Socialist Utopia: Child gangs fight fpr quality garbage with machetes in Venezuela

They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.
They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.

There is always an excuse for why Socialism fails....and it always fails.

Each generation of Dumb-Asses {thats you} thinks they have "tweaked" Marx just right this time. And each generation fails to learn that it will have to do more than "tweak" Human Nature before Socialism ever succeeds.

What was your excuse for the colossal failure of the greatest socialism experiment ever---the Soviet Union? Do you even remember that excuse?

Have you ever read how the Pilgrims in Massachusetts tried Socialism first---and nearly starved to switched to personal initiative and personal responsibility---and THEN they celebrated that first Thanksgiving?

Will you ever learn? NO. But you can be exposed on boards like this for being a your cancer maybe won't spread like an opiate to the lazy and the jealous.
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Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. Socialism is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, except in terminally confused GOP Dupe world. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. Socialism is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, except in terminally confused GOP Dupe world. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Being a Dumb-Ass and a Numb-Skull....and apparently an admitted Socialist---you present only the Mask that Socialism arrives under.....its why I use the term Budding Bolshevik...they didn't realize what they were doing in Venezuela either. Even Bolsheviks don't think they are Bolsheviks until they find they have to use force against the Citizens to maintain Socialism on behalf of the Citizens.
They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.

No, it was screwed because your hero chavez, nationalized the oil fields and gave them to his buddies who were so stupid (go figure, they are dupes , like you) that they managed to drop oil production to such low levels that the people are now starving. The oil is still in the ground, the morons simply can't figure out how to get it out. And, because the elite are eating OK they don't care about the plight of the serfs.

That's how elitists are. Right little hater dupe?
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

Indeed it does. The best countries for their people are those that have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist ideologies working together. The problems arise when one form takes over. If it is capitalism that takes over the workers are oppressed. If it is progressivism that takes over, they are killed.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

Indeed it does. The best countries for their people are those that have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist ideologies working together. The problems arise when one form takes over. If it is capitalism that takes over the workers are oppressed. If it is progressivism that takes over, they are killed.

No, you're confusing progressivism (you mean socialism but we'll let it pass) with tyranny or outright communism. Many workers have died at the hands of capitalism in our country alone, just ask the Chinese who built our railroads or any workers before the labor movement.
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!


They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.

No, it was screwed because your hero chavez, nationalized the oil fields and gave them to his buddies who were so stupid (go figure, they are dupes , like you) that they managed to drop oil production to such low levels that the people are now starving. The oil is still in the ground, the morons simply can't figure out how to get it out. And, because the elite are eating OK they don't care about the plight of the serfs.

That's how elitists are. Right little hater dupe?

It's not a right nor a left thing at all. And it's not a Socialist thing either. It's about just how corrupt a Dictatorship can get and you really can't get any more corrupt than it is right now and remain breathing. We see a lot of that even in the United States. Just not to the degree. If the 1% is looking good, the US is looking good. But if the 1% is slipping, we are in a recession. For instance, the 1% noticed the recession in 2008 but the rest of us noticed it in 2003. Even Bush Jr noticed it in 2003. But we all have a long way to go to get down to the scale that Venzuela is so we weathered it. But Venzuela really can't go any further down. This is what happens when you have total unchecked Capitalism.
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

I know all you socialists Dumb-Asses here in the United States don't see yourselves as budding Bolsheviks, but neither did the good folks in Venezuela just a couple of decades ago---when they voted for Socialism.

They just wanted a little bit more Free Shit.

Just like you Dumb-Asses do now. You budding Bolsheviks.
When has any American liberal ever praised Venezuela’s economy?
Almost every modern day democracy has some amount of socialism.

I.E. The South - those fvckers need out tax dollars to fund their jobs and balance their state budgets. What a loaf of a culture!

That being said: Hucklefvcks consider themselves a well-regulated militia..but more like religious extremists!



Its the hypocrisy that makes them a joke. While they ridicule California for having levels of economic disparity (mostly due to the cost of real estate) they forget that states like California keep Appalachia alive.
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

I know all you socialists Dumb-Asses here in the United States don't see yourselves as budding Bolsheviks, but neither did the good folks in Venezuela just a couple of decades ago---when they voted for Socialism.

They just wanted a little bit more Free Shit.

Just like you Dumb-Asses do now. You budding Bolsheviks.
When has any American liberal ever praised Venezuela’s economy?

Do figments of their imagination count?
They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.

No, it was screwed because your hero chavez, nationalized the oil fields and gave them to his buddies who were so stupid (go figure, they are dupes , like you) that they managed to drop oil production to such low levels that the people are now starving. The oil is still in the ground, the morons simply can't figure out how to get it out. And, because the elite are eating OK they don't care about the plight of the serfs.

That's how elitists are. Right little hater dupe?

It's not a right nor a left thing at all. And it's not a Socialist thing either. It's about just how corrupt a Dictatorship can get and you really can't get any more corrupt than it is right now and remain breathing. We see a lot of that even in the United States. Just not to the degree. If the 1% is looking good, the US is looking good. But if the 1% is slipping, we are in a recession. For instance, the 1% noticed the recession in 2008 but the rest of us noticed it in 2003. Even Bush Jr noticed it in 2003. But we all have a long way to go to get down to the scale that Venzuela is so we weathered it. But Venzuela really can't go any further down. This is what happens when you have total unchecked Capitalism.

I have no idea what you are smoking but there is no place on Earth that has seen unchecked capitalism. Unchecked socialism/progressivism, yeah. There are 200 million dead people in the utopian mass graves, but unfettered capitalism hasn't been seen yet.
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

I know all you socialists Dumb-Asses here in the United States don't see yourselves as budding Bolsheviks, but neither did the good folks in Venezuela just a couple of decades ago---when they voted for Socialism.

