Socialism ready to save red state rubes from hurricane Dorian.

FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.

Oh so now we are using the true definition?
I've always used the "true definition" as opposed to you and your little playmates in the partisan circus that just make up definitions out of thin air to suit the retarded fairy tales you like to spin.

Cause all I hear is conservatives crying about socialism .
LOL,so you decided to pull a "Monkey see, monkey do" maneuver? congratulations, you managed to prove you're just as foolish as your opponents.
Socialism, that would be Americans conscripted, forced to work, cleaning up after a hurricane.

Capitalism is the government funding FEMA which then pays individuals, private companies, as well as other government agencies created with capital, to clean up and rebuild after a hurricane.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I am ready to stop every cent of payout to any one who gets anything for free in blue areas from the government. Somehow an act of nature is compared to people who live uncivil and violate nature with irresponsible ways of living. You blues seem to leave these areas in droves. Hell, many of us live down here now. You yell what is unfair from a distance to quell your guilt of living off of others.
i regret our nation's march into the Death Valley of Socialism..

Liberalism means practically nothing but socialism or communism or being liberal with other people's money!
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

You're a fcking idiot... there's that.

When you are left with no argument...............resort to name calling. Bravo.

Nobody cares you whine about name calling.

It's not socialism. Venezuela is socialism. Now sit down and stfu

We are Venezuela without the Socialist Federal Reserve. That is not going to last forever.
Venezuela also has a national bank, shit for brains.
Socialism, that would be Americans conscripted, forced to work, cleaning up after a hurricane.

Capitalism is the government funding FEMA which then pays individuals, private companies, as well as other government agencies created with capital.
When government forces me to pay for things I don't want for the price they charge, they are conscripting me.
Chris Christie is a perfect example of this. He whined and complained to the teachers that the money simply wasn't there for raises but he sure went begging for money after Hurricane Sandy hit.
The teachers union is a natural disaster

It's funny how people say to work hard and better yourself to get further ahead but when people want to band together to do that, all of a sudden it's evil.

It's OK for you to go ask for a raise but not people all at once. I suppose this makes sense to you but it does not work. A system where every teacher made something different than the next would never work.
They don't "band together." Unions hold a gun to their heads. Unions aren't voluntary.
But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

It is exactly the Big Government thst I rail against. That’s why I won’t take money from FEMA or anything other Federal program and I don’t believe anyone who does should be able to call themselves a Conservative.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Because this is a one time emergency usage that has been paid for by taxpayers. It is not a continuing support of leeches, like you, who choose to not work.
Chris Christie is a perfect example of this. He whined and complained to the teachers that the money simply wasn't there for raises but he sure went begging for money after Hurricane Sandy hit.
The teachers union is a natural disaster

It's funny how people say to work hard and better yourself to get further ahead but when people want to band together to do that, all of a sudden it's evil.

It's OK for you to go ask for a raise but not people all at once. I suppose this makes sense to you but it does not work. A system where every teacher made something different than the next would never work.
They don't "band together." Unions hold a gun to their heads. Unions aren't voluntary.

That's sorta banding together. They band together to force everyone else to do what they want.
Chris Christie is a perfect example of this. He whined and complained to the teachers that the money simply wasn't there for raises but he sure went begging for money after Hurricane Sandy hit.
The teachers union is a natural disaster

It's funny how people say to work hard and better yourself to get further ahead but when people want to band together to do that, all of a sudden it's evil.

It's OK for you to go ask for a raise but not people all at once. I suppose this makes sense to you but it does not work. A system where every teacher made something different than the next would never work.
They don't "band together." Unions hold a gun to their heads. Unions aren't voluntary.

That's sorta banding together. They band together to force everyone else to do what they want.
They are banded together with shackles.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
No, that isn't what government is supposed to do.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
No, that isn't what government is supposed to do.

It's not often talked about, but we have a fundamental disagreement on the purpose of government. Some people want government to protect freedom, and some people want government to take care of them. The problem is that those two functions conflict - if you want government to take care of you, you'll have to give up some freedom (and the more it takes care of you, the more freedom you'll give up). Likewise, if you want freedom, you have to take care of yourself.

The problem is, democracy. We're not supposed to be a democracy, but politicians are selling it hard.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
No, that isn't what government is supposed to do.
First time I have to disagree with you....politely@
I wonder how many of the folks seeking assistance from FEMA will read far enough into the paperwork to realize that in many cases they’re signing a high interest LOAN, not a gift receipt. Thst happened to a very large number of folks in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
No, that isn't what government is supposed to do.
First time I have to disagree with you....politely@

The problem is, you can't really do it politely. The whole concept is coercive. When the people who want government to serve as their caretaker vote to give away their freedom, they're taking yours as well. It's not voluntary.
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FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
I know you just came all over yourself with Hope's that conservatives will get injured and/or killed, you piece of shit. But isnt THIS what the government is supposed to it's people in dire straights, no matter if it is little commies like you or actual patriots?
No, that isn't what government is supposed to do.
First time I have to disagree with you....politely@

The problem is, you can't really do it politely. The whole concept is coercive. When the people who want government to serve as their caretaker vote to give away their freedom, they're taking yours well. It's not voluntary.
Comes down to do you want your family to suffer or take the helping hand to make things better....perhaps you have to be old like me to appreciate that I am physically unable to do what I used to do 40 years ago, and realize I only have. At best 20 years does make a difference!
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.

Why don’t you lecture Trump and his followers who think socialism = any time the government helps regular people .

LOL, is that your attempt to explain away your ignorance regarding the nature of socialism by pointing out that you're just as ignorant as "Trump and his followers"? hate to burst your bubble but I already knew that.

Now stop abusing your right to look foolish.

I know the definition. It’s the cons who have moved the goalposts so I moved with them.

I’m glad you agree that the conservatives are lying when they accuse Dems of being socialists .

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