Socialist & Anti-Semite Bernie Sanders says He will Move US Embassy Back to Tel Aviv if Elected

The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

People like Rigby and other Jew haters can't get their head around the fact that the UN never gave Israel the right to exist. Israel's existence was a moot point. It existed regardless of what the UN voted.

The UN merely voted to recognize the existence of Israel.

If they voted tomorrow to not recognize the State of Israel, it would continue to exists in any case.
I always find it amusing when someone thinks Jews have their version of the Vatican.
Every Jew is their own King.

You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Inquisition was a political operation designed to preserve the victory in the reconquista era.

The history really was more about the islamonazis.

The Jihadis invaded Spain and the Spanish people revolted and were able to expel them. The concern afterwards was whether they were going to try and sneak back in and take over. The Hispanic people said "no way".

So they hired Tommy Torquemada to check them out, make sure there were any secret jihadi ready to re-conquer the country.

Señor Torquemada made inquiries into whether or not people who said they were Catholic truly were.

So, they tortured Jews and burned them alive to make sure they were still Catholic?

Good plan.
Those who weren't killed fled to muslim countries and lived for centuries, till some of them decided to go kick the Palestinians out of their land and kill some of them.

Shall I give you a list of Muslim massacres of Jews from the time of the Spanish expulsion until today?
Jerusalem is outside of Israe
Apples and oranges...and the guy above schooled you with proof and facts with all due respect.
Not anymore.


When you invade another country, it is not legal to annex any land.
That is considered a war crime, just like not allowing Palestinians the right of return.

It's a done deal.

But, I'll you what ... I'm willing to bet Israel will discuss ceding Jerusalem to the Palestinians the same day America returns Texas, and every single state west of it back to Mexico.
You got it backwards. Our Catholic College of Cardinals is our answer to the Learned Elders of Zion. Judaism existed before the Catholic Church.

So, the Inquisition was an inside job?

The Inquisition was a political operation designed to preserve the victory in the reconquista era.

The history really was more about the islamonazis.

The Jihadis invaded Spain and the Spanish people revolted and were able to expel them. The concern afterwards was whether they were going to try and sneak back in and take over. The Hispanic people said "no way".

So they hired Tommy Torquemada to check them out, make sure there were any secret jihadi ready to re-conquer the country.

Señor Torquemada made inquiries into whether or not people who said they were Catholic truly were.

So, they tortured Jews and burned them alive to make sure they were still Catholic?

Good plan.
Those who weren't killed fled to muslim countries and lived for centuries, till some of them decided to go kick the Palestinians out of their land and kill some of them.

Shall I give you a list of Muslim massacres of Jews from the time of the Spanish expulsion until today?
Sure...also the Israeli massacres in recent history...which we have actual footage of. Go.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

Clever reply.
But all countries require some sort of legal origin for validation.
The US came from Royal Charters, executed by the British monarchy.
Palestine was established by the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
But Israel has no such mandate.
The closest anyone can come is the 1949 UN Resolution that divided Palestine and recognized Israel.
So if you violate that, then Israel has nothing.
No legal basis at all.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

Other countries have many different basis under which they legally exist.
It just so happens that Israel has NONE, except for the 1949 UN resolution.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

Clever reply.
But all countries require some sort of legal origin for validation.
The US came from Royal Charters, executed by the British monarchy.
Palestine was established by the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
But Israel has no such mandate.
The closest anyone can come is the 1949 UN Resolution that divided Palestine and recognized Israel.
So if you violate that, then Israel has nothing.
No legal basis at all.

Every square inch of America was once the property of another people. Taken by force. More than half of the USA (more than 5 million square kilometers) was expropriated by force from Mexico.

If you want to have a discussion about legitimacy ... cast the beam out of your own eye.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

People like Rigby and other Jew haters can't get their head around the fact that the UN never gave Israel the right to exist. Israel's existence was a moot point. It existed regardless of what the UN voted.

The UN merely voted to recognize the existence of Israel.

If they voted tomorrow to not recognize the State of Israel, it would continue to exists in any case.

It was first the Leage of Nations, and later the UN, that prevented Jews from being wiped out when they were first starting to immigrate in large numbers.
In 1920 for example, there was only about 5% of the population in Palestine that was Jewish.
The Jewish population was never more than 30%, and even now there are only 6 million Jews and 12 million Muslim Arabs in Palestine/Israel.

