Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

Bear with me on this. I am going to struggle to get out what I want to say and I might fuck it up :lol:

Ok...meandering thoughts....BEFORE the brouhaha of the Duck thing, most folks were being tolerant. Sure, there are a few diehards about homosexuality, but they were mostly just grumbling more quietly..sorta. Progress was being made...sorta. Not much battling happening...kinda. Until Robertson said what he said and GLAAD jumped all over it. Which got Robertson in deep doo doo. Which in turn caused the uproar that developed. And now? What is being said in this thread might NOT have been said a couple of months ago or even last year. Even straights who fought for and defended gays are now rethinking their thoughts and not being so verbal in showing support any more. Shit happened. By the group supposedly representing gays. One step forward...5 steps back, is what they did. And that, friends and a shame.
Finding queers to be disgusting has nothing to do with religion, it is natural.

If I am wrong then please explain why the majority of atheists aren't gay.

That makes no sense. You know that, right?

If it has nothing to do with religion, then out of what ass did the OP pull the word "sodomites"? What is that, a mountain range in eastern Europe?

The point is, everybody is disgusted by queers, religious people and non-religious alike. So the remark blaming all this "hatred" towards queers being a product of institutional religion is way off the mark.

But, apparently you're too stupid to realize that.

Pssssht. State, social, and media sanctioned religion has had a huge impact on what people have been conditioned to accept or consider "disgusting" for the people who follow the trends instead of thinking for themselves. Some atheists may be immune to religion, but that doesn't mean they're immune to generations of other all other social conditionings.
If it was two girls dancing together sexy, I would be really upset, but having the manners I do, I wouldn't make a scene. I would just "watch".

Segregation? Gays are not a race. It's pretty sad when you liberals have to resort to comparing the gay agenda to the civil rights movement. Blacks just love being compared to gays. Queers were never slaves, they were never segregated, so the comparison is just silly.

Um .....the whole thread is about Queer Segregation.

However, I agree that the constant comparison of Queers with Black prejudice is erroneous: Blacks, or any other minority, cannot hide their skin. Queers, on the other hand, can hide their sexual preferences.

The question is; Should they? If so, then why?

The thread is not about "Queer Segregation", its about queers flaunting their disgusting behavior in public places where no one wants to see it. Kind of like the other story where a bunch of queers were in a Christmas parade, offending just about everybody that saw it.

It's funny how not so long ago the progressive's pro-gay argument was that people should be able to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. Now it has evolved into flaunting their perverted sexuality in your face in public areas and crying foul when people object to it. This is how progressives move their agenda forward, just keep becoming more vile, more offensive at every step, and you liberals defend it every time.

Quite frankly, people are getting fed up with progressives and their vile tactics. I for one don't give a shit if you think my beliefs are offensive, because I sure as hell know that progressives don't give a shit how offensive their ideas are to everyone else.

There is a major difference between two people holding hands and dancing the two step to grinding against each other and feeling each other up. As a bartender a long time ago, I would, and have objected to the second regardless of orientation. I believe the couple in question were thrown out for dancing together to country music in a country bar. That's bullshit, and any rational adult knows it.
I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

The owners are fucking idiots.
At the end of the day, a business is there to make money and it hardly matters who passes that cash over the bar.
Capitalism is about making money, not sending it away and creating negative publicity for their business because you hate poofs.

Frankly, the owner can hate who they like in private, but they're shit businessmen if they put petty stupid hatred above profits.

Racism, sexism, and teh ghey discrimination, it seems, is trying to become a cottage industry ALA Teatard republicans.

It's been a winning tactic (rather than a strategy) for centuries, but the target demographic is dying off - and so is the political and public support for such bullshit.
The point is, everybody is disgusted by queers, religious people and non-religious alike. So the remark blaming all this "hatred" towards queers being a product of institutional religion is way off the mark.

But, apparently you're too stupid to realize that.

Broad brush there. I am NOT disgusted by gay folks. I love 'em. I am not religious, but I am spiritual...whatever difference that makes.

Just sayin'.

I am religious, but not spiritual.

