Socialism is a failure part 1 - Chile


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
The acceptance and desire for socialism requires a mass socialist infiltration and destruction of our education system in which child abuse and neglect are incurred in order to dumb down the and brainwash innocent children. There is no greater destructive force of prosperity, and no greater creator of poverty than socialism. When it comes to socialism, marxism, communism, there is not one positive thing to say about any of them, except if you are of the ruling class elite, or some worthless pile of shit who refuses to work and wants to freeload off of those who do work. There is so much to discuss in the nothing positive about, destructive, initiative-killing, not to mention killing of the opposition evil concept of socialism. While socialism may sound appealing to those who are victims of our socialist dumbed-down education system and those who don't want to work for their income, it is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of mankind.

Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened? The socialist tyrants nationalized businesses, industry and farms; private property nearly became a thing of the past. As socialism took its roots, the impact of it started to prevail - that is, the economy came to a halt. Like all failures of socialism, what happened? They started to print massive amounts of money to cover up the failure of socialism in a desperate attempt to save the economy. This lead to a 750% increase in cost of living and unemployment skyrocketed higher than NASA could ever fly to. This eventually lead to a repressive coup in Chile.

This is just one of many examples of the failure of socialism. There is a theory by con artists and the ignorant, in that "socialism just hasn't been done correctly". Well, outside of the evil con artists who are advocating this tyranny; those who believe that it just needs to be done right are equivalent to the person who keeps shoving their head up their ass in hopes of finding a gold mine instead of shit.
Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened?
1973 coup
In the Chilean coup of 1973, Augusto Pinochet rose to power, overthrowing the democratically elected president Salvador Allende. A subsequent September 2000 report from the CIA, using declassified documents related to the military coup, found that the CIA "probably appeared to condone" the 1973 coup, but that there was "no evidence" that the US actually participated in it.[30] This view has been challenged by some authors, who have stated that the covert support of the United States was crucial to the preparation for the coup, the coup itself, and the consolidation of the regime afterward.[18][19][31] It seemed to the CIA that, even if this coup did not come together, Allende would still have a very difficult political future.[32] This point of view has been supported by non-scholarly commentary.[33][34]

According to the CIA document "CIA Activities in Chile", dated 18 September 2000, during late summer 1973, the local CIA station suggested that the US commit itself to support a military coup. In response, CIA Headquarters reaffirmed to the station that "there was to be no involvement with the military in any covert action initiative; there was no support for instigating a military coup."[35]

On the issue of CIA involvement in the 1973 coup, the CIA document is equally explicit:

On 10 September 1973 -- the day before the coup that ended the Allende government -- a Chilean military officer reported to a CIA officer that a coup was being planned and asked for US government assistance. He was told that the US Government would not provide any assistance because this was strictly an internal Chilean matter. The Station Officer also told him his request would be forwarded to Washington. CIA learned of the exact date of the coup shortly before it took place. During the attack on the Presidential Palace and its immediate aftermath, the Station's activities were limited to providing intelligence and situation reports.[35]
The report of the Church Committee, published in 1975, stated that during the period leading up to the coup, the CIA received information about potential coup plots.

Sound familiar ?

Same thing may happen here.
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Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened?
1973 coup
In the Chilean coup of 1973, Augusto Pinochet rose to power, overthrowing the democratically elected president Salvador Allende. A subsequent September 2000 report from the CIA, using declassified documents related to the military coup, found that the CIA "probably appeared to condone" the 1973 coup, but that there was "no evidence" that the US actually participated in it.[30] This view has been challenged by some authors, who have stated that the covert support of the United States was crucial to the preparation for the coup, the coup itself, and the consolidation of the regime afterward.[18][19][31] It seemed to the CIA that, even if this coup did not come together, Allende would still have a very difficult political future.[32] This point of view has been supported by non-scholarly commentary.[33][34]

According to the CIA document "CIA Activities in Chile", dated 18 September 2000, during late summer 1973, the local CIA station suggested that the US commit itself to support a military coup. In response, CIA Headquarters reaffirmed to the station that "there was to be no involvement with the military in any covert action initiative; there was no support for instigating a military coup."[35]

On the issue of CIA involvement in the 1973 coup, the CIA document is equally explicit:

On 10 September 1973 -- the day before the coup that ended the Allende government -- a Chilean military officer reported to a CIA officer that a coup was being planned and asked for US government assistance. He was told that the US Government would not provide any assistance because this was strictly an internal Chilean matter. The Station Officer also told him his request would be forwarded to Washington. CIA learned of the exact date of the coup shortly before it took place. During the attack on the Presidential Palace and its immediate aftermath, the Station's activities were limited to providing intelligence and situation reports.[35]
The report of the Church Committee, published in 1975, stated that during the period leading up to the coup, the CIA received information about potential coup plots.

