Soldier in Pink Boxers Rushes to Defend His Unit

Wow, are you serious?

This guy is getting kudos for doing his job?

The next time you get your picture in the news doing your job in pink boxers you'll get kudos too; I promise.

Sorry dude, because you put a ? on your assumptions doesnt mean they are anything but. I'm willing to bet that thats the first thing to pop into your mind after reading my post. Lets see how intelectually honest you are on this.

Agree with the rest of your post.

It means I purposefully did not assume and asked a question since I DON'T know you. You accuse me of assuming when it's YOU reading into my statement, not the other way around.

I askd a question looking for an answer. Nothing more to it than that.

Well I think thats a load of BS, but I guess we'll just have to disagree.

There's nothing to disagree about. Read the question. It's a question. It was meant as a question. Had it been an accusation, it would not be worded as a question nor have a "?" at the end.
Man, I was told by a member here that you guys were some hardcore debaters.

Seem like a bunch of lil sallies to me

You aren't showing much yourself, nancy. Except that simple English is too simple for you so you have to add your own meaning to it.

But by all means, DO carry on.:lol:
How many times do you have to be told. Obviously you are unable to sort out the tongue in cheek from the serious. Jeez! Read my lips. Gates was taking the piss out of his pink boxers. Not praising him for doing anything but his job. Now take your arrogant and snide remarks outa here. Seems you're the only one not getting it. I wonder why.

If only you read through ALL the posts (like the one above your last waste-o-space) and realize that I get what you're saying.

Now, use some fucking logical deduction and figure out that if Gates wants to meet with this dude and shake his hand, he obviously thinks hes special to some degree (or thinks its a hell of a photo op, idk). ESPECIALLY since I think we both know that there are other soldiers who are more deserving of a visit by the Sec. of Defense.

Now reach down ur pants REAL DEEP, and untwist them panties.


Oh. You got tourettes syndrome too!

So you dont get what I'm saying?

I'll remember not to expect too much out of you in the future. :lol::lol::lol:
Man, I was told by a member here that you guys were some hardcore debaters.

Seem like a bunch of lil sallies to me

You aren't showing much yourself, nancy. Except that simple English is too simple for you so you have to add your own meaning to it.

But by all means, DO carry on.:lol:


Says the guy with the Riddick avatar


I'm actually thinking of taking a pic in pink boxers and using that for an avatar.:cool:

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