The odds...:eusa_eh:
Segregation worked so well in the past, didn't it?

Segregation? Gays are not a race. It's pretty sad when you liberals have to resort to comparing the gay agenda to the civil rights movement. Blacks just love being compared to gays. Queers were never slaves, they were never segregated, so the comparison is just silly.

Segregation doesn't always apply to race. Segregation means Separation. You want separation in bars. You admit it yourself. And as I said before...Segregation has worked so well in the past, hasn't it?

We're segregated economically as well, and that isn't working out so well for democracy either.
Bear with me on this. I am going to struggle to get out what I want to say and I might fuck it up :lol:

Ok...meandering thoughts....BEFORE the brouhaha of the Duck thing, most folks were being tolerant. Sure, there are a few diehards about homosexuality, but they were mostly just grumbling more quietly..sorta. Progress was being made...sorta. Not much battling happening...kinda. Until Robertson said what he said and GLAAD jumped all over it. Which got Robertson in deep doo doo. Which in turn caused the uproar that developed. And now? What is being said in this thread might NOT have been said a couple of months ago or even last year. Even straights who fought for and defended gays are now rethinking their thoughts and not being so verbal in showing support any more. Shit happened. By the group supposedly representing gays. One step forward...5 steps back, is what they did. And that, friends and a shame.

Okay, maybe in your world, but no. The whole thing with DD was to fight for the right to be assholes. EVERYTHING said in this thread will be said, by the same people, ten years from now. Ten hundred years from now. Ten thousand years from now.

In a millennium, some asshole will still be a dick head. It is the nature of the beast.
Don't push your sexual hang-ups on everyone else.

I'm not the one going out into public places to make a scene in order to disgust/insult people intentionally. The queers are doing that. :eusa_hand:

I find straight people dancing in public...particularly fat or really drunk ones disgusting....and yet it is totally allowed.

Are you suggesting that straight people don't get arrested in public or thrown out of bars when they start acting like jackasses?

I went to a burger joint a few years ago with a friend. Behind us in a booth, two teenyboppers were slobbering all over each other, his hands all over her boobs. I didn't see them because they were behind me but my friend saw it. She finally had enough and said "we are eating! If you want to make love, don't do it where we all have to watch". I turned around to see what she was refering to and the guys hand was IN the girls blouse, fondling. Both had sneers on their faces at her words, and they kissed again...and I don't mean a romantic kiss...I'm talking burger juice all over their faces, slurping each others tongues and his hand on her tit.
I said "That's not making love. If you wanna fuck and suck each other off, get the fuck out".
The manager then came over and told them to leave, which they did.

THAT was disgusting.

A perfect example of how straight people are held accountable for their actions. That kind of behavior in public is unacceptable, and the store manager acted on it. Something similar happens to gays and liberals start crying "discrimination" and "segregation".
Segregation worked so well in the past, didn't it?

Segregation? Gays are not a race. It's pretty sad when you liberals have to resort to comparing the gay agenda to the civil rights movement. Blacks just love being compared to gays. Queers were never slaves, they were never segregated, so the comparison is just silly.

Segregation doesn't always apply to race. Segregation means Separation. You want separation in bars. You admit it yourself. And as I said before...Segregation has worked so well in the past, hasn't it?

So throwing criminals in jail is a form of "segregation", it separates thugs from the rest of society. So yes, I would say segregation works just fine, if that's how you want to define it. Holding people accountable for their own actions is vastly different than discriminating against someone based on their race.....a concept you fail to grasp.
You know..............when I first joined the Navy and was on my first ship, I met the first person I ever knew who told me openly that they were gay. His name was Paul, and not only was he a really great person to be around, he was also excellent to go bar hopping with, because for some strange reason, women would be attracted to his demeanor and would flock around him. He would then talk me up to the ladies that crowded around us (because of him), and shift their attentions off of himself and on to me.

I got a lot of dates with some really gorgeous women because of him. He also taught me how to dress appropriately (i.e. for the ladies), because I was just a simple country boy from Montana who thought that flannel shirts, 501 jeans and logging boots was high fashion.