This view has been challenged by some authors, who have stated that the covert support of the United States was crucial to the preparation for the coup, the coup itself, and the consolidation of the regime afterward.

I disagree with that claim too. When you see your country falling apart, you don't need a media campaign to prove it to you. When it costs $5 for some eggs yesterday, and $50 today, and they say will cost $500 tomorrow.... you need processionals from CIA to let you know socialism sucks.

It's just like I don't need right-wing radio to tell me Democrats are for chaos and anarchy, when I can see the police doing absolutely nothing stop a bunch of rioters burning down the city, and vandalizing landmarks and memorials.
This view has been challenged by some authors, who have stated that the covert support of the United States was crucial to the preparation for the coup, the coup itself, and the consolidation of the regime afterward.

I disagree with that claim too. When you see your country falling apart, you don't need a media campaign to prove it to you. When it costs $5 for some eggs yesterday, and $50 today, and they say will cost $500 tomorrow.... you need processionals from CIA to let you know socialism sucks.

It's just like I don't need right-wing radio to tell me Democrats are for chaos and anarchy, when I can see the police doing absolutely nothing stop a bunch of rioters burning down the city, and vandalizing landmarks and memorials.

My only argument is that if socialism is so bad, why did we interfere ?
Wouldn't you have a better argument if we had stepped back and let it fail on its' own ?
Venezuela had oil and wealth. after socialism they have nothing but crime in the streets, universal hunger, and an obese president
This view has been challenged by some authors, who have stated that the covert support of the United States was crucial to the preparation for the coup, the coup itself, and the consolidation of the regime afterward.

I disagree with that claim too. When you see your country falling apart, you don't need a media campaign to prove it to you. When it costs $5 for some eggs yesterday, and $50 today, and they say will cost $500 tomorrow.... you need processionals from CIA to let you know socialism sucks.

It's just like I don't need right-wing radio to tell me Democrats are for chaos and anarchy, when I can see the police doing absolutely nothing stop a bunch of rioters burning down the city, and vandalizing landmarks and memorials.

My only argument is that if socialism is so bad, why did we interfere ?
Wouldn't you have a better argument if we had stepped back and let it fail on its' own ?

Now that, I entirely agree with, in *MOST* situations.

Have you ever dealt with an alcoholic? The worst thing you can do for an alcoholic, is pay their rent, when they drink it away. And the reason why, is because from that moment on, no matter what happens, they'll blame you for it not working.

The best thing you can do, is completely and utterly avoid any involvement, so that when their life implodes, they can see clearly no one else caused this, there was no one else to blame, it all their doing. And when someone realizes they have no one else to blame, then they are forced to understand the consequences of their own choices, which results in better choices.

BTW, this is why conservatives are against all forms of government welfare. The reason people stay poor for decades on end, is because with government assistance, they are never required to make the choices to improve their lives.

SIMILARLY... as we've seen with Cuba, and Venezuela, and Chile, and Greece, and on and on and on around the whole world.... every time socialism fails, if there is even the smallest of interventions by anyone, instantly they blame that intervention for their economic national crash.

Cuba. Do you know that Cuba since the 1950s has been exporting tons of tabacco, sugar, ores, alcohol and other goods? Did you know they have been shipping to China, to Spain, to Europe and Asia?

But every time you hear about why Cuba is doing so badly, and their people live in utter poverty, how they at one point were a first world country, and now are a third world country, what is the excuse that hear over and over? The US Embargo! How does a trade embargo cause someone to be poor, when they are trading with nearly every other country on the planet?

You'll hear from people, but the amount of trade has declined! Heck yeah, it declined. They confiscated all the businesses, and all the wealthy people fled Cuba for other countries, and tons of them ended up in Miami.
When the businesses people leave, you tend to produce less goods. And what fewer good you produce will be damaged by socialism, which fails every single time it's tried.

But..... that embargo has been a perfect scapegoat for the Castro regime for now 70 years.

But eventually those scapegoat claims wear out. All of the improvements in Cuba today... ALL of them... have been because the Cuban government has cautiously embraced Capitalism.

Cuba embraced tourism... which is Capitalism. European tourist pay good money, to go to resorts in Cuba. The Cubans make a profit from this.

The Cuban government transferred millions of acres of land, into private ownership, which resulted in the land being developed, and productive.

They now have private business, like hair salons, taxis, restaurants, and more. All Capitalist.

But back to your point... I agree with you, that the US government should have been far less involved in Socialism around the world, because all they needed to do was get out of the way and let it fail.

The only exception to that, I would say, is when it came to our allies being over run and slaughtered. The US pulling out of Vietnam, was the worst move in US history. Millions of people were killed. Literally slaughtered, while the left-wingers cheered and celebrated their blood being spilt.

