Socialist & Anti-Semite Bernie Sanders says He will Move US Embassy Back to Tel Aviv if Elected

Jerusalem is outside of Israe

Not anymore.


When you invade another country, it is not legal to annex any land.
That is considered a war crime, just like not allowing Palestinians the right of return.
Jerusalem is outside of Israe

Not anymore.


When you invade another country, it is not legal to annex any land.
That is considered a war crime, just like not allowing Palestinians the right of return.

It's a done deal.

But, I'll you what ... I'm willing to bet Israel will discuss ceding Jerusalem to the Palestinians the same day America returns Texas, and every single state west of it back to Mexico.
It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.

I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.
In other words, you have zero idea of how the Beit Dins were organized.
It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.

I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion

Can he run for president from prison?

That's been done before, Ultraliberal Eugene V Debs ran for President from the joint in the 1920 election cycle.

But he won't have to, Mr. Kushner hasn't committed a crime
The current Anti-Semitism in the Nazi, er, er, dimocrap party is driven more by pandering to the Black vote than anything else.

Blacks are becoming more and more militant, driven by people like Calypso Louie and mooslum goat-fuckers in general.

Sanders himself is Jewish. But so was Marx, and he hated Jews. And Soros, the great Jew-Baiter dimocrap funder-in-chief.

dimocraps are scum, people.

There's just no doubting it. If you can't see it, you're scum as well

Isn’t Sanders Jewish? Granted, self-hating, but nonetheless, Jewish.
That's been done before, Ultraliberal Eugene V Debs ran for President from the joint in the 1920 election cycle.

But he won't have to, Mr. Kushner hasn't committed a crime

Yes, he has.

He is a patriotic conservative in a Country ruled by Anti-American dimocrap scum.

When they can go after a sitting president, they can go after ANYBODY.

dimocraps are scum
Sanders is Jewish


I thought that Crazy Bernie was an atheist or agnostic.

Although I could be wrong on that. Mr. Sanders really hasn't been grilled by the media about his religious beliefs.
I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Inquisition was a political operation designed to preserve the victory in the reconquista era.

The history really was more about the islamonazis.

The Jihadis invaded Spain and the Spanish people revolted and were able to expel them. The concern afterwards was whether they were going to try and sneak back in and take over. The Hispanic people said "no way".

So they hired Tommy Torquemada to check them out, make sure there were any secret jihadi ready to re-conquer the country.

Señor Torquemada made inquiries into whether or not people who said they were Catholic truly were.

So, they tortured Jews and burned them alive to make sure they were still Catholic?

Good plan.
There are many other groups involved. But with such a small percentage of the population, why are secular Jewish Prog men and women trying to destroy the United States by transforming it into a freak show? I am asking you because you are adamant on the Inquisition. This nation gave people opportunities. And this is the payback.
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Inquisition was a political operation designed to preserve the victory in the reconquista era.

The history really was more about the islamonazis.

The Jihadis invaded Spain and the Spanish people revolted and were able to expel them. The concern afterwards was whether they were going to try and sneak back in and take over. The Hispanic people said "no way".

So they hired Tommy Torquemada to check them out, make sure there were any secret jihadi ready to re-conquer the country.

Señor Torquemada made inquiries into whether or not people who said they were Catholic truly were.

So, they tortured Jews and burned them alive to make sure they were still Catholic?

Good plan.
There are many other groups involved. But with such a small percentage of the population, why are secular Jewish Prog men and women trying to destroy the United States by transforming it into a freak show? I am asking you because you are adamant on the Inquisition. This nation gave people opportunities. And this is the payback.
Judaism is a lifestyle of limitations.
Self-Hating Jews express their “freedom” by removing all limitations.
Jerusalem is outside of Israe

Not anymore.


When you invade another country, it is not legal to annex any land.
That is considered a war crime, just like not allowing Palestinians the right of return.

It's a done deal.

But, I'll you what ... I'm willing to bet Israel will discuss ceding Jerusalem to the Palestinians the same day America returns Texas, and every single state west of it back to Mexico.

Its not a done deal.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949, and that specifically denies Jerusalem to Israel.
Repeal the UN resolution, and Israel loses all legal right to exist at all.

You have a point about Texas, but that was much longer ago, and Texas no longer discriminates against Hispanics.
Israel still does discriminate against Arabs and Muslims.
If they did not then, there would be no new Jewish settlements in Jerusalem from illegally confiscated land.
Sanders is Jewish


I thought that Crazy Bernie was an atheist or agnostic.

Although I could be wrong on that. Mr. Sanders really hasn't been grilled by the media about his religious beliefs.

Of course Bernie is Jewish and always makes pro-Israel statements.
But real Jews are anti Zionist, because Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?
The mythical Palestinian people are on an never-ending crusade to steal the land that rightfully belongs to the Jews, and if Liberal Socialist and avowed anti-semite Bernie Sanders gets elected president, things are going to change radically. First thing that will happen is that he as president will order the US Embassy moved back to Tel Aviv, the second thing that will happen is that he will overturn President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Bernie Sanders, protests to the contrary notwithstanding, hates the regathered nation of Israel, and is working as hard as he can to destroy it. He has given Palestinian terror-supporting people like Linda Sarsour a place in his campaign, and he has openly and repeatedly called Benjamin Netanyahu a ‘racist’ for believing that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews.

The Democratic Party in America in this upcoming 2020 election season has become the anti-Israel party, and they are in no way shy about their new-found beliefs as you can see here in this article. Though he be a Jew, Bernie Sanders is paradoxically leading the charge against Israeli sovereignty of their own land, and in a stunning betrayal of his own people, he is siding with the enemy of Israel, the mythical Palestinians. This reminds me of how WWII-era Jew, Schwartz György, you know him as George Soros, sided with the Nazis as he sold out his fellow Jews by pretending to be a German Catholic. You can’t make this stuff up, people, the truth is way scarier than fiction in 2019.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The clown car of demonRAT presidential hopefuls are playing “Name that Tune!” Trying to one-up one another with radical, left wing campaign promises....
A Jewish and you call him anti semite because he wants to do the right thing? Lol
Get over the crying wolf shit nobody believes it anymore. Moving the embassy was the dumbest thing. I dont endorse Bernie but he is smarter than the 2 pigs in the WH and Tel Aviv.
I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Inquisition was a political operation designed to preserve the victory in the reconquista era.

The history really was more about the islamonazis.

The Jihadis invaded Spain and the Spanish people revolted and were able to expel them. The concern afterwards was whether they were going to try and sneak back in and take over. The Hispanic people said "no way".

So they hired Tommy Torquemada to check them out, make sure there were any secret jihadi ready to re-conquer the country.

Señor Torquemada made inquiries into whether or not people who said they were Catholic truly were.

So, they tortured Jews and burned them alive to make sure they were still Catholic?

Good plan.
Those who weren't killed fled to muslim countries and lived for centuries, till some of them decided to go kick the Palestinians out of their land and kill some of them.

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