Soldier discharged after trying to stop Muslim crime, er, I mean tradition

For the record, our military cannot use enhanced interrogation on vile terrorists or the liberals will go insane, but they are expected to look the other way when Muslims rape young boys because that is just part of their culture. Where are the liberals on this one? The left thought that the GITMO terrorists should be sent to the U.S. to ensure they could have all the rights of American citizens, yet our own military members are subjected to whatever fucked up laws exist in the radical countries. And our government sides with them. Considering it's also part of the "culture" of the radicals to commit mass murders, behead non-Muslims, gays and women who fail to obey, I would think something as tame as waterboarding would be laughable. Funny how libs bitch about that to this day, yet turn a blind eye to much more horrible atrocities.

What is worse, being waterboarded, which caused no serious injury, or a young boy being raped by grown men? Our troops are told to respect the culture of foreign lands, which is usually reasonable, but it's crazy that they must tolerate the brutal treatment of people. On the other hand, Obama has told immigrants they don't have to assimilate here and we are supposed to respect other people's practices when they come here. So, we always put Muslims first, whether here or abroad. Just peachy. I guess it would be asking too much to expect immigrants, legal and illegal, to show some tolerance and respect for our laws and customs.

It's insane that these soldiers were charged for trying to save an innocent child from being raped, yet the liberals don't show concern when an illegal alien rapes or murders a citizen. When illegal immigrants come here, they get away with a lot and usually run to sanctuary cities for cover. Radical Muslims who try to have their own sharia courts or continue to deny rights to their women just run to CAIR whining because they don't care about our laws or customs and just want to have things the way they had them in their home country.

The soldiers learn the hard way that certain things are perfectly acceptable in some Muslim countries, like stoning women to death, murdering gays and Christians and raping young boys and girls. And any objection or action to stop it will result in being discharged from the US military. It's bad enough that some fucked up countries tolerate this, but it makes no sense for our own troops to be punished by our own government. I would think it's totally understandable to react the way this soldier did when confronted with a complete sleazebag pedophile.

"A California congressman is demanding that the Army overturn the punishment handed down to two Special Forces soldiers that stood up to an Afghan commander who kept a young boy as a "sex slave."

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine), a former Marine officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is upset about the treatment of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland and Capt. Danny Quinn after they confronted an Afghan police commander about his abuse of a young boy.

Rep. Hunter wrote letters to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, Jon Rymer, stating that Martland admitted to hitting the commander after learning he had been sexually abusing an 11-year-old boy.

According to Hunter, Martland admitted that his conduct was wrong.

After 11 years of service, Martland is being forced out of the Army, effective November 1. Quinn lost his command and has since resigned.

"To intervene was a moral decision," Hunter wrote Carter, "and Martland and his Special Forces team felt they had no choice but to respond.""

So you're saying that US soldiers in other countries shouldn't respect the laws of the land in those countries, but immigrants in the US should respect US laws?
Progressives don't care about laws. If you want to save the day, I suggest, go to a college in a major city and do a course that men don't do.

The sexual harrasment by the dykes is criminal.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
So because it's illegal, you are fine with it happening? Progressives are bold, they dare much and believe me, female dominated industries are now grooming centres for dykes to groom girls. there is nothing ok with female pedophiles and female homosexuality.

Where the hell did I say I was fine with it? While some countries allow it because it's their custom, I reminded you that it is illegal here. That means people should go to jail if they commit such crimes.

Rape, murder, sexual harassment, etc. are serious crimes regardless of who commits them. Victims need to speak out and report it and our system needs to take it seriously.

I don't approve of ever turning a blind eye to any of these crimes.
So you're saying that US soldiers in other countries shouldn't respect the laws of the land in those countries, but immigrants in the US should respect US laws?

I pointed out how backwards the Obama administration is when it comes to handling things. They wanted terrorists to be bought here to ensure their rights, but they don't demand the same for our men and women in the military. Our military gets briefings to ensure they respect the laws and customs of other countries. Things like pedophilia aren't discussed in detail because it's a dirty little secret of some Muslim countries who allow it. Don't know if it's against their laws or not, but it's become a custom. While our military is always expected to show respect for other countries, even to the point of female soldiers covering their heads in Muslim countries, Obama has informed all legal and illegal immigrants that they don't need to assimilate. So they are told up front that they do not need to respect our customs and the illegal aliens are being invited to break our immigration laws.

