Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Venezuela is free to trade with every other country in the world.
But Venezuelans are NOT free to get paid.

"The U.S. Treasury added sanctions to the Central Bank of Venezuela on 17 April 2019.[65][66] U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin stated that, 'While this designation will inhibit most Central Bank activities undertaken by the illegitimate Maduro regime, the United States has taken steps to ensure that regular debit and credit card transactions can proceed and personal remittances and humanitarian assistance continue unabated and are able to reach those suffering under the Maduro regime’s repression.'[66]

"The new sanctions will close some loopholes that allow for continued financing of the government.

"The Central Bank was able to obtain loans without seeking approval from the National Assembly. It also sells gold to the central banks of other countries.

"And by interrupting the foreign exchange handled by the Central Bank, PDVSA purchases of production supplies are impacted."

International sanctions during the Venezuelan crisis - Wikipedia

But Venezuelans are NOT free to get paid.

Not when Maduro and his cronies steal all their money.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

  • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
  • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
  • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
  • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
  • Corporation Tax (1911)
  • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
  • Federal Reserve System (1913)
  • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
  • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
  • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
  • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
  • Shipping Act (1916)
  • National Defense Act (1916)
  • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
  • Selective Service Act (1917)
  • Espionage Act (1917)
  • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
  • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
  • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
  • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
  • Federal Control Act (1918)
  • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


No, socialist-esque programs are not bad. Socialism is. Not going to sit here and lie about socialism being all bad. Actually certain elements of socialism mesh well with our system. Certain.

But trying to override our system with Socialism in it's entirety? Screw that.


I sense an angry mob of conservatives coming my way now. Torches and pitchforks all...

You are right . Ain’t no one calling for true socialism. Cons love to throw the word around for anything they don’t like .


What you want is an exact duplicate of the socialist economies in Europe. True socialism.

I was NOT endorsing Socialism as a whole. There are parts of it that are viable. But a great majority of it IS NOT.

Let's make that clear.


Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Had to use a funny emoji only because they dont have one for "stupid"

No problem. I've read your posts. When I see your screen name, I expect "stupid" anyway.

YOu have some good posts.

Not this one. Your being ridiculous. If it wasnt for capitalism we wouldnt have the diversity of business here in the U.S. we will bounce back... and it wont be Socialism that is going to be the answer. Relief efforts are a temporary fix, but not sustainable.

Thank god that we can save capitalist Boeing by giving them a $60 billion dollar bailout from Big Government

Well, it will be a lot easier to put thousands of Americans back to work if Boeing is not out of business. Jobs will be waiting for them, and I imagine Boeing has a lot of business contracts with vendors and suppliers, who also hire people.
It's would be an emergency action that would benefit a lot of people. Boeing has made some bad mistakes and bad business decisions recently, but now is probably not the time to pass judgement. Our country doesnt need large businesses who hire tens of thousands of people to dissapear right now.

Well, then, it would appear that there is a time and place for socialism in this country.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Maybe you should leave room in your heart for the people who are sick instead of gloating about the situation.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Maybe you should leave room in your heart for the people who are sick instead of gloating about the situation.

Maybe you shouldn’t wait for a pandemic before you care about your fellow Americans.

Maybe you should stop congratulating yourself on "caring" for your fellow Americans by spending other people's money.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Do you think Trump could have done a better job without Mueller and a 5yr Russian hoax and a 6 month fake impeachment on his ass 24/7.

Think maybe he would have started to change the medical supply chain earlier. He was talking about it from day 1. You don't remember that.

Be honest in this answer now. Your integrity depends on the answer?

Trump had credible information from experts that showed the inevitability of where we are now back in January, but he chose to lie to shield the stock market from losses instead of preparing for the onslaught we have now.
My integrity doesn't depend on one answer to any question. It depends on me using honest and fair data to make my decisions, and my willingness to admit it when I'm shown to be wrong.
He was being impeached in January, you don't remember a whole month sitting on the articles. You were calling him racist when he did close China. We'd be in a state of emergency now if he listened to you.

He worried about our med supply chain from day 1. Would he have been better off addressing this without Mueller and this Russian hoax...STILL on his ass 5 yrs later?

We have to wonder huh??

Someone qualified to be president doesn't ignore his job to cover his ass. It's part of that walking and chewing bubble gum thing.
Horseshit. He would no longer be President if he followed your advice. It's funny how Dims are always expecting Republican presidents to immolate themselves, but never Democrat presidents.

Why do you suppose that is?

Expecting him to do his job isn't too much to ask for.
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, nationalizes the means of production, assumes the power to determine all wages, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?
Then why do you tRumplings say Sander's is a socialist?

And yet again, the answer is, "Because HE says he is. Do you want us to call him a liar?"

The real question continues to be, why do YOU keep trying to insist he isn't? Is there something wrong with it?
Do you think Trump could have done a better job without Mueller and a 5yr Russian hoax and a 6 month fake impeachment on his ass 24/7.

Think maybe he would have started to change the medical supply chain earlier. He was talking about it from day 1. You don't remember that.

Be honest in this answer now. Your integrity depends on the answer?

Trump had credible information from experts that showed the inevitability of where we are now back in January, but he chose to lie to shield the stock market from losses instead of preparing for the onslaught we have now.
My integrity doesn't depend on one answer to any question. It depends on me using honest and fair data to make my decisions, and my willingness to admit it when I'm shown to be wrong.
He was being impeached in January, you don't remember a whole month sitting on the articles. You were calling him racist when he did close China. We'd be in a state of emergency now if he listened to you.

He worried about our med supply chain from day 1. Would he have been better off addressing this without Mueller and this Russian hoax...STILL on his ass 5 yrs later?