He also took me to a gay bar in Norfolk called the "Q" Club that had female impersonator shows about every couple of weeks. Not only did I feel safe in there ( people DO have "gaydar" and can tell who is and isn't gay) because nobody would come and hassle me, but the shows that some of those dudes put on were almost worthy of Broadway. Not only did I have a really great time watching the performances, but I also met a lot of really great people.

I also remember when I was stationed at NAS Millington TN (before they shifted all the aviation A schools down to Pensacola), and was riding my motorcycle one night when I decided I wanted a beer. Stopped off at what I thought would be an appropriate watering hole and went inside. I immediately noticed that there were almost zero guys in the bar, but a whole bunch of women. One of the ladies walked up to me when I was ordering a beer and said "do you know where you're at right now?" I replied, "yeah, I'm in a bar with some rocking music and a whole bunch of people who look like they're having a good time". She looked at me for a couple of seconds, held out her hand and shook mine, and then told me I was in a lesbian bar. Spent the next few hours dancing, shooting pool and having the time of my life. Why? Because I didn't act like a bigot against their lifestyle.

And................when I did my last sea tour at Norfolk, I rented a room from a lesbian couple (hey........200 bucks/month in Indian River Road area is CHEAP, especially if they have a pool), and on occasion they would take me out to gay bars. When they introduced me to others, they would tell them that I was straight, and I never had a problem with someone hitting on me (even though I was told that I was a pretty decent looking man).

Nope..........never had a problem with gays, either male or female, and I'd found that if I treated them like I wanted to be treated (with kindness, respect and friendship), it was returned back to me. Not only did I learn things (hey..........I've always liked to cook, and some of them have some really great recipies, but they also had other great info to share).

Is the gay lifestyle a choice? Probably not for the majority. Sure..........there may be some people out there who try it just to see what the experience is like, but for the most part, it's because they were wired that way. Matter of fact, here in Amarillo, I had a friend who liked to shoot pool with me and ride around on my Harley who was as much of a lesbian as she could be, and asked me a real strange question one night.

She said that she'd never been with a man, and wasn't sure if she was truly gay or not, so she asked me if I'd be willing to have sex with her so she could make sure, because she was wondering if it was a choice or not.

Well............we tried it twice, and each time it ended up the same way. We'd both get naked, start to have sex, and then she'd ask to stop because it made her feel uncomfortable, like she was doing something wrong.

Scientists have now shown that it's not genetic, and a lot of the people on here are right, there isn't a gay gene, but brain scans done by Swiss scientists have shown that the way the gay brain in wired is different than what the straight brain is.

What the Gay Brain Looks Like - TIME

If you're straight or gay, it doesn't really make much difference to me. What matters is are you friendly, can you be counted on to keep your word, will you tell me the truth, and do you have the same respect for me that I show to you?

But then again...................I try to remember that I'm a human and have my own things going on, and if I want others to respect what I do, then I have to respect the choices they make in their own lives.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I kinda take to heart what Jesus said when He said "Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God".

Gender, race, creed or sexuality weren't specified. We were just told to love one another.
Do right wing guys really get all that upset watching two women "comfort" each other (if you know what I mean)? I've never been bothered by it.
I'm not the one going out into public places to make a scene in order to disgust/insult people intentionally. The queers are doing that. :eusa_hand:

I find straight people dancing in public...particularly fat or really drunk ones disgusting....and yet it is totally allowed.

Are you suggesting that straight people don't get arrested in public or thrown out of bars when they start acting like jackasses?

Dancing = "acting like jackasses" to you?
To be honest, if you are male and like to dance, or dance for any reason other than to get a chick to bang you, you are a fag. Dancing is feminine , attentionwhoring behavior
He would then talk me up to the ladies that crowded around us (because of him), and shift their attentions off of himself and on to me.


You're pretty sad if it takes a gay guy to get a female to date you.

Not so sure. Many guys have given other guys a bad reputation because they act like such assholes. I bet it's worse among Republicans who already feel women have no rights.
Do right wing guys really get all that upset watching two women "comfort" each other (if you know what I mean)? I've never been bothered by it.

Two women together isn't the same as two faggots, so no.

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