Every country should expect that non-citizens abide by their laws. My point was that America invites people to dump on us while our people pay a high price for not conforming to other countries.

It's OUR GOVERNMENT punishing the soldier who defended the little boy by shoving the pedophile. If foreign countries arrest our troops, I would expect our government to step in and defend them to ensure fair treatment. In this case, our government kicked the soldier out of the military because he didn't look the other way when he saw the young rape victim.

Why didn't we just reassign the guy instead of ending his career? According to our laws, he did nothing wrong and yet we were quick to punish him because he offended a fucking Muslim pedophile.
Progressives don't care about laws. If you want to save the day, I suggest, go to a college in a major city and do a course that men don't do.

The sexual harrasment by the dykes is criminal.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
So because it's illegal, you are fine with it happening? Progressives are bold, they dare much and believe me, female dominated industries are now grooming centres for dykes to groom girls. there is nothing ok with female pedophiles and female homosexuality.

Where the hell did I say I was fine with it? While some countries allow it because it's their custom, I reminded you that it is illegal here. That means people should go to jail if they commit such crimes.

Rape, murder, sexual harassment, etc. are serious crimes regardless of who commits them. Victims need to speak out and report it and our system needs to take it seriously.

I don't approve of ever turning a blind eye to any of these crimes.
Well now that you know whats going on here, I guess you'll pay more attention to home instead of intervening on the other side of the world?
The UCMJ requires the military to follow it's rules. It's illegal to be a vigilante in foreign countries (or this one for that matter).

The Status of Forces Agreement is a document that states what our military can and cannot do while in that country. Enforcing US law in Afghanistan isn't part of that agreement.

While I agree with the spirit of what these men did, they still broke the rules of the military and had to be held to account.

Hey................if I see someone beating the shit out of their kid in a foreign country, while I can't go up and start beating on them (I'd be arrested for assault and when the civilians got through with me, the military would have their turn), so the only thing I can do is report it to the local authorities. If they do nothing, there is nothing further that I'd be able to do as a member of the military.
So you're saying that US soldiers in other countries shouldn't respect the laws of the land in those countries, but immigrants in the US should respect US laws?

I pointed out how backwards the Obama administration is when it comes to handling things. They wanted terrorists to be bought here to ensure their rights, but they don't demand the same for our men and women in the military. Our military gets briefings to ensure they respect the laws and customs of other countries. Things like pedophilia aren't discussed in detail because it's a dirty little secret of some Muslim countries who allow it. Don't know if it's against their laws or not, but it's become a custom. While our military is always expected to show respect for other countries, even to the point of female soldiers covering their heads in Muslim countries, Obama has informed all legal and illegal immigrants that they don't need to assimilate. So they are told up front that they do not need to respect our customs and the illegal aliens are being invited to break our immigration laws.

Every country should expect that non-citizens abide by their laws. My point was that America invites people to dump on us while our people pay a high price for not conforming to other countries.

It's OUR GOVERNMENT punishing the soldier who defended the little boy by shoving the pedophile. If foreign countries arrest our troops, I would expect our government to step in and defend them to ensure fair treatment. In this case, our government kicked the soldier out of the military because he didn't look the other way when he saw the young rape victim.

Why didn't we just reassign the guy instead of ending his career? According to our laws, he did nothing wrong and yet we were quick to punish him because he offended a fucking Muslim pedophile.

Backwards? Or just the way the world works.

You want to talk about Human Rights? What did Bush do? Right, he got the Saudi princes out of the US around 9/11. He supported the Saudis the whole time he was in power. They aren't exactly in favor of Human Rights. He went and invaded countries and didn't give a stuff what the people of those countries thought. He didn't try and stop bad practices in these countries by lecturing them on Human Rights.

The US govt HAS TO respect Human Rights.