They just wanted a little bit more Free Shit.

Just like you Dumb-Asses do now. You budding Bolsheviks.
The problem is that you rightwing idiots don’t understand what socialism even is. For instance, Norway is a socialist country with a strong economy and thriving quality of life for its citizens. You cherry pick Venezuela while ignong nations like Norway and you come across very retarded.

Let’s examine the US a minute. Among developed nations, it has the highest poverty rate and shittiest healthcare system. The middle class is also inferior to a couple other nations’ middle class when comparing median income after taxes. The US simply has the best wealthiest class the world over. It’s less than impressive all things considered.
They have a one-dimensional economy that was screwed totally by W's corrupt World depression. They were doing pretty well till then. Totally irrelevant as an example to us, super dupe.

No, it was screwed because your hero chavez, nationalized the oil fields and gave them to his buddies who were so stupid (go figure, they are dupes , like you) that they managed to drop oil production to such low levels that the people are now starving. The oil is still in the ground, the morons simply can't figure out how to get it out. And, because the elite are eating OK they don't care about the plight of the serfs.

That's how elitists are. Right little hater dupe?

It's not a right nor a left thing at all. And it's not a Socialist thing either. It's about just how corrupt a Dictatorship can get and you really can't get any more corrupt than it is right now and remain breathing. We see a lot of that even in the United States. Just not to the degree. If the 1% is looking good, the US is looking good. But if the 1% is slipping, we are in a recession. For instance, the 1% noticed the recession in 2008 but the rest of us noticed it in 2003. Even Bush Jr noticed it in 2003. But we all have a long way to go to get down to the scale that Venzuela is so we weathered it. But Venzuela really can't go any further down. This is what happens when you have total unchecked Capitalism.

I agree to a point that it is not a right/left thing, and unfortunately the corruption level in the US is going off the scales. I do have to point out that one party rigged a primary, weaponized the FBI, Dept of Justice, and the IRS. That is breathtakingly bad. Since the media is in bed with them, it is almost impossible to clean up. It seems like dems will do anything to win, and justify it as just peachy. The spineless rinos are worthless liars, but at least they don't use the IRS to attack dems, or fix their own primaries.
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. Socialism is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, except in terminally confused GOP Dupe world. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Being a Dumb-Ass and a Numb-Skull....and apparently an admitted Socialist---you present only the Mask that Socialism arrives under.....its why I use the term Budding Bolshevik...they didn't realize what they were doing in Venezuela either. Even Bolsheviks don't think they are Bolsheviks until they find they have to use force against the Citizens to maintain Socialism on behalf of the Citizens.
Vladimir Lenin, once said: "democracy is essential for socialism."
A socialist government IS big government, with its tendrils into everything and stealing from those who make more money through innovation.
If one man holds a gun to someone and takes his/her's immoral.
if ten men hold guns to someone and takes his/her's immoral
if a few million vote to steal the money from someone without their's still immoral.
Bottom line, socialism, remains immoral.
As for those people who don't like to see billionaires that have multiple homes and a yacht, just don't buy their products. If they can't sell the stuff, they can't get filthy rich.
Of course, then you couldn't rob the billionaires pockets.
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

I know all you socialists Dumb-Asses here in the United States don't see yourselves as budding Bolsheviks, but neither did the good folks in Venezuela just a couple of decades ago---when they voted for Socialism.

They just wanted a little bit more Free Shit.

Just like you Dumb-Asses do now. You budding Bolsheviks.
The problem is that you rightwing idiots don’t understand what socialism even is. For instance, Norway is a socialist country with a strong economy and thriving quality of life for its citizens. You cherry pick Venezuela while ignong nations like Norway and you come across very retarded.

Let’s examine the US a minute. Among developed nations, it has the highest poverty rate and shittiest healthcare system. The middle class is also inferior to a couple other nations’ middle class when comparing median income after taxes. The US simply has the best wealthiest class the world over. It’s less than impressive all things considered.

This is getting old Billy. We can mention the many, many, many failures of leftwing ideology despite the claims that none of these failures were implemented just right. After saying we are stupid and we don't properly understand the "right" way to run a communist country you trot out Norway as your shining example of the superiority of government domination. What is the population of Norway? What are their demographics? If Russia decided to annex Norway like the Ukraine, who would stop them? Why don't you just use an Amish community in Indiana as your example?
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

I know all you socialists Dumb-Asses here in the United States don't see yourselves as budding Bolsheviks, but neither did the good folks in Venezuela just a couple of decades ago---when they voted for Socialism.

They just wanted a little bit more Free Shit.

Just like you Dumb-Asses do now. You budding Bolsheviks.
The problem is that you rightwing idiots don’t understand what socialism even is. For instance, Norway is a socialist country with a strong economy and thriving quality of life for its citizens. You cherry pick Venezuela while ignong nations like Norway and you come across very retarded.

Let’s examine the US a minute. Among developed nations, it has the highest poverty rate and shittiest healthcare system. The middle class is also inferior to a couple other nations’ middle class when comparing median income after taxes. The US simply has the best wealthiest class the world over. It’s less than impressive all things considered.

Norway has a very small population and generates the vast majority of its money to run the socialist programs form its oil industry. I find it amusing that you try and compare our country of 330 million people with varying levels of education to a country of five million mostly highly educated people. Our ILLEGAL alien population is twice the entire population of Norway. Norways state owned oil company pays for the vast amount of the governments expenses, but even with that the average Norwegian only takes home 45% of his wages after taxes, and their sales tax (called a VAT) is a whopping 25%! So the 45% of his or her income doesn't go very far.

Yeah, lets all move to Norway...

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