Socialism in action

Socialism is your bank bailouts of 07-08 under both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Socialism is publicly funded stadiums/cathedrals for uber wealthy pro sports team owners. Socialism is what farmers are receiving now to offset the hit they are taking on Don's "China trade war" shtick. Socialism is what we do for folks like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. America has a long and rich history of socialism woven through our economic system, we just reserve socialism in the US for the proper class of folk.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Capital is afraid their little sham of the past half century may get disrupted:


I love it when you post this chart. Nothing proves the success of capitalism more than the stats. Increasing productivity and producing more while keeping costs and inflation down benefits everyone on the planet.

You now get to own a 50" flat screen TV for a few hundred bucks which would have cost you $4000.00 10 years ago.

And everyone who owns one is a capitalist pig by default.
Nothing better illustrates what capital does to workers, you betcha billybob. Maybe you can get a Cadillac too next year.

There is your wealth redistribution, out of society into the stash of capital.

Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build.

You're not very bright, even for a Socialist.

Don't you even bother to look something up before open your pie hole?
It takes just SECONDS and will make you look so much smarter:

In 1914, Henry Ford made a big announcement that shocked the country. ......

That morning, Ford would begin paying his employees $5.00 a day, over twice the average wage for automakers in 1914.

In addition, he was reducing the work day from 9 hours to 8 hours, a significant drop from the 60-hour work week that was the standard in American manufacturing.""""

Why Did Henry Ford Double His Minimum Wage? | The Saturday Evening Post

Another Socialist idiot who can't keep up. Ford would not have been able to increase his workers pay without developing the technology to improve productivity FIRST. Now go sit in the corner with your dunce buddy.
Socialism is your bank bailouts of 07-08 under both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Socialism is publicly funded stadiums/cathedrals for uber wealthy pro sports team owners. Socialism is what farmers are receiving now to offset the hit they are taking on Don's "China trade war" shtick. Socialism is what we do for folks like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. America has a long and rich history of socialism woven through our economic system, we just reserve socialism in the US for the proper class of folk.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Capital is afraid their little sham of the past half century may get disrupted:


I love it when you post this chart. Nothing proves the success of capitalism more than the stats. Increasing productivity and producing more while keeping costs and inflation down benefits everyone on the planet.

You now get to own a 50" flat screen TV for a few hundred bucks which would have cost you $4000.00 10 years ago.

And everyone who owns one is a capitalist pig by default.
Nothing better illustrates what capital does to workers, you betcha billybob. Maybe you can get a Cadillac too next year.

There is your wealth redistribution, out of society into the stash of capital.

Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build.

You're not very bright, even for a Socialist.

Don't you even bother to look something up before open your pie hole?
It takes just SECONDS and will make you look so much smarter:

In 1914, Henry Ford made a big announcement that shocked the country. ......

That morning, Ford would begin paying his employees $5.00 a day, over twice the average wage for automakers in 1914.

In addition, he was reducing the work day from 9 hours to 8 hours, a significant drop from the 60-hour work week that was the standard in American manufacturing.""""

Why Did Henry Ford Double His Minimum Wage? | The Saturday Evening Post

Another Socialist idiot who can't keep up. Ford would not have been able to increase his workers pay without developing the technology to improve productivity FIRST. Now go sit in the corner with your dunce buddy.
Nice foul mouth.
No college, no idea where snowflake and liberal came from?
Just blab knees news?
Socialism is your bank bailouts of 07-08 under both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Socialism is publicly funded stadiums/cathedrals for uber wealthy pro sports team owners. Socialism is what farmers are receiving now to offset the hit they are taking on Don's "China trade war" shtick. Socialism is what we do for folks like Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. America has a long and rich history of socialism woven through our economic system, we just reserve socialism in the US for the proper class of folk.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Capital is afraid their little sham of the past half century may get disrupted:


I love it when you post this chart. Nothing proves the success of capitalism more than the stats. Increasing productivity and producing more while keeping costs and inflation down benefits everyone on the planet.

You now get to own a 50" flat screen TV for a few hundred bucks which would have cost you $4000.00 10 years ago.

And everyone who owns one is a capitalist pig by default.
Nothing better illustrates what capital does to workers, you betcha billybob. Maybe you can get a Cadillac too next year.

There is your wealth redistribution, out of society into the stash of capital.

Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build.

You're not very bright, even for a Socialist.

Don't you even bother to look something up before open your pie hole?
It takes just SECONDS and will make you look so much smarter:

In 1914, Henry Ford made a big announcement that shocked the country. ......

That morning, Ford would begin paying his employees $5.00 a day, over twice the average wage for automakers in 1914.

In addition, he was reducing the work day from 9 hours to 8 hours, a significant drop from the 60-hour work week that was the standard in American manufacturing.""""

Why Did Henry Ford Double His Minimum Wage? | The Saturday Evening Post

Another Socialist idiot who can't keep up. Ford would not have been able to increase his workers pay without developing the technology to improve productivity FIRST. Now go sit in the corner with your dunce buddy.