That's one area, that I think we should have stood by our allies.
SIMILARLY... as we've seen with Cuba, and Venezuela, and Chile, and Greece, and on and on and on around the whole world.... every time socialism fails, if there is even the smallest of interventions by anyone, instantly they blame that intervention for their economic national crash.

I thought I'd just add to this, the story of Greece is a perfect example. It was the most baffling mind blowing example in recent history honestly.

At one point during the Greek crisis.... the government of Greece had absolutely ZERO money. They had ZERO money. Not, very little money... they had none.

This is when the Banks closed, and pensioners were sitting in the street crying because they had nothing. They had put their hope for retirement in the hands of politicians, and now they were broke.

So the Greek government signed a deal with the IMF, for a large infusion of cash loans. Using that money, they started paying out pensioners in reduced pensions.

The very next week, we saw across the entire country, protests against the IMF.

I was just completely thunderstruck. The ONLY MONEY they had... was from those IMF loans, and they were now protesting the IMF, because their pensions were lower.

Same was with Germany. Germany was not required to give Greece a penny, but they did. Then you had them saying Angela Merkel was a Nazi.

So I am very much in favor of just completely having a hands off, "Go completely destroy yourselves and die" view of Socialism. Because any time you try and help people, they blame you for all their failures.
Anyone wonder how an ideology that villifies self sufficiency is supposed to be a functional model? Has any father ever told his son, hey Billy, you don't have to do anything when you grow up, you just work for play money?
The democrat pillar of citizens being helpless unless they are government employees is also fascinating. Life is so unfair that people can not improve their lives. Effort is meaningless. Well, my dad is a custodian, so screw it, time to be a drug dealer.
The acceptance and desire for socialism requires a mass socialist infiltration and destruction of our education system in which child abuse and neglect are incurred in order to dumb down the and brainwash innocent children. There is no greater destructive force of prosperity, and no greater creator of poverty than socialism. When it comes to socialism, marxism, communism, there is not one positive thing to say about any of them, except if you are of the ruling class elite, or some worthless pile of shit who refuses to work and wants to freeload off of those who do work. There is so much to discuss in the nothing positive about, destructive, initiative-killing, not to mention killing of the opposition evil concept of socialism. While socialism may sound appealing to those who are victims of our socialist dumbed-down education system and those who don't want to work for their income, it is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of mankind.

Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened? The socialist tyrants nationalized businesses, industry and farms; private property nearly became a thing of the past. As socialism took its roots, the impact of it started to prevail - that is, the economy came to a halt. Like all failures of socialism, what happened? They started to print massive amounts of money to cover up the failure of socialism in a desperate attempt to save the economy. This lead to a 750% increase in cost of living and unemployment skyrocketed higher than NASA could ever fly to. This eventually lead to a repressive coup in Chile.

This is just one of many examples of the failure of socialism. There is a theory by con artists and the ignorant, in that "socialism just hasn't been done correctly". Well, outside of the evil con artists who are advocating this tyranny; those who believe that it just needs to be done right are equivalent to the person who keeps shoving their head up their ass in hopes of finding a gold mine instead of shit.
Can you tell me why you are posting this history lesson in politics?

Are you trying to argue that Democrats arguing for something like Chili in the seventies? Cause last time I checked people like Warren and Sanders are arguing for a system more similar to those in Europe. Social Democracies in other words.

Allow me to give a little history lesson of my own. It was the socialist parties during the industrial revolution that where to force behind things like pensions, the abolishment of child labor, paid holidays a 5 day work week, universal suffrage etc. etc. Things that most people think of as an improvement, and are largely accepted and completely uncontroversial.

Things that the left wing of the Democratic party advocate for are universal healthcare and affordable education.

My question to you is if those are problematic goals to you?
The acceptance and desire for socialism requires a mass socialist infiltration and destruction of our education system in which child abuse and neglect are incurred in order to dumb down the and brainwash innocent children. There is no greater destructive force of prosperity, and no greater creator of poverty than socialism. When it comes to socialism, marxism, communism, there is not one positive thing to say about any of them, except if you are of the ruling class elite, or some worthless pile of shit who refuses to work and wants to freeload off of those who do work. There is so much to discuss in the nothing positive about, destructive, initiative-killing, not to mention killing of the opposition evil concept of socialism. While socialism may sound appealing to those who are victims of our socialist dumbed-down education system and those who don't want to work for their income, it is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of mankind.

Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened? The socialist tyrants nationalized businesses, industry and farms; private property nearly became a thing of the past. As socialism took its roots, the impact of it started to prevail - that is, the economy came to a halt. Like all failures of socialism, what happened? They started to print massive amounts of money to cover up the failure of socialism in a desperate attempt to save the economy. This lead to a 750% increase in cost of living and unemployment skyrocketed higher than NASA could ever fly to. This eventually lead to a repressive coup in Chile.

