Socialism in action

Agree. GM was failing in my opinion (It Essentially was a Hoax) because they were investing all their money in China and Mexico instead of their aging plants in The US.

The banks should have been allowed to fail period.

Socialism is your bank bailouts of 07-08 under both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Socialism is publicly funded stadiums/cathedrals for uber wealthy pro sports team owners. Socialism is what farmers are receiving now to offset the hit they are taking on Don's "China trade war" shtick. Socialism is what we do for folks like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. America has a long and rich history of socialism woven through our economic system, we just reserve socialism in the US for the proper class of folk.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Capital is afraid their little sham of the past half century may get disrupted:

Yup, same for General Motors.
They would have survived a reorganization bankruptcy WITHOUT American tax dollars being wasted first.
the nation's welfare system is a monstrous, consuming outrage—an outrage against the community, against the taxpayer, and particularly against the children that it is supposed to help.
the nation's welfare system is a monstrous, consuming outrage—an outrage against the community, against the taxpayer, and particularly against the children that it is supposed to help.
So America's welfare doesn't help the children, I guess the Trump Republicans
got their hands in the children's cookie bowl also.
Agree. GM was failing in my opinion (It Essentially was a Hoax) because they were investing all their money in China and Mexico instead of their aging plants in The US.

The banks should have been allowed to fail period.

Socialism is your bank bailouts of 07-08 under both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Socialism is publicly funded stadiums/cathedrals for uber wealthy pro sports team owners. Socialism is what farmers are receiving now to offset the hit they are taking on Don's "China trade war" shtick. Socialism is what we do for folks like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. America has a long and rich history of socialism woven through our economic system, we just reserve socialism in the US for the proper class of folk.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Capital is afraid their little sham of the past half century may get disrupted:

Yup, same for General Motors.
They would have survived a reorganization bankruptcy WITHOUT American tax dollars being wasted first.

Well why would they invest money into something that is not turning a profit?

The reason they were investing in China and Mexico, is because those places were making tons of money.

You send good money, after bad. Not how you do things.
the nation's welfare system is a monstrous, consuming outrage—an outrage against the community, against the taxpayer, and particularly against the children that it is supposed to help.
So America's welfare doesn't help the children, I guess the Trump Republicans
got their hands in the children's cookie bowl also.

Welfare inherently harms the person on it. If you learn to live on welfare, you never learn to live on your own hard work... and hard work is how you move out of poverty.

Promoting welfare, is the moral equivalent to promoting slavery... just slavery to the state, rather than some other individual.
So why hasn't the Trump administration gotten rid of anything that smells of socialism?
We aren't a dictatorship. What socialism that Trump has the power to end, would you like him to end?

All those socialistic programs that have turned America into communist nation, The Republicans can surely give us a list. I think the first to go should be the soup kitchens and work farms the founders created, and then work up to Social Security.
So why hasn't the Trump administration gotten rid of anything that smells of socialism?
We aren't a dictatorship. What socialism that Trump has the power to end, would you like him to end?

All those socialistic programs that have turned America into communist nation, The Republicans can surely give us a list. I think the first to go should be the soup kitchens and work farms the founders created, and then work up to Social Security.
If you can think of any let me know.

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