Socialism, government for the stupid


Somalia is where it is today because it adopted communism, and that collapsed, as it always does. It's not an example of limited government. Anyone who uses Somalia as an example of limited government only proves that he's a clueless moron.

Somalia is a communist country?

I thought it was the Ayn Rand paradise without government, taxes and regulations where everyone had a gun to defend their free enterprise

Somalia is where it is today because it adopted communism, and that collapsed, as it always does. It's not an example of limited government. Anyone who uses Somalia as an example of limited government only proves that he's a clueless moron.

Somalia is a communist country?

I thought it was the Ayn Rand paradise without government, taxes and regulations where everyone had a gun to defend their free enterprise

Well, if you had intelligence you would now know. Those who support Socialism do not have the intelligence to run a Government.

Somalia is the end result, look at thee most socialist cities in the USA, Detroit and Flint.
Isn't it pathetic watching American left piles of ignorant shit trying to claim how horrible the free market is and how bad it is here?

They deny they are socialists yet they defend it at every turn. All while enjoying ALL of they things the free market has given them.

At this point I am actually willing to live through the disaster just so I can see the unreal misery socialism is going to bring to these snot nosed ignorant fucking pawns.

Say, wasn't Florida suppose to be underwater by this time last week? I am still here. The sea has not all. Yet the left claims it has. Uhhhhhh, what, does it rise in certain parts of the ocean but not in others. Interesting. Did I go off topic there? Well, my point is the left are nothing pawns for their socialist scumbags. To me, I did not go off topic at all.
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Where are the successful democratic nations in the world that are devoid of any socialist institutions?
List the examples of socialism in the US,

and then tell us how much better the US would be if each were eliminated.
Promote the General Welfare is fitting for Liberals.............As this clause has been abused to the point of destroying the economic future of our country..................done by the courts to change the meaning of this clause mainly under FDR

WWII and the Great Depression helped cause this under the tactic never let a good crisis go to waste...........Yet the end result was Wasteful spending to oblivion............
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?
Types of Government
In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways.

Uhm, no, they ended child labor and made a min. wage law..and it was not going to happen naturally, or it would have happened without govt. intervention...and that was not even socialism.....

Hmmm, you're wrong about that. Child labor ended when our economy became productive enough so that children didn't have to work for a family to avoid starvation. It had largely disappeared before they pass laws against it.

Bottom line: it did end without government intervention.

Before they became Socialist, Great Britian, France, Argentina and Greece were once world powers
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?

Socialism without government is called a commune, Socialism with government is called a fucking disaster
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?

Socialism without government is called a commune, Socialism with government is called a fucking disaster

Oh look! A simpleton weighs in!

What is capitalism without government?
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?

Socialism without government is called a commune, Socialism with government is called a fucking disaster

Oh look! A simpleton weighs in!

What is capitalism without government?

The OP and the defenders of the idea that socialism is for the stupid have to find a new adjective to describe those who promote socialism. Actually, they have to show why this guy makes the case that socialism makes logical sense to the smartest. According to him, socialism is the intelligent choice.

Lets see how long it takes for someone to make the claim that this guy was stupid.
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Americans will not be voting for a Hitler or a Stalin; this rant ^^^ is one more example of the ignorance of the masses who comport an economic system as the same as a political system.

Hitler and Stalin were authoritarian despots who governed with an iron fist. Both were supported by an elite oligarchy who enjoyed wealth and privilege far beyond that of the ordinary citizen.

Considering Sanders stump speech, it is far and away from the governance of those the depots who ran and run totalitarian nations.
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government.

Is there a good reason why you don't know that?

Socialism without government is called a commune, Socialism with government is called a fucking disaster

Oh look! A simpleton weighs in!

What is capitalism without government?

Socialism, it's a way of life

Are you tryng to get on the Koch Brothers Post to Make Liberals look like morons too?

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