Socialism = Capitalism plus

Some many on the right use socialism loosely. Big whoop. We get it.
You regressive leftists change words definitions more that a newborn does diapers
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
You stil have yet to say one thing that tells us all you are debating anything at all. You come here to say nothing. Congratulations!
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
And to think that in libraries and college book stores are books on political ideologies. In fact, read the Declaration of Independence for a take on liberalism. For even more, read of America's real beginning: The Age of Enlightenment.
And to think that in libraries and college book stores are books on political ideologies. In fact, read the Declaration of Independence for a take on liberalism. For even more, read of America's real beginning: The Age of Enlightenment.
Modern liberals don't accept the validity of the Declaration of Independence.
And to think that in libraries and college book stores are books on political ideologies. In fact, read the Declaration of Independence for a take on liberalism. For even more, read of America's real beginning: The Age of Enlightenment.
Modern liberals don't accept the validity of the Declaration of Independence.
And your evidence?
Whats there to debate, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck? I agreed many on the right perverse its meaning. Im just saying you acting like its a big deal is ignorant.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
And to think that in libraries and college book stores are books on political ideologies. In fact, read the Declaration of Independence for a take on liberalism. For even more, read of America's real beginning: The Age of Enlightenment.
Modern liberals don't accept the validity of the Declaration of Independence.
You have no clue about them or anything else, super duper dupe. Super to protect you believe a pile of crap and conspiracy theories.
Many on the right also misuse the term 'liberal', because windbags such as Limbaugh and Hannity have trained them to do it. Democrats are not liberal.
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
Yes they are and it is a great thing to be, misinformed one...
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
JFK did? LOL. Classical liberalism appears to be another thing the GOP propaganda machine uses to confuse you poor suckers....
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
JFK did? LOL. Classical liberalism appears to be another thing the GOP propaganda machine uses to confuse you poor suckers....
Not really. It's a valid distinction. The irony is, it usually only comes up when Democrats or progressives claim that the founders were "liberals". While that's true, the definition of liberalism was radically different then. Liberalism used to be focused on protecting individual rights. In particular, protecting them from government. Modern liberals mock that ethos.
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
JFK did? LOL. Classical liberalism appears to be another thing the GOP propaganda machine uses to confuse you poor suckers....
Not really. It's a valid distinction. The irony is, it usually only comes up when Democrats or progressives claim that the founders were "liberals". While that's true, the definition of liberalism was radically different then. Liberalism used to be focused on protecting individual rights. In particular, protecting them from government. Modern liberals mock that ethos.

Yeah, the founding fathers wanted freedom from government telling them how they had to live. Modern "liberals" want freedom to force pizza owners to cater a special interest group, or be forced out of business by government.

Classic liberalism, has almost nothing in common with idiotic modern liberalism.

Lenin was wrong about that and everything else except for the fact that workers were getting screwed back then. Then we fixed that and now the GOP has wrecked it again. Only propaganda makes it possible super duper.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The people in the US that are getting screwed are the people that work and have to pay taxes and that money is given away to asshole Welfare Queens and Illegals.

That is the big injustice. Government saps liberty and creates slavery to the state. Disgusting, isn't it?
Republicans have been in charge for the last 35 years and screwing the s*** out of the working class the middle class and our infrastructure and cost for college and training and have stopped all progress until ACA... And you are brainwashed into believing it is the fault of the poor. Only propaganda makes this s*** possible. The country is going to hell except for the rich. Slowly but surely.... Not to mention the corruption and stupid Wars of your party dipstick.

I am not a Republican so you can take partisan bullshit and cram it up your demented Moon Bat ass.

At the end of the day Republicans are just as much big government progressives as the filthy ass Democrats.
What the hell does filthy ass mean, Super dupe? If you're not a Democrat and repeat GOP BS arguments you might as well be a Republican. Big government my ass for the Democrats. Good regulation and organized healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training does not mean you have big government super dupe. We used to have very cheap public universities before Reagan. And Republicans grow the number of people in government not Democrats. And they also don't raise taxes on the Non rich...

You are really confused aren't you Moon Bat?

Republicans promise good government but usually delivers the same bad big government that we get from the Democrats.

Democrats always promises bad big government and always delivers bad big government.

At the end of the day not much difference.

The enemy of the American people are the Liberals of both parties and the stupid jackasses that keep on voting in Liberal assholes. You know, jackasses like you.
We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
Stop blaming the poor for the results of your scumbag GOP policies that have destroyed opportunity the last 35 years. Everyone would rather have a good job.
I'm not blaming the poor. Obviously. Stop parroting your Marxist programming.

