Society has truly gone to hell

MAC1958 has never condemned the vulgar statue the Left proudly placed all over the nation for YOUNG CHILDREN TO SEE of Donald trump nude..
That was "cool", "funny", just "the truth" and so on.
But he jumps right on to ANY mild defense Trump might make to defend himself from such attacks.

No bias there....right?
Just body shaming.

"Artists" continue to try and push the envelope these days, like this girl who sings for a band who got up on stage and invited a man onto the stage so she could piss in his mouth. He then gets up and spews the piss at the crowd as they are then covered with it. Most seem to have enjoyed it, but I think one girl is trying to sue.

But what is more disconcerting are all the apologists that tweeted in her defense for doing this on stage in front of a live crowd for all to see.

What has caused society to become so reprobate and morally bankrupt?


Somewhere along the recent historical line we being the general public missed the return of our ruling class to the worship of the old gods, such as Saturn and others. Somewhere along the line our rulers chose a return to primitive barbarism and abandoned the pursuit of advancing civilization. It is as if all the horrors, violence and absolute disregard for human life from the most barbaric, savage chapters of human history are being rewritten and republished right before our very eyes in real time.

"Artists" continue to try and push the envelope these days, like this girl who sings for a band who got up on stage and invited a man onto the stage so she could piss in his mouth. He then gets up and spews the piss at the crowd as they are then covered with it. Most seem to have enjoyed it, but I think one girl is trying to sue.

But what is more disconcerting are all the apologists that tweeted in her defense for doing this on stage in front of a live crowd for all to see.

What has caused society to become so reprobate and morally bankrupt?


Urista singled out a male fan in the crowd with a beer can on his head. She called him up onto the stage while the band was covering Rage Against the Machine’s “Wake Up.” She then told him to lie down on the stage, at which point she pulled down her pants and urinated on his face. The man, seemingly thrilled by the act, then proceeded to stand up and spit the liquid into the audience.

All in good fun!
Urista singled out a male fan in the crowd with a beer can on his head. She called him up onto the stage while the band was covering Rage Against the Machine’s “Wake Up.” She then told him to lie down on the stage, at which point she pulled down her pants and urinated on his face. The man, seemingly thrilled by the act, then proceeded to stand up and spit the liquid into the audience.

All in good fun!
I was more outraged at the poor perfomance of a politiclly strong song.

"Artists" continue to try and push the envelope these days, like this girl who sings for a band who got up on stage and invited a man onto the stage so she could piss in his mouth. He then gets up and spews the piss at the crowd as they are then covered with it. Most seem to have enjoyed it, but I think one girl is trying to sue.

But what is more disconcerting are all the apologists that tweeted in her defense for doing this on stage in front of a live crowd for all to see.

What has caused society to become so reprobate and morally bankrupt?

My uncles told me it cures Acne. :cool: This sort of thing makes good publicity for the moment but in the long run, it mostly turns out bad for the performer.
Does anyone else get really sick of the left's obsession with Donald Trump?
I mean....we have a REAL national disaster in the WH....and all they can chatter up in the vast emptiness of their minds and soul is......"Trump"

What do you expect? When you mention vast emptiness of mind and soul, who else would you think of but trump?
I agree. This is not new at all. It may be more visible with everyone armed with video cameras, but it is NOT new.

Ozzy Osborne was finally allowed to visit The Alamo after being permanently banned from the site and banned from performing in San Antonio since 1982, when he got drunk and took a piss on the side of the chapel.

There are countless stories like that going back decades earlier. The difference is that they were only made know via word of mouth. Now, we have video of EVERYTHING.
I never said it was new, rather, I'm saying people are more comfortable to have this sort of thing out in the open is all.
The tendency to enjoy mindless grotesque, obscene or violent things tends to happen in affluent societies.

There are a lot of immoral poor people, but they are immoral in different ways.

I'm not sure what this event was, but I'd bet that the tickets weren't cheap, so there probably were few if any poor people in the audience.
Would you say that the entire Federal government is run by immoral people since they are rich? If so, why do you vote for them?

