Socialist Bernie Sanders Pulls Ahead Of Hillary In Poll After Both Campaign At Iowa State Fair


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Can you believe Gandalf has beaten the wicked witch!!!!!

dailycaller ^
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders made dueling appearances just hours apart Saturday at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. But if an informal straw poll conducted by the Iowa Secretary of State is any reliable measure of whose visit was more successful, the Vermont senator clearly won the day. According to the Iowa secretary of state’s website, which monitors the votes in real-time, more than 52 percent of Democrats who have cast a vote in the straw poll say they support Sanders. Just over 41 percent said they support Clinton. That’s a nice gain for Sanders, who was tied...

Hillary has to be really bad for the Ds to dump her for an old crazed socialist. Doesn't say much for the D party.

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