This is just one of many examples of the failure of socialism. There is a theory by con artists and the ignorant, in that "socialism just hasn't been done correctly". Well, outside of the evil con artists who are advocating this tyranny; those who believe that it just needs to be done right are equivalent to the person who keeps shoving their head up their ass in hopes of finding a gold mine instead of shit.

Socialism comes in various degrees and forms. It isn't one-size-fits-all. I like American socialism. Don't you?

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
The acceptance and desire for socialism requires a mass socialist infiltration and destruction of our education system in which child abuse and neglect are incurred in order to dumb down the and brainwash innocent children. There is no greater destructive force of prosperity, and no greater creator of poverty than socialism. When it comes to socialism, marxism, communism, there is not one positive thing to say about any of them, except if you are of the ruling class elite, or some worthless pile of shit who refuses to work and wants to freeload off of those who do work. There is so much to discuss in the nothing positive about, destructive, initiative-killing, not to mention killing of the opposition evil concept of socialism. While socialism may sound appealing to those who are victims of our socialist dumbed-down education system and those who don't want to work for their income, it is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of mankind.

Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened? The socialist tyrants nationalized businesses, industry and farms; private property nearly became a thing of the past. As socialism took its roots, the impact of it started to prevail - that is, the economy came to a halt. Like all failures of socialism, what happened? They started to print massive amounts of money to cover up the failure of socialism in a desperate attempt to save the economy. This lead to a 750% increase in cost of living and unemployment skyrocketed higher than NASA could ever fly to. This eventually lead to a repressive coup in Chile.

This is just one of many examples of the failure of socialism. There is a theory by con artists and the ignorant, in that "socialism just hasn't been done correctly". Well, outside of the evil con artists who are advocating this tyranny; those who believe that it just needs to be done right are equivalent to the person who keeps shoving their head up their ass in hopes of finding a gold mine instead of shit.
Can you tell me why you are posting this history lesson in politics?

Are you trying to argue that Democrats arguing for something like Chili in the seventies? Cause last time I checked people like Warren and Sanders are arguing for a system more similar to those in Europe. Social Democracies in other words.

Allow me to give a little history lesson of my own. It was the socialist parties during the industrial revolution that where to force behind things like pensions, the abolishment of child labor, paid holidays a 5 day work week, universal suffrage etc. etc. Things that most people think of as an improvement, and are largely accepted and completely uncontroversial.

Things that the left wing of the Democratic party advocate for are universal healthcare and affordable education.

My question to you is if those are problematic goals to you?
We have openly corrupt politicians running around, school teachers going after students for different opinions, and a media that doesn't care. At this rate, I'm glad history lessons are still allowed. Seriously, with one political party above the law and school curriculum teaching that ALL white people are born racists, we have reached a point that goes beyond mere policy differences. For the love of all, they have allowed open season on police. It is getting scary over here.
...Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened?..

The empire doesn't tolerate socialism... giving the peasants free stuff sets a bad example and might give other 'free market' peasants funny ideas.. so a regime change was organized to protect 'democracy' (and profit$ of course)... but that was in the days the CIA was still competent... these days they're just a joke, just look at the Guaido clown and Eliot Abrams... how's the evil Maduro supposed to feel threatened by that...

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The acceptance and desire for socialism requires a mass socialist infiltration and destruction of our education system in which child abuse and neglect are incurred in order to dumb down the and brainwash innocent children. There is no greater destructive force of prosperity, and no greater creator of poverty than socialism. When it comes to socialism, marxism, communism, there is not one positive thing to say about any of them, except if you are of the ruling class elite, or some worthless pile of shit who refuses to work and wants to freeload off of those who do work. There is so much to discuss in the nothing positive about, destructive, initiative-killing, not to mention killing of the opposition evil concept of socialism. While socialism may sound appealing to those who are victims of our socialist dumbed-down education system and those who don't want to work for their income, it is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of mankind.

Let's start with Chile. In the early 1970's, a once prosperous Chile made the mistake of going socialist. What happened? The socialist tyrants nationalized businesses, industry and farms; private property nearly became a thing of the past. As socialism took its roots, the impact of it started to prevail - that is, the economy came to a halt. Like all failures of socialism, what happened? They started to print massive amounts of money to cover up the failure of socialism in a desperate attempt to save the economy. This lead to a 750% increase in cost of living and unemployment skyrocketed higher than NASA could ever fly to. This eventually lead to a repressive coup in Chile.

This is just one of many examples of the failure of socialism. There is a theory by con artists and the ignorant, in that "socialism just hasn't been done correctly". Well, outside of the evil con artists who are advocating this tyranny; those who believe that it just needs to be done right are equivalent to the person who keeps shoving their head up their ass in hopes of finding a gold mine instead of shit.
Preaching to the choir.

No one advocates for 'socialism.'

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