And where do you put yourself? Are you rich and evil or poor and good or maybe somewhere between? What level of wealth causes someone to be immoral?
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I have a great Ozzy story. He was coming to our town in Fla in 82 and only like 1/4 of the tickets had sold in the first month to those of us who knew him. Then some parents found out about the bat head biting incident and tried to get him banned from the venue. Tickets sold out in 3 hours after that!
These "artists" know the golden rule of show business, and that is any publicity is good publicity.

That's why they push the envelope, and people eat it up cause they revel in being "naughty" with the innate understanding that pissing on people and biting the heads off bats is "bad" for obvious reasons, otherwise it would not get all the attention.

But at what price? And will society deteriorate to such a degree that such acts no longer shock anyone enough to even report it?
Biden, Harris, Killary, Obama, Schiff, Comey, Wray, the list goes on forever.
Maybe our future political leaders will crave the publicity like singers do. Maybe someday the head of the DNC can get up on stage and bite off the head of a fetus or something
If the intention is to score new fans, to me, this act is not even in the parking lot that is next to the ball field. It might be a ten mile hike before you even get to one street over.

God bless you always!!!

Society has gone to hell.

When I see riots, looting, and burning both public and private property while the police stand down, that's anarchy and that is a clear indication of a society that has gone to hell. Not just once, but for several months, and probably will again depending on the Rittenhouse verdict or for some other event.

When I see people walk into a store or place of business and flagrantly steal whatever they want and walk out with bags of stolen property and nothing is done about it, that's anarchy and that is a clear indication of a society that has gone to hell.

When I see people viciously attack another person that they don't even know and for no reason other than their race or religion, and people stand around and do nothing except video the attack, that's anarchy and that is a clear indication of a society that has gone to hell. Ditto a rape on a subway or anywhere else.

When I see the FBI and the police used as political weapons against the opposition, battering down doors in the middle of the night for a God Damn diary, how is that not a sign that our society has not gone to hell?

What has caused society to become so reprobate and morally bankrupt?

1. We have a sense of entitlement today that didn't exist when I was a kid. People believe they are entitled to whatever even though they didn't do anything to earn it.

2. When you did something wrong back then, you paid a penalty for it. Deterrence in too many cases today is just a word in the dictionary.

3. We've created a society of double standards. People are treated differently depending on which tribe they belong to, and if you ain't in my tribe then I can do whatever I want to you.

4. We expect equal treatment but we don't want to give it.

5. We want our opinion and voice to be heard and respected but we won't listen to or respect an opposing view. I.E., we are too hypocritical.

6. We used to feel responsible for our kids, to be a good role model for them. What are they learning these days about honor and integrity and a good work ethic?

7. IMHO, the corruption we see in our gov't exists because they are a product of a society that no longer believes that honor and integrity are our core values. And we accept that if they belong to our tribe and bitch like hell if they ain't.

8. Most of us believe in our own self-righteousness and so we take no responsibility for the state of our society. We didn't do it, they did. Nobody takes any ownership and nothing gets done to change things for the better.
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These "artists" know the golden rule of show business, and that is any publicity is good publicity.

That's why they push the envelope, and people eat it up cause they revel in being "naughty" with the innate understanding that pissing on people and biting the heads off bats is "bad" for obvious reasons, otherwise it would not get all the attention.

But at what price? And will society deteriorate to such a degree that such acts no longer shock anyone enough to even report it?

Is this your way of admitting this is not a new thing as your OP suggested?
Is this your way of admitting this is not a new thing as your OP suggested?
It's my way of showing that as this sort of thing is tolerated, the more it spreads till it becomes normalized and part of the culture.

Just look at ancient Rome, for example. They would feed people to the lions for entertainment as they would cheer and watch at the colosseum.

Or look at ancient Sparta, the men would take prepubescent boys as lovers. It became part of their culture.
I never said it was new, rather, I'm saying people are more comfortable to have this sort of thing out in the open is all.

it was always in the open, just now there is this thing called the internet that lets the entire world know about it within 60 seconds

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