Socialism threads bandwagon

A Socialist system of production is not run on capital.
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?
Capital is that which oppresses.
hat is why underdeveloped countries that claim to be communist become dictatorships. All the capital is placed in the hands of the State.
Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).
Government regulation of business is not "socialism."
I agree with you.

Tell that to the guys (on the left) arguing this definition:

Dictionary result for socialism
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
So how exactly does trash collection count as the government regulating the means of production?
I suppose it could be if there were a trash collection industry that was taken over by government.

I believe some unincorporated places in the U.S. still rely on private trash collection and disposal.

A Socialist system of production is not run on capital.
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?
Capital is that which oppresses.
hat is why underdeveloped countries that claim to be communist become dictatorships. All the capital is placed in the hands of the State.
Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?

I think not, but I could be wrong.


Whoever controls capital has advantage over everyone else. If you have the capital invested in the media you have power over everyone's mental production. If you have capital to invest in Washington you have power over the political sphere. This is easy, it should be evident.

Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).

Its the definition promoted by the people with the capital invested in printing dictionaries. It's not how I would define it. But I don't let others dictate what I think. I think for myself.
Can we please just dispel the myth that taxpayer funded services are socialist programs?
You mean Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid?

That's not a myth. It's the facts. Those are certainly not free market programs.You may not like to admit that reality...but is is that

I've seen people on this forum say that everything from trash collection to the military are Socialist programs. You're probably one of them.
They are......if you feel the private market can handle everything, there should not be any government agencies collecting trash, inspecting food, insuring water/air quality, building roads/bridges/ports, etc....just have Amazon and a few other large multinational corps handle all of it....
A Socialist system of production is not run on capital.
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?
Capital is that which oppresses.
hat is why underdeveloped countries that claim to be communist become dictatorships. All the capital is placed in the hands of the State.
Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?

I think not, but I could be wrong.


Whoever controls capital has advantage over everyone else. If you have the capital invested in the media you have power over everyone's mental production. If you have capital to invest in Washington you have power over the political sphere. This is easy, it should be evident.

Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).

Its the definition promoted by the people with the capital invested in printing dictionaries. It's not how I would define it. But I don't let others dictate what I think. I think for myself.
So, what do you do to get rid of capital? What would be the plan?

Well, I like millions of other Americans can’t think of anything worse than socialism.
Of course I’m going to reject it with every part of my being.
Any sort of freedom and socialism cannot coexist… That’s just the facts

You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different results… Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?

How can we know if it is being done over and over again when it cannot even be defined.

Are public roads socialist?

Is public law enforcement socialist?

Is the military an example of socialism?

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Built by and paid by who?
Like I’ve said, military police and fire are an necessary... obviously.
But our federal government/deep state are infinitely too large and, socialist entitlement programs have been out of control for decades. These things are not beneficial to conservative/libertarian‘s in anyway. They do not require our participation…

A strong argument could be made that capitalist greed is the reason the deep state has gotten so out of hand.
When I see trumptards use the term "Deep state" -- that is just code for whatever government entity or constitutional norm that prevents your cult leader from being a dictator -- which is ultimately what you folks want him to be...

Then after he is out of office (unless you no longer want term limits) -- you then want those entities and constitutional norms and any other obstruction to limit the next president because that president doesn't hate the same people you hate..
You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different results… Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?

How can we know if it is being done over and over again when it cannot even be defined.

Are public roads socialist?

Is public law enforcement socialist?

Is the military an example of socialism?

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Built by and paid by who?
Like I’ve said, military police and fire are an necessary... obviously.
But our federal government/deep state are infinitely too large and, socialist entitlement programs have been out of control for decades. These things are not beneficial to conservative/libertarian‘s in anyway. They do not require our participation…

A strong argument could be made that capitalist greed is the reason the deep state has gotten so out of hand.
When I see trumptards use the term "Deep state" -- that is just code for whatever government entity or constitutional norm that prevents your cult leader from being a dictator -- which is ultimately what you folks want him to be...

Then after he is out of office (unless you no longer want term limits) -- you then want those entities and constitutional norms and any other obstruction to limit the next president because that president doesn't hate the same people you hate..

No, dummy..."Deep State" is shorthand for corrupt un-elected bureaucrats and secretive law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and CIA who act on behalf of corporate lobbies and against the interests of the American people and the Constitution.
Lesh ran away.
ohhh didn't get the attention crave ?

I didn't respond instantly?

Get over yourself.

Government control or regulation of the means of production

There ya go. See how easy it is?
So you support government control and regulation over all business?
I support don't?
You try to make it sound so simple. It's the type and manner of regulations you support. Did you support Obama's regulations?
You cannot even identify it, how can there be nothing worse?

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You do realize trying something over and over again and expecting different results… Is insanity. I think a famous dude once said that?

How can we know if it is being done over and over again when it cannot even be defined.

Are public roads socialist?

Is public law enforcement socialist?

Is the military an example of socialism?

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Built by and paid by who?
Like I’ve said, military police and fire are an necessary... obviously.
But our federal government/deep state are infinitely too large and, socialist entitlement programs have been out of control for decades. These things are not beneficial to conservative/libertarian‘s in anyway. They do not require our participation…

A strong argument could be made that capitalist greed is the reason the deep state has gotten so out of hand.
When I see trumptards use the term "Deep state" -- that is just code for whatever government entity or constitutional norm that prevents your cult leader from being a dictator -- which is ultimately what you folks want him to be...

Then after he is out of office (unless you no longer want term limits) -- you then want those entities and constitutional norms and any other obstruction to limit the next president because that president doesn't hate the same people you hate..
Trump was elected. No one elected the bureaucrats of the Deep State. They were appointed by Obama and others of his gang to run a shadow government. You know that, so don't play dumb.
Globalism is a natural consequence of the free market and capitalism. Only government intervention can stop it.
If by "globalism" you mean global trade, I agree.

By "globalism" most of us who hate it equate it to a "one world order" type government where U.S. and State sovereignty, with our constitutional governments are destroyed and replaced.

Capitalism does not care about state sovereignty or borders or nationalism.

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A Socialist system of production is not run on capital.
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?
Capital is that which oppresses.
hat is why underdeveloped countries that claim to be communist become dictatorships. All the capital is placed in the hands of the State.
Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).
Are there not other systems of production not run on capital?

I think not, but I could be wrong.


Whoever controls capital has advantage over everyone else. If you have the capital invested in the media you have power over everyone's mental production. If you have capital to invest in Washington you have power over the political sphere. This is easy, it should be evident.

Which is the definition of Socialism. Communism is a stateless existence where the community owns the means of production (which can never last and will revert to Socialism every time).

Its the definition promoted by the people with the capital invested in printing dictionaries. It's not how I would define it. But I don't let others dictate what I think. I think for myself.
So, what do you do to get rid of capital? What would be the plan?

That's a big question. It can't be answered until we have a knowledge of what capital is.

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