Solar power costs 14 times more than a natural gas power plant

The major drawback for the solar plant is over night storage. That isn't a surprise to anyone. Night time demand has never been the same as daytime demand. The real savings is in the amount it costs to produce each kilowatt hour of power. There is no reason why we shouldn't take advantage of that savings while we can and rely on gas fired power for the rest.
Could you not understand the OP?
Tax dollars at work on this scam:

Even a republican senator can fall for this garbage... at least when his name is "Crapo". Remember to never vote this Crap-o guy into office again.
And back in the old days, a digital calculator was the size of a suitcase and cost hundreds of dollars.

Once the efficiency reaches 100%, you can't make a solar panel any smaller for a given power output. You also can't reduce the cost of building storage like the kind envisaged in the article, and that's probably the cheapest form of storage there is. Generators are already at almost 100% efficiency.
Lying little dumb fuck. Oncor, the largest utility in Texas, figures the breakeven point for gridscale storage is $350 per kw/hr. Tesla is selling grid scale batteries right now for $250 per kw/hr, and Eos is selling them for $160 kw/hr, Solar and wind will soon be 24/7. And far cheaper than gas fired or nuclear,

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