Socialist & Anti-Semite Bernie Sanders says He will Move US Embassy Back to Tel Aviv if Elected

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

People like Rigby and other Jew haters can't get their head around the fact that the UN never gave Israel the right to exist. Israel's existence was a moot point. It existed regardless of what the UN voted.

The UN merely voted to recognize the existence of Israel.

If they voted tomorrow to not recognize the State of Israel, it would continue to exists in any case.

It was first the Leage of Nations, and later the UN, that prevented Jews from being wiped out when they were first starting to immigrate in large numbers.
In 1920 for example, there was only about 5% of the population in Palestine that was Jewish.
The Jewish population was never more than 30%, and even now there are only 6 million Jews and 12 million Muslim Arabs in Palestine/Israel.

And the reality is that it was the British and UN that prevented the Palestinians from having arms, while the US was secretly supplying B-17 bombers, P-51 Mustangs, M-4 Sherman tanks, etc., to the Zionists.
Israeli immigrants gets no credit for using massive donated weapons superiority to massacre the natives.

Israel is still totally dependent upon the hand outs from the US.
It will change...Americans are realizing more and more that Israel is a rogue state, and America first after all...they need to take care of themselves

It's only been 73 years ... just keep holding your breath.
Obama got it...the next non Zionist president will flip more handouts for the assholes.
Why is moving it back to Tel Aviv a problem as it has been there for a long time.

Jerusalem is a holy land for a few religions

There was no logical reason to move it

Israel has always enjoyed a strong relationship with the US and both demos and repubs presidents have always sold them weapons, moving the embassy served no purpose other than pouring oil on a fire

It is clear that Israel is more comfortable with a right wing American government and with the Presidents son in law the main spokesman for Israel it is no wonder for the aggressive moves. The current regime will not say a word about any Israel tactics.
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American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights

Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.
American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights

Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.

Not really. The US is just being manipulated by illegal campaign contributions. That will be caught eventually.
American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights

Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now working peacefully with Israel.

Face it, it's the Palestinians who are running out of friends.
It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.
One thing is to elect a black president, and another - to elect a Jewish president. I don't believe it ever happen.
American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights

Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now working peacefully with Israel.

Face it, it's the Palestinians who are running out of friends.
You mean the dictators...not the people dont get too excited. You have no idea what the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem means to every Muslim around the world.
Isn’t Sanders Jewish? Granted, self-hating, but nonetheless, Jewish.
Sanders remembers that he is Jewish only when he makes hatred speeches about the Jewish state.
Jewish state? It is a stolen land that had 30% jews....they have 20% muslims and they refuse the return of the ones they kicked out be cause not only they have give them ba k their land but because muslims would be the majority once again.
In Israel it is common to get asked where you come from, because most of them are settlers that came from somewhere. Unlike Palestinians they were there for centuries.
Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now working peacefully with Israel.

Face it, it's the Palestinians who are running out of friends.
You mean the dictators...not the people dont get too excited. You have no idea what the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem means to every Muslim around the world.

Is that why no Muslim country has made any attempt to retake Jerusalem for over 50 years?

Doesn't sound like they care enough to actually get off their collective butts and do anything about it.
In Israel it is common to get asked where you come from, because most of them are settlers that came from somewhere.

Sounds like America.

The biggest difference is that every Jew is, historically, from Israel.
Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now working peacefully with Israel.

Face it, it's the Palestinians who are running out of friends.
You mean the dictators...not the people dont get too excited. You have no idea what the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem means to every Muslim around the world.

Oh---I am so glad that you know----so---What does the "Palestinian cause" and "Jerusalem" mean to every muslim
around the world ???
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.
So is Saudi Arabia and Egypt and most of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are now working peacefully with Israel.

Face it, it's the Palestinians who are running out of friends.
You mean the dictators...not the people dont get too excited. You have no idea what the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem means to every Muslim around the world.

Is that why no Muslim country has made any attempt to retake Jerusalem for over 50 years?

Doesn't sound like they care enough to actually get off their collective butts and do anything about it.
Even if after 1000 is in the heart and soul of every muslim... trust me if I was an Israeli I would seek to give the land that was taken before it is too late.
In Israel it is common to get asked where you come from, because most of them are settlers that came from somewhere.

Sounds like America.

The biggest difference is that every Jew is, historically, from Israel.
Apple and oranges again. The settlers still know where they came from and the Palestinians know where their stolen houses and farms are at.
In Israel it is common to get asked where you come from, because most of them are settlers that came from somewhere.

Sounds like America.

The biggest difference is that every Jew is, historically, from Israel.
Apple and oranges again. The settlers still know where they came from and the Palestinians know where their stolen houses and farms are at.

"stolen houses and farms..." ???? who stole what.? My very own hubby was born in a land in which his jewish community owned land and houses long before the rapist dog of Arabia was born----then the filth of Arabia spilled in. Good of you to recognize that the dogs stole the city of Yathrib---(fraudulently renamed "medina"-----city of the dog tomb)
we have actual footage

Let's see them ... I love Sci Fi.

One of thousands....I'm sure you gonna spin it.
Go...I can post more of the athrocities that the IDF have been committing in 5he occupied land.

Don't start nothing, there won't be nothing.

Too late for that.
Zionists started it around 1946 when they started massacring Arab villages, like Dier Yassin. Albert Einstein happened to be there and saw the women and children being executed. There are hundreds of Arab villages now missing since the late 1940s.

Albert Einstein was not there------your Imam lied. Albert Einstein
objected to the actions of Menachem Begin-----and that was about it. Lots of people objected to the actions of Menachem Begin. Women and children were not "executed" in Deir Yassin----there was a battle in which both sides took losses. At that time----jewish women and children in Jerusalem were subjected to
one of Islam's fave methods of Islamic filth-----starvation siege. Remember the two million biafran babies-----starved to death for the glory of allah-------circa 1970-----same sort of filth. Shortly thereafter----the hindu population of east Pakistan was starved to the delight of allah
American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights

Pretty sure they cared about their lives.
So you loyal to the US or Israel mr AIPAC?
Omar was right all along....if you can you would burn the US to protect Israel
Wouldnt you ?

False dichotomy ... Israel is an ally of the USA.

Not really. The US is just being manipulated by illegal campaign contributions. That will be caught eventually.

what illegal campaign contributions?
It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.

I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

In my house, definitely a scullery maid.

Yeah: I know THAT feeling.

It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.

I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Holy See - The Roman Curia - Congregations - Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

It's a fact that if this country were to ever elect a Jewish President, he would be obligated to be openly antagonistic towards the state of Israel.

I don't know what kind of "fact" that is.

In 2024, my guess is the Jared Kushner will be elected and will follow his beloved father in law's lead in this.

Mr. Kushner is good friends with Prime Minister Netanyahu already you know.

I think the American people realize nowadays that Jews all don't take marching orders from the leaders of the faith, the Learned Elders of Zion
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

Huh? WHAT Learned Elders of Zion??? It was BULLSHIT and a set-up!! Every real Roman Catholic knows that!!! And the College of Cardinals was based on the Apostles; what shit you spreading, Bro????


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