It was the industrial revolution pard, lots of folks were developing the technology to improve productivity. Ford doubled his workers salaries. That fact shot down your:

"Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build."

So now you've retreated to the current Hail Mary.

And as is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers you feel the need to get the conversation off of the wealth redistribution out of the hands of working americans over the past half century indicated by the graph.

Here's capital's goal, it's all right there in the graph, but you can keep on denying it if ya like. Even though it clearly shows that increases in worker productivity and wealth generation for a company bears no relationship to worker compensation. For half a century. In america.

Jobs are great, that's why lots of americans have 2-3 to get by.
View attachment 284461

Nothing is free and the results often reflect this.
Perfect metaphor for the farmers.

first they receive billions in subsidies. Socialism.

then they are bailed out. Socialism.

then they are bailed out again. More socialism.

and at the end of the day, those doing the bailing out have to pay for the food they were paid to grow.
Sucking off your socialist SS Medicare?
View attachment 284461

Nothing is free and the results often reflect this.
Perfect metaphor for the farmers.

first they receive billions in subsidies. Socialism.

then they are bailed out. Socialism.

then they are bailed out again. More socialism.

and at the end of the day, those doing the bailing out have to pay for the food they were paid to grow.
Sucking off your socialist SS Medicare?
Get your dirty gubmental hand offa my SS and Medicare! We the people should never do anything together for all of us.
View attachment 284461

Nothing is free and the results often reflect this.
Perfect metaphor for the farmers.

first they receive billions in subsidies. Socialism.

then they are bailed out. Socialism.

then they are bailed out again. More socialism.

and at the end of the day, those doing the bailing out have to pay for the food they were paid to grow.
Sucking off your socialist SS Medicare?

collecting money you piad into your SS account isnt socialism-

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
View attachment 284461

Nothing is free and the results often reflect this.
Perfect metaphor for the farmers.

first they receive billions in subsidies. Socialism.

then they are bailed out. Socialism.

then they are bailed out again. More socialism.

and at the end of the day, those doing the bailing out have to pay for the food they were paid to grow.
Sucking off your socialist SS Medicare?

collecting money you piad into your SS account isnt socialism-

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yet so many of you lefty loons say it is socialism...go figure.
I love it when you post this chart. Nothing proves the success of capitalism more than the stats. Increasing productivity and producing more while keeping costs and inflation down benefits everyone on the planet.

You now get to own a 50" flat screen TV for a few hundred bucks which would have cost you $4000.00 10 years ago.

And everyone who owns one is a capitalist pig by default.
Nothing better illustrates what capital does to workers, you betcha billybob. Maybe you can get a Cadillac too next year.

There is your wealth redistribution, out of society into the stash of capital.

Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build.

You're not very bright, even for a Socialist.

Don't you even bother to look something up before open your pie hole?
It takes just SECONDS and will make you look so much smarter:

In 1914, Henry Ford made a big announcement that shocked the country. ......

That morning, Ford would begin paying his employees $5.00 a day, over twice the average wage for automakers in 1914.

In addition, he was reducing the work day from 9 hours to 8 hours, a significant drop from the 60-hour work week that was the standard in American manufacturing.""""

Why Did Henry Ford Double His Minimum Wage? | The Saturday Evening Post

Another Socialist idiot who can't keep up. Ford would not have been able to increase his workers pay without developing the technology to improve productivity FIRST. Now go sit in the corner with your dunce buddy.

It was the industrial revolution pard, lots of folks were developing the technology to improve productivity. Ford doubled his workers salaries. That fact shot down your:

"Hey, dipshit, increased productivity was what made it possible for a Ford factory worker to be able to buy a Model T he helped build."

So now you've retreated to the current Hail Mary.

And as is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers you feel the need to get the conversation off of the wealth redistribution out of the hands of working americans over the past half century indicated by the graph.

Here's capital's goal, it's all right there in the graph, but you can keep on denying it if ya like. Even though it clearly shows that increases in worker productivity and wealth generation for a company bears no relationship to worker compensation. For half a century. In america.

Jobs are great, that's why lots of americans have 2-3 to get by.

Ford was part of the industrial revolution which was fueled by capitalism. Working Americans (before that) were mostly agrarian and supported themselves with family farms, ranching, etc. The Industrial Revolution created capital that was sought after by both agrarian workers and socialists. You seem to assume that capital accumulation should be regulated by some government entity. We have enough that now with the FED basically controlling our basic monetary policies. How has that worked out?

Full blown socialism puts government in charge of everyone's capital income whether from wages or business profit. That is a recipe for disaster. A 'lot' of Americans have 2 to 3 jobs due to an oversupply of workers which has part of its roots in women working which started after WWII when women had to support their men who went off to war. Whether you think that is good or bad makes no difference, it just is.

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