Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.
No, you are trolling because you are a blithering idiot hack troll.
Socialism is where American capitalism turns every time it tanks.
Why aren't you living in the socialist utopia of Venezuela?
Apparently you don't have the foggiest idea what the words brand licensing mean.
Advice: don't enter threads when you don't know what you're talking about.

Donald Trump's Real Secret To Riches: Create A Brand And License It

It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Your own post shows Chapter 11. That'
Apparently you don't have the foggiest idea what the words brand licensing mean.
Advice: don't enter threads when you don't know what you're talking about.

Donald Trump's Real Secret To Riches: Create A Brand And License It

It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Both of those say Chapter 11, which is reorganization, not bankruptcy. The writer, like you, was too dumb to know the difference. :lastword1::laugh:
It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Hey it has happened to a lot of least they are brave enough to take a risk....most companies do not come back like Trump did unless Barry bailed them out with the car companies and the crooked banks....

Well this is why his business is licensing and not actually making anything. His cheap crap was made in China instead of in the US.
What Cornball is basically saying is that she knows the government is responsible, but she wants to blame the business owners, anyway.

Businessmen like your blob make decisions to offshore smoky

All you really just did was prove me right: you know the government is responsible, but you want to hate business owners, and especially Trump, far too much to believe that truth matters.

Congratulations on being the stupidest piece of organic tissue I've heard from this week. Around here, that's a high bar to clear.

Smoky, businessmen like your blob make decisions to offshore. Not the government
You've been corrected on this multiple times by me in this thread, including with source link. You have no excuse to be talking false.

You know better. You're nothing but a baldfaced liar.

His cheap crap was made in China. He supported Chinese jobs instead of American jobs
Unless you are a complete imbecile, you must be lying. For the 10th time, just because a company pays you for your name to go on THEIR product, that doesn't make it yours. Get it, nitwit ?
It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Your own post shows Chapter 11. That'
It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Both of those say Chapter 11, which is reorganization, not bankruptcy. The writer, like you, was too dumb to know the difference. :lastword1::laugh:

Your blob has filed for bankruptcy numerous times. Your bitching and moaning otherwise won’t change that fact.
Businessmen like your blob make decisions to offshore smoky

All you really just did was prove me right: you know the government is responsible, but you want to hate business owners, and especially Trump, far too much to believe that truth matters.

Congratulations on being the stupidest piece of organic tissue I've heard from this week. Around here, that's a high bar to clear.

Smoky, businessmen like your blob make decisions to offshore. Not the government
You've been corrected on this multiple times by me in this thread, including with source link. You have no excuse to be talking false.

You know better. You're nothing but a baldfaced liar.

His cheap crap was made in China. He supported Chinese jobs instead of American jobs
Unless you are a complete imbecile, you must be lying. For the 10th time, just because a company pays you for your name to go on THEIR product, that doesn't make it yours. Get it, nitwit ?
His cheap crap was made in China. He supported Chinese jobs instead of American jobs
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Hey it has happened to a lot of least they are brave enough to take a risk....most companies do not come back like Trump did unless Barry bailed them out with the car companies and the crooked banks....

Well this is why his business is licensing and not actually making anything. His cheap crap was made in China instead of in the US.
Ha ha ha. Maybe you never learned what the word HIS means. Pheeew!
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Capitalism has provided us with the infrastructure to bounce back once the virus passes. Just wait. It wont be Socialism that brings back the standard of living. Your confusing emergency measures with a system of socialism.
IF perhaps i make more money than my two brothers and sister and have a savings reserve, and suppose any of them were not able to make a mortgage payment or some other important bill, I could intercede.... or any one of us could help the other. That is an act of Socialism on the family level... but that doesn't mean its ok or right for any of the siblings to expect the others to continuously make sure their life is at the same living standard as the rest into perpetuity, .. its up to each of us to get our own jobs, own education, make our own bed to lie in. Of course in times of trouble, we come together. This does not make us socialists.
It’s well known that the blob was not able to get anyone to extend him enough credit to build buildings due to the multiple bankruptcies, lack of transparency and general sleaziness.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Hey it has happened to a lot of least they are brave enough to take a risk....most companies do not come back like Trump did unless Barry bailed them out with the car companies and the crooked banks....

It happened to your blob quite a bit. This is why he guards his records so feverishly. The truth hurts.
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Your own post shows Chapter 11. That'
Another duping. Trump didn't have bankruptcies. Had had Chapter 11s. Those are reorganizations.

Bankruptcy is Chapter 7.

He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Both of those say Chapter 11, which is reorganization, not bankruptcy. The writer, like you, was too dumb to know the difference. :lastword1::laugh:

Your blob has filed for bankruptcy numerous times. Your bitching and moaning otherwise won’t change that fact.
You were corrected repeatedly on that too.

You're having a bad day.
He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Your own post shows Chapter 11. That'
He filed for bankruptcy. Multiple times.
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Both of those say Chapter 11, which is reorganization, not bankruptcy. The writer, like you, was too dumb to know the difference. :lastword1::laugh:

Your blob has filed for bankruptcy numerous times. Your bitching and moaning otherwise won’t change that fact.
You were corrected repeatedly on that too.

You're having a bad day.

I am getting tired of correcting you. It’s time for your diaper change it seems.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Had to use a funny emoji only because they dont have one for "stupid"
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.

It never ceases to amuse me when your illiterate ass presumes to call someone else "ignorant" while demonstrating YOUR (because "you're" means "you are") ignorance.

You’re showing your ignorance over and over. Sorry.

I'm not the one who can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're", Cornball.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Had to use a funny emoji only because they dont have one for "stupid"

No problem. I've read your posts. When I see your screen name, I expect "stupid" anyway.
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.

It never ceases to amuse me when your illiterate ass presumes to call someone else "ignorant" while demonstrating YOUR (because "you're" means "you are") ignorance.

You’re showing your ignorance over and over. Sorry.

I'm not the one who can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're", Cornball.

Apparently not. Lol
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Your own post shows Chapter 11. That'
FALSE! I see CNN has got you programmed. And how's YOUR private 757 jet doing these days ? :biggrin:
View attachment 313447
Both of those say Chapter 11, which is reorganization, not bankruptcy. The writer, like you, was too dumb to know the difference. :lastword1::laugh:

Your blob has filed for bankruptcy numerous times. Your bitching and moaning otherwise won’t change that fact.
You were corrected repeatedly on that too.

You're having a bad day.

I am getting tired of correcting you. It’s time for your diaper change it seems.
Is there a doctor in the house ?
I mean really. Woohoo!
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, nationalizes the means of production, assumes the power to determine all wages, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?
Interesting, it seems as if the Wuhan virus has mutated how some people define Socialism all of a sudden.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Had to use a funny emoji only because they dont have one for "stupid"

No problem. I've read your posts. When I see your screen name, I expect "stupid" anyway.

YOu have some good posts.

Not this one. Your being ridiculous. If it wasnt for capitalism we wouldnt have the diversity of business here in the U.S. we will bounce back... and it wont be Socialism that is going to be the answer. Relief efforts are a temporary fix, but not sustainable.
What the fuck are you talking about? this whole thing is being fixed by the free market.
Would that be a market free from government regulation or a market free from uncontrolled monopoly rent seeking?
all monopolies are products of government interference,,,
all monopolies are products of government interference,,,
And many of those monopolies currently have GDPs larger than small states, and, since they were chartered by governments, the only recourse individuals have to controlling monopoly rent seeking is through government regulation.
considering those happened as a result of government regulation I dont see how it can fix a problem its very creation created???

a free market solution is a good recourse and probably better in the long run,,

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