I'm blaming Democrats. Obviously, Stop being stupid.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.
Do you have any argument at all, troll. I have never seen a democratic troll. They are well informed and have arguments, actual facts at their behest. And I'm beginning to agree with Charles de Gaulle that Anglo Americans are idiots, always screwing people over and congratulating themselves for having the English channel and the Atlantic ocean to protect them.... Brexit and Trump are misinformed idiocy... Of course I mean only right wing Anglo Americans imperialist Savage capitalist misinformed twits who hate about 80% of their compatriots.
You have a history degree?

Talk to a lawyer. You have a good case for a malpractice suit against whatever university filled your head with bullshit.
We don't need the government taking care of "Americans in need".

They need to take care of themselves.

I may chose to help them because I am a generous person but I don't need the friggin government to take my money by force and giving it away to somebody else.
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
GOP mythology is so f***** up and also not true.
I keep saying Communists are stupid.

You keep proving me right.
Brainwashed hater dupe.. dont even know what liberal means... smh
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
JFK did? LOL. Classical liberalism appears to be another thing the GOP propaganda machine uses to confuse you poor suckers....
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

-- John F. Kennedy

My fellow undocumented immigrants, ask not what you can do for America, ask what America can do for you.

-- Democrats in 2019

If JFK were alive today, he'd be thrown out of the Democratic Party.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.
Do you have any argument at all, troll. I have never seen a democratic troll. They are well informed and have arguments, actual facts at their behest. And I'm beginning to agree with Charles de Gaulle that Anglo Americans are idiots, always screwing people over and congratulating themselves for having the English channel and the Atlantic ocean to protect them.... Brexit and Trump are misinformed idiocy... Of course I mean only right wing Anglo Americans imperialist Savage capitalist misinformed twits who hate about 80% of their compatriots.
You have a history degree?

Talk to a lawyer. You have a good case for a malpractice suit against whatever university filled your head with bullshit.
I am very impressed with your opinion LOL. when do you think journalists and law enforcement will catch up with your conspiracy theories?
Veterans broken in service to the nation earned the help they need.


Veterans earn their benefits. Unlike the welfare queen Democrat voting block.
Obvious stupid racist code. Republican white people are on welfare just as much as Democratic white people, super duper.
Uh huh. Thing is, I don't believe anyone who is capable of working should be on public assistance. Race and politics are absolutely unimportant.

The Democratic Party has made it a policy for decades of keeping people dependent on government.
Stop blaming the poor for the results of your scumbag GOP policies that have destroyed opportunity the last 35 years. Everyone would rather have a good job.
I'm not blaming the poor. Obviously. Stop parroting your Marxist programming.

I'm blaming Democrats. Obviously, Stop being stupid.
Yep, just because college has quadrupled in cost while pay has remained steady has nothing to do with it. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you... We had many almost free public universities in till Reagan got a hold of them....
I have the same definition as JFK, God knows where you get yours from the ridiculous bulshit GOP propaganda service.
The actual definition, dumbfuck
Very mysterious, super duper. According to who what is your source are you talking about classical liberalism?
Classic liberalism IS liberalism. You bedwetters took it over with your lies and manipulation
JFK did? LOL. Classical liberalism appears to be another thing the GOP propaganda machine uses to confuse you poor suckers....
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

-- John F. Kennedy

My fellow undocumented immigrants, ask not what you can do for America, ask what America can do for you.

-- Democrats in 2019

If JFK were alive today, he'd be thrown out of the Democratic Party.
94% of illegals work, they do not vote they do not get welfare the kids go to school that's it, super dupe. 65% pay taxes 35% own homes of the adult males.
yes they have National ID cards unlike the GOP who love cheap easily bullied labor and brainwashing doops like you. Brainwashed functional moron. All other modern countries have a living wage Healthcare day care paid parental leave 5 week vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training and actually tax the rich more percentage-wise than the rest. They are not brainwashed functional morons like you.
BTW, fifth-columnist fuckface, bandwagon fallacy isn't an argument....So pack your bags and GTFO.
Do you have any argument at all, troll. I have never seen a democratic troll. They are well informed and have arguments, actual facts at their behest. And I'm beginning to agree with Charles de Gaulle that Anglo Americans are idiots, always screwing people over and congratulating themselves for having the English channel and the Atlantic ocean to protect them.... Brexit and Trump are misinformed idiocy... Of course I mean only right wing Anglo Americans imperialist Savage capitalist misinformed twits who hate about 80% of their compatriots.
You have a history degree?

Talk to a lawyer. You have a good case for a malpractice suit against whatever university filled your head with bullshit.
I am very impressed with your opinion LOL. when do you think journalists and law enforcement will catch up with your conspiracy theories?
I'd educate you, but you're ineducable. You're a Marxist.

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