The Fifth Amendment says "No person", this means no person, as in, not one of the 7 billion people on this planet, regardless of the situation. This is the US constitution. Or do you feel that the Constitution can be ignored when it suits you?

You say Obama is running things badly, maybe, but that's because he's respecting the Constitution more than the right have ever done.

Whether you reassign someone or not, this guy made a diplomatic incident. I'm not going to comment on whether the US Army was heavy handed or not. The issues are clear.
Backwards? Or just the way the world works.

You want to talk about Human Rights? What did Bush do? Right, he got the Saudi princes out of the US around 9/11. He supported the Saudis the whole time he was in power. They aren't exactly in favor of Human Rights. He went and invaded countries and didn't give a stuff what the people of those countries thought. He didn't try and stop bad practices in these countries by lecturing them on Human Rights.

The US govt HAS TO respect Human Rights.

The Fifth Amendment says "No person", this means no person, as in, not one of the 7 billion people on this planet, regardless of the situation. This is the US constitution. Or do you feel that the Constitution can be ignored when it suits you?

You say Obama is running things badly, maybe, but that's because he's respecting the Constitution more than the right have ever done.

Whether you reassign someone or not, this guy made a diplomatic incident. I'm not going to comment on whether the US Army was heavy handed or not. The issues are clear.

Our government punished the soldier for standing up for that young boy's rights.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
Progressives don't care about laws. If you want to save the day, I suggest, go to a college in a major city and do a course that men don't do.

The sexual harrasment by the dykes is criminal.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
So because it's illegal, you are fine with it happening? Progressives are bold, they dare much and believe me, female dominated industries are now grooming centres for dykes to groom girls. there is nothing ok with female pedophiles and female homosexuality.
They have set up a pretty good network to get into those positions.
Our government punished the soldier for standing up for that young boy's rights.

I understand.

However the guy wasn't in the US, he was in a foreign country. As much as I don't like things in foreign countries, if I go to their country I have to respect their laws.

I've been to plenty of countries where there are laws I don't like, such as most of southern Africa where being gay is illegal. If I choose to fight such laws then I will probably suffer the consequences of my actions.

The US doesn't rule the world you know.

Seeing as the US went to war in WW2 to rid the world of the Nazis, yet segregated black and white soldiers, you often see hypocrisy.

You have people demanding this guy stand up for the rights of people in other countries, yet millions who are calling for the right of gay people to marry to be taken away. Still hypocrisy.

It'd be great if all governments treated their people with the respect they deserve, but most countries in the world don't. If the US wants to do something about it, then it has to be pro-active. Seeing as the US can't even be pro-active at home, and stop people ending up in a cycle of poverty, violence and prison cells, then how is it going to be pro-active abroad?

If the US were a beacon of shining light around the world then maybe other countries would listen a lot more. Instead the US is a beacon of decadence and selfishness which many in poorer countries too at with disgust.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
Progressives don't care about laws. If you want to save the day, I suggest, go to a college in a major city and do a course that men don't do.

The sexual harrasment by the dykes is criminal.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
So because it's illegal, you are fine with it happening? Progressives are bold, they dare much and believe me, female dominated industries are now grooming centres for dykes to groom girls. there is nothing ok with female pedophiles and female homosexuality.
They have set up a pretty good network to get into those positions.
Thats right. It's their life's work and they are aggressively possesive of it.soon if you are male or a white female with pluck, you will simply have to study at private institutions or not at all.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
Progressives don't care about laws. If you want to save the day, I suggest, go to a college in a major city and do a course that men don't do.

The sexual harrasment by the dykes is criminal.
Well if it's their culture it's their culture.
I'm sure when they come here, they are shocked that our entire academia is run by dry humper bulldykes who have created a prison culture.

but hey that's our culture. They can't possibly understand that our daughters enjoy letting older women sexually harass them in exchange for not being completely bullied out of education.

Newsflash. That shit is illegal here.

While colleges are doing their best to indoctrinate students and limit free speech, our laws say we have free speech and our laws say we can't harm other people.