And the reality is that it was the British and UN that prevented the Palestinians from having arms, while the US was secretly supplying B-17 bombers, P-51 Mustangs, M-4 Sherman tanks, etc., to the Zionists.
Israeli immigrants gets no credit for using massive donated weapons superiority to massacre the natives.

Israel is still totally dependent upon the hand outs from the US.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

Clever reply.
But all countries require some sort of legal origin for validation.
The US came from Royal Charters, executed by the British monarchy.
Palestine was established by the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
But Israel has no such mandate.
The closest anyone can come is the 1949 UN Resolution that divided Palestine and recognized Israel.
So if you violate that, then Israel has nothing.
No legal basis at all.

Every square inch of America was once the property of another people. Taken by force. More than half of the USA (more than 5 million square kilometers) was expropriated by force from Mexico.

If you want to have a discussion about legitimacy ... cast the beam out of your own eye.

The American natives were largely nomadic and did not care or think about property rights. About 98% of the native population were accidentally killed by imported germs, not deliberately murdered. And reparations are constantly being paid. American natives are the only people in the US who get free tuition and health care. The rest of us have to pay huge sums for both.

As for Mexico, large sums of money were paid for NM, AZ, CA, TX, NV, and UT.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

People like Rigby and other Jew haters can't get their head around the fact that the UN never gave Israel the right to exist. Israel's existence was a moot point. It existed regardless of what the UN voted.

The UN merely voted to recognize the existence of Israel.

If they voted tomorrow to not recognize the State of Israel, it would continue to exists in any case.

It was first the Leage of Nations, and later the UN, that prevented Jews from being wiped out when they were first starting to immigrate in large numbers.
In 1920 for example, there was only about 5% of the population in Palestine that was Jewish.
The Jewish population was never more than 30%, and even now there are only 6 million Jews and 12 million Muslim Arabs in Palestine/Israel.

And the reality is that it was the British and UN that prevented the Palestinians from having arms, while the US was secretly supplying B-17 bombers, P-51 Mustangs, M-4 Sherman tanks, etc., to the Zionists.
Israeli immigrants gets no credit for using massive donated weapons superiority to massacre the natives.

Israel is still totally dependent upon the hand outs from the US.
It will change...Americans are realizing more and more that Israel is a rogue state, and America first after all...they need to take care of themselves
we have actual footage

Let's see them ... I love Sci Fi.

One of thousands....I'm sure you gonna spin it.
Go...I can post more of the athrocities that the IDF have been committing in 5he occupied land.

Don't start nothing, there won't be nothing.

Too late for that.
Zionists started it around 1946 when they started massacring Arab villages, like Dier Yassin. Albert Einstein happened to be there and saw the women and children being executed. There are hundreds of Arab villages now missing since the late 1940s.
The ONLY law that gives Israel any existence at all is the UN resolution of 1949,

So, no state without a UN resolution cannot exist? When will the US be shutting its doors?

according to the psychosis of rigby-----"""DISBAND THE UN AND EVERY COUNTRY WILL LOST ITS "RIGHT TO EXIST" """

People like Rigby and other Jew haters can't get their head around the fact that the UN never gave Israel the right to exist. Israel's existence was a moot point. It existed regardless of what the UN voted.

The UN merely voted to recognize the existence of Israel.

If they voted tomorrow to not recognize the State of Israel, it would continue to exists in any case.

It was first the Leage of Nations, and later the UN, that prevented Jews from being wiped out when they were first starting to immigrate in large numbers.
In 1920 for example, there was only about 5% of the population in Palestine that was Jewish.
The Jewish population was never more than 30%, and even now there are only 6 million Jews and 12 million Muslim Arabs in Palestine/Israel.

And the reality is that it was the British and UN that prevented the Palestinians from having arms, while the US was secretly supplying B-17 bombers, P-51 Mustangs, M-4 Sherman tanks, etc., to the Zionists.
Israeli immigrants gets no credit for using massive donated weapons superiority to massacre the natives.

Israel is still totally dependent upon the hand outs from the US.
It will change...Americans are realizing more and more that Israel is a rogue state, and America first after all...they need to take care of themselves

It's only been 73 years ... just keep holding your breath.

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