We have to wonder huh??

Someone qualified to be president doesn't ignore his job to cover his ass. It's part of that walking and chewing bubble gum thing.
Horseshit. He would no longer be President if he followed your advice. It's funny how Dims are always expecting Republican presidents to immolate themselves, but never Democrat presidents.

Why do you suppose that is?

Expecting him to do his job isn't too much to ask for.
Immolating himself is not in his job description, shit for brains.
Had to use a funny emoji only because they dont have one for "stupid"

No problem. I've read your posts. When I see your screen name, I expect "stupid" anyway.

YOu have some good posts.

Not this one. Your being ridiculous. If it wasnt for capitalism we wouldnt have the diversity of business here in the U.S. we will bounce back... and it wont be Socialism that is going to be the answer. Relief efforts are a temporary fix, but not sustainable.

Thank god that we can save capitalist Boeing by giving them a $60 billion dollar bailout from Big Government

Well, it will be a lot easier to put thousands of Americans back to work if Boeing is not out of business. Jobs will be waiting for them, and I imagine Boeing has a lot of business contracts with vendors and suppliers, who also hire people.
It's would be an emergency action that would benefit a lot of people. Boeing has made some bad mistakes and bad business decisions recently, but now is probably not the time to pass judgement. Our country doesnt need large businesses who hire tens of thousands of people to dissapear right now.

Well, then, it would appear that there is a time and place for socialism in this country.

If you want to call it that. I suppose that is correct. But there needs to be a balance and an understanding that the tendency for Socialist systems is to move towards deep bureaucracy. On the other end of the spectrum.. capitalism is going to be streamline and fast acting because of competition, also creating diversity and innovation.
Wrong...their misery is due to the leaders of their country...if they stopped being morons, their countries could be as wealthy as any other country....
Since the US/NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 we've seen an obvious and direct correlation between war and refugees with 57% coming from three countries (Syria, Afghanistan, and South Sudan).

That is criminal enough but not for capitalists who expect to profit from the misery their states inflict on innocent human beings...too much MAGA is never enough WINNING.
On foreign wars and occupation, you do have a point. But, what is the problem????

It's not capitalism. It's government having too much power, which attracts scum to get control of said power. If government had less power, there would be less misery and destruction. Instead, you want MORE of the very institution causing the problems you bitch about.

No problem. I've read your posts. When I see your screen name, I expect "stupid" anyway.

YOu have some good posts.

Not this one. Your being ridiculous. If it wasnt for capitalism we wouldnt have the diversity of business here in the U.S. we will bounce back... and it wont be Socialism that is going to be the answer. Relief efforts are a temporary fix, but not sustainable.

Thank god that we can save capitalist Boeing by giving them a $60 billion dollar bailout from Big Government

Well, it will be a lot easier to put thousands of Americans back to work if Boeing is not out of business. Jobs will be waiting for them, and I imagine Boeing has a lot of business contracts with vendors and suppliers, who also hire people.
It's would be an emergency action that would benefit a lot of people. Boeing has made some bad mistakes and bad business decisions recently, but now is probably not the time to pass judgement. Our country doesnt need large businesses who hire tens of thousands of people to dissapear right now.

Well, then, it would appear that there is a time and place for socialism in this country.

If you want to call it that. I suppose that is correct. But there needs to be a balance and an understanding that the tendency for Socialist systems is to move towards deep bureaucracy. On the other end of the spectrum.. capitalism is going to be streamline and fast acting because of competition, also creating diversity and innovation.

Yet, we have seen capitalism fail in 2008 and in 2020 during two major economic crisis. I understand that the Great Depression recovery is open to legitimate debate, but in both of these other crises, we see capitalist failure. In my opinion, this is partly caused by corporations being so busy competing with each other that they do not plan and prepare for disaster. Us citizens are told all our lives to always have at least 3 months of resources in the event of an emergency. Apparently, that does not apply to banks, auto and airplane manufacturers, airlines, and cruise lines.
I trust that all Trump supporters will refuse all of Trump's socialist measures to fight the coronavirus. Including refusing those free checks from the government.

I trust that you'll eventually see what you truly are and wither away from despair.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers.
So what is your noise now, BULLQUACK, that the Right is all about Capitalism and the Left is about Socialism? You admitting the Democrats are the Commie Party?
Do you have any idea that if it wasn't for our STRONG Capitalism, we wouldn't have the money nor the market to endure spending billions of dollars on aid and solutions, nor the market to endure thousands of points drop?

There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.
Worshiping an amorphous economic system is about as pitiful as it gets. Who pays these people to spout such tripe?
Here's a question that needs to be answered by all you aspiring socialists.

When you look around at what's happening right now, what part of it makes you say, "Mmboy, we need to live like this all the time!"?
No, socialist-esque programs are not bad. Socialism is. Not going to sit here and lie about socialism being all bad. Actually certain elements of socialism mesh well with our system. Certain.

But trying to override our system with Socialism in it's entirety? Screw that.


I sense an angry mob of conservatives coming my way now. Torches and pitchforks all...

You are right . Ain’t no one calling for true socialism. Cons love to throw the word around for anything they don’t like .
If the Reagan tax cuts were not passed a person or married couple today earning around 50 thousand dollars a year would be in the 55%/63% tax bracket that existed in 1980. There was no inflation indexing and people were suffering back then. Every time the working guy gets something you scream from the rafters. You do however give breaks to privileged working people. Add 15% social security/medicare tax and city, local, state and regional taxes and the paycheck stub would look damn anemic. You talk about the rich but ream the peon every chance you get.

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