No way will I shrug and say oppressing and beating women or raping children is cultural and something to ignore.
So because it's illegal, you are fine with it happening? Progressives are bold, they dare much and believe me, female dominated industries are now grooming centres for dykes to groom girls. there is nothing ok with female pedophiles and female homosexuality.
They have set up a pretty good network to get into those positions.
Thats right. It's their life's work and they are aggressively possessive of it. soon if you are male or a white female with pluck, you will simply have to study at private institutions or not at all.
It was a problem forty years ago. It has just grown. The higher education from what I have seen in general needs an overhaul, along with a lot of other things throughout the nation.
Our government punished the soldier for standing up for that young boy's rights.

I understand.

However the guy wasn't in the US, he was in a foreign country. As much as I don't like things in foreign countries, if I go to their country I have to respect their laws.

I've been to plenty of countries where there are laws I don't like, such as most of southern Africa where being gay is illegal. If I choose to fight such laws then I will probably suffer the consequences of my actions.

The US doesn't rule the world you know.

Seeing as the US went to war in WW2 to rid the world of the Nazis, yet segregated black and white soldiers, you often see hypocrisy.

You have people demanding this guy stand up for the rights of people in other countries, yet millions who are calling for the right of gay people to marry to be taken away. Still hypocrisy.

It'd be great if all governments treated their people with the respect they deserve, but most countries in the world don't. If the US wants to do something about it, then it has to be pro-active. Seeing as the US can't even be pro-active at home, and stop people ending up in a cycle of poverty, violence and prison cells, then how is it going to be pro-active abroad?

If the US were a beacon of shining light around the world then maybe other countries would listen a lot more. Instead the US is a beacon of decadence and selfishness which many in poorer countries too at with disgust.

But it's our government that punished him. The same government that went out of it's way to free some terrorists and demand that others be sent to the US to ensure they were given the rights of American citizens. The left has often said that those rights should be extended to everyone whether they are on our soil or not. Apparently, that sentiment only holds true when it's radial Muslims and not our own military.

I haven't called for gay rights to be ignored, so spare me your assinine assumptions and straw man fallacies.

Children being raped is an especially heinous crime. If that is legal or customary in Muslim countries, it would serve as a good argument to keep them out of here.

You are spouting a lot of nonsense talking points that don't hold water and it's obvious you are trying to dance around the issue at hand.

Our government did not have to kick the soldier out just because he feared for the safety of that young boy. The soldier reacted in a normal manner. I would hope you might have the same reaction at seeing a child raped.
Our government punished the soldier for standing up for that young boy's rights.

I understand.

However the guy wasn't in the US, he was in a foreign country. As much as I don't like things in foreign countries, if I go to their country I have to respect their laws.

I've been to plenty of countries where there are laws I don't like, such as most of southern Africa where being gay is illegal. If I choose to fight such laws then I will probably suffer the consequences of my actions.

The US doesn't rule the world you know.

Seeing as the US went to war in WW2 to rid the world of the Nazis, yet segregated black and white soldiers, you often see hypocrisy.

You have people demanding this guy stand up for the rights of people in other countries, yet millions who are calling for the right of gay people to marry to be taken away. Still hypocrisy.

It'd be great if all governments treated their people with the respect they deserve, but most countries in the world don't. If the US wants to do something about it, then it has to be pro-active. Seeing as the US can't even be pro-active at home, and stop people ending up in a cycle of poverty, violence and prison cells, then how is it going to be pro-active abroad?

If the US were a beacon of shining light around the world then maybe other countries would listen a lot more. Instead the US is a beacon of decadence and selfishness which many in poorer countries too at with disgust.

But it's our government that punished him. The same government that went out of it's way to free some terrorists and demand that others be sent to the US to ensure they were given the rights of American citizens. The left has often said that those rights should be extended to everyone whether they are on our soil or not. Apparently, that sentiment only holds true when it's radial Muslims and not our own military.

I haven't called for gay rights to be ignored, so spare me your asinine assumptions and straw man fallacies.

Children being raped is an especially heinous crime. If that is legal or customary in Muslim countries, it would serve as a good argument to keep them out of here.

You are spouting a lot of nonsense talking points that don't hold water and it's obvious you are trying to dance around the issue at hand.

