan has been a disaster for this country, he is the one who made blaming the poor acceptable, according to Mario Cuomo and anyone with a brain. Thanks Ronnie for your pal Saddam how'd that work out and the hate of Muslims for the United States. The GOP is a disaster every time, only propaganda makes this possible, super dupe. We are the richest country in the world and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility and benefits of any modern country by far. Thanks to the scumbag GOP.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
And you need both to have a healthy economy middle-class working class etc etc. The last 35 years we have had a giveaway to the rich GOP disaster, except for the rich of course. Only misinformation and propaganda make it possible for silly dupes like you to exist....
People keeping what was theirs in the first place isn't a "giveaway", Karl.
when you have a flat tax system like we do now after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, along with cuts and services and cheap college and training etc etc, what you get is the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history, dumbass. If you don't like taxes, move to Somalia.
Doesn't change the fact...What I earn is mine, commie fuckchop.
you selfish short-sighted brainwashed twits are pretty bad citizens- don't want to pay any taxes and think there conspiracies everywhere without any evidence. Poor America...
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
when you have a flat tax system like we do now after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, along with cuts and services and cheap college and training etc etc, what you get is the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history, dumbass. If you don't like taxes, move to Somalia.
Doesn't change the fact...What I earn is mine, commie fuckchop.

You didn't earn that! It takes a village (to gang up on you and take your stuff).
Taxes have gone up on you the last 35 years, while the giveaway to the rich goes on and on and cuts in services for you and your family, brainwashed functional moron. Along with cheap college and training and good infrastructure. And our benefits suck as citizens. Stop taking crap from your masters.

Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The people in the US that are getting screwed are the people that work and have to pay taxes and that money is given away to asshole Welfare Queens and Illegals.

That is the big injustice. Government saps liberty and creates slavery to the state. Disgusting, isn't it?
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
I have a master's in history and you are what is known as an ignoramus LOL. He thought the Communist revolution would happen in England because of the industrial revolution but it happened in a backward Russia. He did not foresee the em b o u r g e o i s e m e n t of the working class. That is they became middle class because because of progress and unions which you idiots have been destroying for 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper. You are a running dog dupe of the capitalist swine LOL. Since we no longer have the greatest generation or strong unions, we need our government to give us some progress. That is called socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world.

Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The people in the US that are getting screwed are the people that work and have to pay taxes and that money is given away to asshole Welfare Queens and Illegals.

That is the big injustice. Government saps liberty and creates slavery to the state. Disgusting, isn't it?
Republicans have been in charge for the last 35 years and screwing the s*** out of the working class the middle class and our infrastructure and cost for college and training and have stopped all progress until ACA... And you are brainwashed into believing it is the fault of the poor. Only propaganda makes this s*** possible. The country is going to hell except for the rich. Slowly but surely.... Not to mention the corruption and stupid Wars of your party dipstick.

Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The people in the US that are getting screwed are the people that work and have to pay taxes and that money is given away to asshole Welfare Queens and Illegals.

That is the big injustice. Government saps liberty and creates slavery to the state. Disgusting, isn't it?
Republicans have been in charge for the last 35 years and screwing the s*** out of the working class the middle class and our infrastructure and cost for college and training and have stopped all progress until ACA... And you are brainwashed into believing it is the fault of the poor. Only propaganda makes this s*** possible. The country is going to hell except for the rich. Slowly but surely.... Not to mention the corruption and stupid Wars of your party dipstick.

I am not a Republican so you can take partisan bullshit and cram it up your demented Moon Bat ass.

At the end of the day Republicans are just as much big government progressives as the filthy ass Democrats.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
Oh, please explain.


Unions and Democrats gave us the 40 hour week Social Security unemployment minimum wage etc etc. All of it. And we need quite a bit more as we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure 5 week vacations and rich people paying a higher percentage then the rest. Right wing idiocy that only propaganda misinformation makes possible.

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.
when you have a flat tax system like we do now after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, along with cuts and services and cheap college and training etc etc, what you get is the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history, dumbass. If you don't like taxes, move to Somalia.
Doesn't change the fact...What I earn is mine, commie fuckchop.

You didn't earn that! It takes a village (to gang up on you and take your stuff).
Taxes have gone up on you the last 35 years, while the giveaway to the rich goes on and on and cuts in services for you and your family, brainwashed functional moron. Along with cheap college and training and good infrastructure. And our benefits suck as citizens. Stop taking crap from your masters.
Money doesn't belong to the government.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
I have a master's in history and you are what is known as an ignoramus LOL. He thought the Communist revolution would happen in England because of the industrial revolution but it happened in a backward Russia. He did not foresee the em b o u r g e o i s e m e n t of the working class. That is they became middle class because because of progress and unions which you idiots have been destroying for 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper. You are a running dog dupe of the capitalist swine LOL. Since we no longer have the greatest generation or strong unions, we need our government to give us some progress. That is called socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world.
You're proof that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent".

Mindless repetition of Communist propaganda is not a compelling argument.

Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The people in the US that are getting screwed are the people that work and have to pay taxes and that money is given away to asshole Welfare Queens and Illegals.

That is the big injustice. Government saps liberty and creates slavery to the state. Disgusting, isn't it?
Republicans have been in charge for the last 35 years and screwing the s*** out of the working class the middle class and our infrastructure and cost for college and training and have stopped all progress until ACA... And you are brainwashed into believing it is the fault of the poor. Only propaganda makes this s*** possible. The country is going to hell except for the rich. Slowly but surely.... Not to mention the corruption and stupid Wars of your party dipstick.

I am not a Republican so you can take partisan bullshit and cram it up your demented Moon Bat ass.

At the end of the day Republicans are just as much big government progressives as the filthy ass Democrats.
What the hell does filthy ass mean, Super dupe? If you're not a Democrat and repeat GOP BS arguments you might as well be a Republican. Big government my ass for the Democrats. Good regulation and organized healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training does not mean you have big government super dupe. We used to have very cheap public universities before Reagan. And Republicans grow the number of people in government not Democrats. And they also don't raise taxes on the Non rich...

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Let's see what Vladimir Lenin, who wasn't interested in whitewashing either socialism or Communism to get suckers to fall for them, had to say about it:

The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.
You heard it here, folks -- the guy who ran the most powerful Communist empire in history was wrong about Communism.

You're dismissed.
I have a master's in history and you are what is known as an ignoramus LOL. He thought the Communist revolution would happen in England because of the industrial revolution but it happened in a backward Russia. He did not foresee the em b o u r g e o i s e m e n t of the working class. That is they became middle class because because of progress and unions which you idiots have been destroying for 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper. You are a running dog dupe of the capitalist swine LOL. Since we no longer have the greatest generation or strong unions, we need our government to give us some progress. That is called socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world.
You're proof that "educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent".

Mindless repetition of Communist propaganda is not a compelling argument.
You are a dupe of a****** rich people. Ok? LOL

We have Americans in need. We can't take care of everybody else, too.

We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.

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