Socialism ready to save red state rubes from hurricane Dorian.

Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

I don't care what you think as you haven't provided a comment of substance.

My argument is just fine unless you provide a rational counter to it.

I didn't try and counter it. I'm the one that has to argue that Sanders isn't arguing Socialist policies.

He is arguing how we will handle the disbursement of taxes.
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

The "Socialists" are not arguing for the government to own production. It doesn't stop people from throwing that word around.

Oh puhleeze. Yes, they are - that is the end goal. Total control. Regardless of any vestiges of "legal" ownership. when the government has authoritarian control, that is actual ownership. Communism, the various flavors of Socialism, and other forms of Authoritarianism all aim to subject people as government serfs and to control all aspects of life.
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

The "Socialists" are not arguing for the government to own production. It doesn't stop people from throwing that word around.

Oh puhleeze. Yes, they are - that is the end goal. Total control. Regardless of any vestiges of "legal" ownership. when the government has authoritarian control, that is actual ownership. Communism, the various flavors of Socialism, and other forms of Authoritarianism all aim to subject people as government serfs and to control all aspects of life.

It's either as you note or not. Trump is trying to control trade. I suppose that is Big Government authoritarian Socialism if you want to argue it that way.
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.

Oh so now we are using the true definition? Cause all I hear is conservatives crying about socialism . So what are the Dems doing that falls under that definition?
It's either as you note or not. Trump is trying to control trade. I suppose that is Big Government authoritarian Socialism if you want to argue it that way.
International trade agreements are a legitimate government function.

Keep digging
Why don’t one of you “Socialism” experts give me an example on how the Dems are turning us into Venezuela? (Like you cons constantly say).

I haven’t dem pres candidate calling for the nationalizing of our oil .
Why don’t one of you “Socialism” experts give me an example on how the Dems are turning us into Venezuela? (Like you cons constantly say).

I haven’t dem pres candidate calling for the nationalizing of our oil .

Your car full of clowns are calling for "democratic socialism" which is just a steeping stone to full blown fuckwitted socialism....which by the way never in history has worked
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.

Why don’t you lecture Trump and his followers who think socialism = any time the government helps regular people .
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
If it were socialism, the country would have to go begging to rich countries as is usual.

How much of our debt does China own?
Any state or local elected official who tells his constituents to fend for themselves after a disaster will be run out of his office. Federal aid is demonized until it isn’t....
Why don’t one of you “Socialism” experts give me an example on how the Dems are turning us into Venezuela? (Like you cons constantly say).

I haven’t dem pres candidate calling for the nationalizing of our oil .

The Green New Deal is on the road to Venezuela, bub.
Why don’t one of you “Socialism” experts give me an example on how the Dems are turning us into Venezuela? (Like you cons constantly say).

I haven’t dem pres candidate calling for the nationalizing of our oil .

Your car full of clowns are calling for "democratic socialism" which is just a steeping stone to full blown fuckwitted socialism....which by the way never in history has worked

All the winner countries are democratic socialism.
Why don’t one of you “Socialism” experts give me an example on how the Dems are turning us into Venezuela? (Like you cons constantly say).

I haven’t dem pres candidate calling for the nationalizing of our oil .

The Green New Deal is on the road to Venezuela, bub.

How so? It’s mainly a wishlist for environmental benchmarks .

Have you ever read the thing ?
Good grief. If socialism is the answer wtf is wrong with Venezuela

You can argue that all you want but this is Socialism. We have done this for decades.

No. It is not Socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production. Welfare is a feature of taxation and transfer payments - i.e. Big Government programs. Government spending tax receipts is not Socialism.

I don't really disagree but that's not how it's argued.

The "Socialists" are not arguing for the government to own production. It doesn't stop people from throwing that word around.

Oh puhleeze. Yes, they are - that is the end goal. Total control. Regardless of any vestiges of "legal" ownership. when the government has authoritarian control, that is actual ownership. Communism, the various flavors of Socialism, and other forms of Authoritarianism all aim to subject people as government serfs and to control all aspects of life.

No they don't, you stupid cow, and you're repeating it endless won't make it so. Mixed economies seek to restrain the excesses and abuses of capitalism, and to advocate for workers' rights. I live in a country with crade to the grave social programs, and I have personal freedoms that Americans only dream about.

Why are people so much happier, healthier and enjoying a much higher quality of life in mixed economies with a strong social safety net, than in the USA? Republicans lies about socialism because if they told the truth, the American people would want it, and the rich would have to chip in instead of underpaying their workers, and hoarding their wealth.
Meanwhile, Dorian is rapidly fizzling out, and will be a major DUD of a boogeyman for leftists who want more public funds to vanish over Algore's FRAUD....
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Government. Isn't. Socialism. By. Default.

Try to let that sink in, oxygen thief.

Are you saying FEMA is not a socialist program?

Only to those that don't understand what socialism is......

One of the core characteristics of socialism is public ownership of the means of production and disaster relief doesn't qualify as a means of production any more than national defense does.

Why don’t you lecture Trump and his followers who think socialism = any time the government helps regular people .

LOL, is that your attempt to explain away your ignorance regarding the nature of socialism by pointing out that you're just as ignorant as "Trump and his followers"? hate to burst your bubble but I already knew that.

Now stop abusing your right to look foolish.
If thy don’t have proper insurance , too bad for them! Enough of this wealth distribution.

I sense you think this is a preposterous position. Do you think the public should be on the hook for every mistake individuals and businesses make? Or just for those who can afford good lobbyists?

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