Our government did not have to kick the soldier out just because he feared for the safety of that young boy. The soldier reacted in a normal manner. I would hope you might have the same reaction at seeing a child raped.
"Soldier discharged after trying to stop Muslim crime, er, I mean tradition"

And yet another failed rightwing thread crashes and burns.
If these men did this to a civilian here in the USA allegedly raping a boy, these vigilante men would be in prison....the military was easy on them.
I would hope you might have the same reaction at seeing a child raped.

Of course, you're missing the point of wrong-wing ideology. A good liberal would condemn you for being “judgemental” and “intolerant”, and for wishing to “impose your morality” on the guy who wants to rape young boys. At least he would if he were consistent with the way liberals treat other similarly-clear issues of morality vs. immorality, good vs. evil.

You should not be so surprised to see so many from the far-wrong coming down, here, on the side of the child rapist; and on the use of the law to protect that rapist rather than his victim. That's what liberals do. It's what defines them, and their wretched ideology.
Our government punished the soldier for standing up for that young boy's rights.

I understand.

However the guy wasn't in the US, he was in a foreign country. As much as I don't like things in foreign countries, if I go to their country I have to respect their laws.

I've been to plenty of countries where there are laws I don't like, such as most of southern Africa where being gay is illegal. If I choose to fight such laws then I will probably suffer the consequences of my actions.

The US doesn't rule the world you know.

Seeing as the US went to war in WW2 to rid the world of the Nazis, yet segregated black and white soldiers, you often see hypocrisy.

You have people demanding this guy stand up for the rights of people in other countries, yet millions who are calling for the right of gay people to marry to be taken away. Still hypocrisy.

It'd be great if all governments treated their people with the respect they deserve, but most countries in the world don't. If the US wants to do something about it, then it has to be pro-active. Seeing as the US can't even be pro-active at home, and stop people ending up in a cycle of poverty, violence and prison cells, then how is it going to be pro-active abroad?

If the US were a beacon of shining light around the world then maybe other countries would listen a lot more. Instead the US is a beacon of decadence and selfishness which many in poorer countries too at with disgust.

But it's our government that punished him. The same government that went out of it's way to free some terrorists and demand that others be sent to the US to ensure they were given the rights of American citizens. The left has often said that those rights should be extended to everyone whether they are on our soil or not. Apparently, that sentiment only holds true when it's radial Muslims and not our own military.

I haven't called for gay rights to be ignored, so spare me your assinine assumptions and straw man fallacies.

Children being raped is an especially heinous crime. If that is legal or customary in Muslim countries, it would serve as a good argument to keep them out of here.

You are spouting a lot of nonsense talking points that don't hold water and it's obvious you are trying to dance around the issue at hand.

Our government did not have to kick the soldier out just because he feared for the safety of that young boy. The soldier reacted in a normal manner. I would hope you might have the same reaction at seeing a child raped.

The government that punished him for breaking the rules that are in place for a very good reason.

I didn't say you had called for gay rights to be ignored, but MANY people have.

You're attacking me, rather than making any points. I'm not trying to dance around an issue. It's simple, if you put US troops in another country they have to abide by the RULES OF THAT COUNTRY. How fucking difficult is it to understand?

Reminds me of when I went to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and some Americans were getting all pissy that they weren't allowed to go to the Canadian side because they didn't have passports or the relevant documents. They just assumed as they were Americans they could do what the hell they liked. We call them IDIOTS> matter how much you may not like it, as a member of the Armed Forces, you are required to follow the rules and laws of the country you're in, because in that country, the military are the foreigners.

And...........although I don't agree with the practice, and I might have done the same thing, under the UCMJ, I cannot take the law into my own hands and start being a vigilante.

Unfortunately, under the SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) negotiated by Jr., we are not allowed to enforce US laws in that country, or even on base.

But...............I don't expect civilians to understand things like SOFA and the UCMJ.
If the practice is illegal in the host country, why should the US military put up with it because it's a tradition.
you're saying that US soldiers in other countries shouldn't respect the laws of the land in those countries, but immigrants in the US should respect US laws?
They are illegal aliens, not immigrants, which means they aren't respecting our laws.

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