Socialism ready to save red state rubes from hurricane Dorian.

FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?
It never fails. Every natural disaster spawns one of these retarded threads by partisan fuck faces. You can almost set your watch to it.

And it Never fails that the conservatives avoid the question that it is a socialist program. Or worse they bend over backwards to pretend that it is not socialism.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
The only places in Florida that’s going to get welfare are the the democrat voters lol they will be like “yo where you want me to live” “ they water and shiat in my room” lol
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

What means of production does FEMA control?

FEMA is basically a federal support agency that provides funds and manpower to local State Emergency Response organizations, and coordinates with other Federal Organizations, such as the military with regards to disaster relief.
Let's withhold and stymie aid to our fellow Americans in devastated regions b/c they are filled with __________ voters!
It never fails. Every natural disaster spawns one of these retarded threads by partisan fuck faces. You can almost set your watch to it.

And it Never fails that the conservatives avoid the question that it is a socialist program. Or worse they bend over backwards to pretend that it is not socialism.

Now isn't the time for your silly partisan horseshit. It comes across as petty, callous, and indifferent to the suffering of others.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.
Hey, if these people are expecting help for the hurricane, they need to go out and get jobs and pay for it themselves!

Lazy slob libs!


If thy don’t have proper insurance , too bad for them! Enough of this wealth distribution.

You had no problem with fema bailing out New Orleans after Katrina. This sounds like some sort of weird racist fetish.
Katrina ! Another red state disaster . Thanks for helping my argument.

Harvey flooded houston with 5 foot of rain. Nobody was screaming and crying. Everyone was helping each other. New Orleans, naw, we saw robbing, thugging it up, whining, stealing etc.
Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?
It is not, but it isn't anarchy either.

If you'd pull your head out of your ass you'd know ever program isn't Socialism.

Limited government protects the citizens from what they can't control or protect themselves from.

Socialism just controls everything it can. Even when they know it's counterproductive.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

You are correct Timmy let hold back money and let minority communities in the Southern States suffer...

Great message you are sending...
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

You're wasting your time, that dope is lost beyond belief
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

You're wasting your time, that dope is lost beyond belief

I hold no illusions that Timmy will finally grok reality, but it is important to challenge nonsense that pins the bogometer. Gullible people may fall for his spew.
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

You're wasting your time, that dope is lost beyond belief

I hold no illusions that Timmy will finally grok reality, but it is important to challenge nonsense that pins the bogometer. Gullible people may fall for his spew.

Carry on :)
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

The "Socialists" are not arguing for the government to own production. It doesn't stop people from throwing that word around.[/QUOTE]
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

I don't care what you think as you haven't provided a comment of substance.

My argument is just fine unless you provide a rational counter to it.

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