Society is breaking down

Do you think society is breaking down?

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I wouldn't call it "breaking down" as much as I say it's in decay.

This is the natural and predictable result of the constant lowering of standards and enabling of poor behaviors.

If you belong to certain groups, you simply are not held to the same standards as the rest, and it spreads like a cancer.

This isn't exactly a surprise. And it's possible that it's intended.

Well i'm thinking about all situations where we are breaking down you know right before Rome fell all this screwy bs took place too.

Oh it's breaking down all around us........ lol
Societal collapse - Wikipedia

I don’t understand the question... what would constitute a societal breakdown?

The culture is always shifting, perceptions are always changing... is this suggested breakdown to be understood as having a negative connotation? Because I could think of many ways in which a societal breakdown would be just what the doctor ordered.

This guy didn't help matters either. He did a lot to put us where we are now.

Just one more sign of society breaking down.

Notice the female's heels are not shoes they are her FEET , and there is suppose to be a surgery being done/or will be in the future giving these making you puke look heels.

View attachment 182117

Nice "photoshop"

which proves why you only have 1% of a brain left look it up jackass. lol . Apparently you ain't seen nothing yet LMFAO...

Human Body Stilettos: Every Woman's Dream? | Bit Rebels

Creepy Concept For Real Skin Human Body Stiletto Heel Implants


I don’t understand the question... what would constitute a societal breakdown?

The culture is always shifting, perceptions are always changing... is this suggested breakdown to be understood as having a negative connotation? Because I could think of many ways in which a societal breakdown would be just what the doctor ordered.

What about the culture that does not change? We have one of those to deal with and it will not coexist. In fact it will likely replace our culture if something is not done soon, but I digress.
What about the culture that does not change? We have one of those to deal with and it will not coexist. In fact it will likely replace our culture if something is not done soon, but I digress.

And equally present peril. I suppose the ancient wisdom that prescribes balance is always relevant, and the apparent paradox of embracing change by holding to core principles. In other words, prudence dictates that we don't abandon the ship, nor anchor it to the sea floor; but instead hold fast to its shelter, navigate the tumult of the waters, and allow it to carry us to distant lands.

Principles, if held in their rightful, primary place, will always keep our course. The world abounds with choices, and technology threatens to outpace our wisdom. Our character is determined by the choices we make within a landscape of nigh-unto infinite possibilities. Morality, logic, and creativity are what makes man unique; they are his sight, his speed, his claws, his growl. These must not be abandoned, lest his survival be threatened.

Sure, putting heels in your feet harms no one, but one should ask themselves, "Why am I inclined to do this?" Self-reflection will cast away such faux-motivations as, "It's how I express myself; this is who I am." Something is being sought, and it is undoubtedly being sought in the wrong place; for all that the heart seeks must be eternal, independent of the particulars of invention. Love, independence, relevance, meaning... probably all of them, and artificial enhancements cannot grant these.

Society is a reflection of the summated character of individuals. So, if it can be concluded that such behaviors are a breakdown in principles (therefore character), then yes, there is a breakdown in society. I suppose there is room for a healthy person to do strange things just for fun; but only they can know their true motivations, and they will only know them truly by earnest personal investigation.
"Pretty weird" is putting it mildly... In my book its phucking bizzare...
I visited my stepmom in Civilization years ago and when we went to the mall, I thought to myself, "My God, there's a lot of people with cancer." It was the women shaving their heads thing. I thought it was a chemo convention.
People make shit up and put it on the net, you know?
Maybe Mind Wars doesn't know about Photoshop?

or maybe you are in such a fantasy world you are to dumb to realize reality and how peopel really are. They aren't all into the white house picket fence dumb ass......

Or did you miss all the post where another stupid fk thought it was photos shopped because you morons are so fkn clueless to what's in the real world you haven't got a clue......

People make shit up and put it on the net, you know?
Maybe Mind Wars doesn't know about Photoshop?


and unworldly dumbasses like you haven't a clue what goes on in the real world........ try learning not everything that doesn't fit in your fantasy world box ISN'T A GOD DAM CONSPIRACY NOR PHOTO SHOPPED STOOGE........

Try educating yourself in the REAL WORLD CALLED REALITY"


An image purportedly showing what a foot looks like after “Cinderella surgery” is a digitally-manipulated fake. While “Cinderella surgery” is a real procedure, it does not actually alter a person’s foot to look like a high-heel shoe.

According to Snopes, the fake photo has been circulating social media for several years and claims to show a disfigured foot that was modified to look like a high-heel shoe through “Cinderella surgery.” The disturbing image, however, is not real.

Read more at ‘Cinderella Surgery’ Altering Feet to Look Like Stiletto Heels Is A Fake Photo
‘Cinderella Surgery’ Altering Feet to Look Like Stiletto Heels Is A Fake Photo

People have HORNS sewn into their head dumbass
their ears to look like Spoks elves, etc

Gawd what the fk planet do you sheltered leftist live on. lol
"Pretty weird" is putting it mildly... In my book its phucking bizzare...
I visited my stepmom in Civilization years ago and when we went to the mall, I thought to myself, "My God, there's a lot of people with cancer." It was the women shaving their heads thing. I thought it was a chemo convention.

Not taking away from your antidote ... It does offer a weird analogy ... :dunno:

Cancer results when cells grow uncontrollably.
Sometimes it is benign and causes little harm.
Other times it is hazardous in the fact it destroys the healthy tissues around it, propagates and endangers life itself .

Think about that in the societal sense.

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Just one more sign of society breaking down.

Notice the female's heels are not shoes they are her FEET , and there is suppose to be a surgery being done/or will be in the future giving these making you puke look heels.

View attachment 182117

These two articles popped up back to back on FB news feed.............. SOCIETY IS BREAKING DOWN FASTER than EVER this also ACCLIMATES the public into acceptance of it all.

Miley Cyrus Says ‘Incest Is Hot’; Laws Against It ‘Violate Human Rights’

Mother Admits On Facebook to Sleeping with 15 Yr Old Son, They Have a Baby Together


Are they really this stupid.

Well, be careful... regardless of your personal feelings about it, it clearly IS a violation of human rights to outlaw sibling incest, as there is no victim. The mother and son thing is a little different since an adult has an intellectual advantage over a child, which can be a form of victimization in certain circumstances.

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