Solution to Baltimore


Apr 22, 2007
Move all police stations out of the ghettos. Only patrol Hispanic, Asian and White neighborhoods. When a black person calls 911, tell them they are busy and to only call the Black Panthers. Do this for a year or until, Shabazz, Obama, Lynch, Mob, Sharpton, Jackson go on national TV issue an apologize and then bench down, but their head between their own legs and kiss their own asses.
Deploy only black police officers
Fund the schools right. Put 5 black police officers in each one to force the "kids" to behave! There can even be a program where the kids get to be friends with the officers and learn to respect the law.
Buy them good books in math, science, reading, writing and history.
Pay their parents 50 bucks per week to be their for their children
Have a teacher parent meeting once every couple of months so the parents and teachers can work together towards the childs education.
Teach young males morality and to be good fathers....Maybe a full class for at least a semester in high school.
After 3 years of this...Grant a 5% tax cut to any business that wishes to move into the area.

Over time you will start getting a tax base and the area "should" get better.
Best solution is preaching the word of God with power. Because it will have a stronger influence on people than violence would. You can't force a solution into them but you can help them help themselves
Best solution is preaching the word of God with power. Because it will have a stronger influence on people than violence would. You can't force a solution into them but you can help them help themselves


Nevermind that throughout history religion has been the source of more human conflict than any other single factor.
Move all police stations out of the ghettos. Only patrol Hispanic, Asian and White neighborhoods. When a black person calls 911, tell them they are busy and to only call the Black Panthers. Do this for a year or until, Shabazz, Obama, Lynch, Mob, Sharpton, Jackson go on national TV issue an apologize and then bench down, but their head between their own legs and kiss their own asses.
and all of the girls on 911 are as naive as Mosley, and they will all put the residents in terror on hold so they can finish eating their cheeseburgers and/or cigarrettes
Deploy only black police officers
OK, if only whites officers can patrol white areas. The race of the cops aren't the problem, it's the perpetrators that are the problem. Only black cops aren't going to solve the problem. In fact they will inflame the problem, because black cops take less shit than white cops, not to mention there would be a shortage of cops.

Fund the schools right.
Always the clueless liberal way, toss more money at it. First, we already toss a ton of money at it. Money isn't the issue, rather how it's being applied is. In IL 3/4 of the money earmarked for education goes to highway robbery retired teacher pension plans. Imagine if that money went DIRECTLY to education. It would mean more schools, smaller class size and more programs. But instead liberals like you sell out to the corrupt teacher unions. Here is what should be done:
(1) End tenure - It hurts kids by keeping bad teachers in their positions. Make teachers at-will like everyone else.
(2) End Collective pensions and switch to individual 401K pensions like the private sector
(3) Don't test the kids test the teachers - IQ test, subject matter tests, teaching skills etc.
(4) Have them fund their benefits to the average of the private sector.
(5) Enact school choice. Why should a black kid get stuck in a lackluster school with thugs that don't care about education.

Put 5 black police officers in each one to force the "kids" to behave!
Cops should be stationed outside of schools at the beginning of the school day. However, officers aren't going to make kids behave. I seriously believe kids with behavioral problems should be segregated to BD schools.

Pay their parents 50 bucks per week to be their for their children
Foolish liberal you can't pay a person to be a parent. We pay many single black women money in the for of welfare, section 8 and food stamps and many turn to drugs and don't raise their kids.

Have a teacher parent meeting once every couple of months so the parents and teachers can work together towards the childs education.
Another clueless solution. First, in Baltimore less than 15% of black kids have a father around. Single mothers, if they work, won't be able to make those meetings. Those meeting would be a waste, the teacher would say your son has to do this and this and the entitled black mother would attack the teacher (many times physically). It would waste way too much of the teacher's time.

Teach young males morality and to be good fathers....Maybe a full class for at least a semester in high school.
After 3 years of this...
Another foolish liberal idea. No one can teach kids morals except their parents. First, in most black homes the father is non-existent and most black mother's in the ghetto lack morals. The government isn't going to change this.

Grant a 5% tax cut to any business that wishes to move into the area.
You sound like Rand Paul and his tax free zones! Who is brilliant. Great idea, but why move into these areas where the politicians put them out of business via regulations, property taxes and put them at a disadvantage via things like raising the minimum wage to unsustainable levels. Not to mention no corporate offices with the high paying jobs that come along with them would be able to acquire the talent with the skills they need in these areas and no person with the skills (whether they be white, black, brown or yellow) will take jobs in these areas. Not to mention the threat of death-beat THUGS destroying their property is always present.

Your plan blows!
Buy them good books in math, science, reading, writing and history.

Blacks can't learn from books. Even the few blacks that can read have a tough time learning from books. They need an $80,000 a year human there teaching them. I don't know why that's true but it is.
Move all police stations out of the ghettos. Only patrol Hispanic, Asian and White neighborhoods. When a black person calls 911, tell them they are busy and to only call the Black Panthers. Do this for a year or until, Shabazz, Obama, Lynch, Mob, Sharpton, Jackson go on national TV issue an apologize and then bench down, but their head between their own legs and kiss their own asses.
and do what they did in detroit. offer 5.00 for the homes and 1.00 a month to rent the vacant apartments.
Best solution is preaching the word of God with power. Because it will have a stronger influence on people than violence would. You can't force a solution into them but you can help them help themselves


Nevermind that throughout history religion has been the source of more human conflict than any other single factor.
To begin with, then we got ideological slaughters by the Nazis, Stalinists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, and so on.
Move all police stations out of the ghettos. Only patrol Hispanic, Asian and White neighborhoods. When a black person calls 911, tell them they are busy and to only call the Black Panthers. Do this for a year or until, Shabazz, Obama, Lynch, Mob, Sharpton, Jackson go on national TV issue an apologize and then bench down, but their head between their own legs and kiss their own asses.


All they need to do is elect more Dims for another 50 years.

It will be like watching the Hunger Games.
Move all police stations out of the ghettos. Only patrol Hispanic, Asian and White neighborhoods. When a black person calls 911, tell them they are busy and to only call the Black Panthers. Do this for a year or until, Shabazz, Obama, Lynch, Mob, Sharpton, Jackson go on national TV issue an apologize and then bench down, but their head between their own legs and kiss their own asses.
and do what they did in detroit. offer 5.00 for the homes and 1.00 a month to rent the vacant apartments.

Detroit is a basket-case worst in the nation.

Heck most are given free homes and still don't pay their property taxes. Over 50% of Detroit homeowners don't pay their taxes.
Half of Detroit property owners don t pay taxes The Detroit News

Water shut-off notices go out in Detroit 10 days given for assi - Fox 2 News Headlines
They also don't pay there waterbills!

I love when liberals point to the worst ideas and even worse results as the model for the future.
I have heard so many stupid comments from liberals. One complained that the neighborhood was so poor that there was only one business to burn down. Chris Rock is out there asking why whites never get shot by police. Geez, Chris, they do all the time. In fact, statistics show that more whites are shot by police. Many are unarmed. Some even shot by black cops. But many are unaware of that because the media doesn't bother covering it because the 'victims' are the wrong color and no one would riot over it. Funny how some don't think it happens because the media chooses to ignore some stories. And media makes sure everyone hears about each and every shooting involving a black and they don't bother with finding facts before running with whatever story serves their purpose.

Just getting sick of it. We need real reporters, you know the ones who actually reported the who, what, where, when and maybe why. And it wasn't necessary to run things through the PC meter or ask if it was good or bad for this or that party or whether it would anger certain voters. They just reported facts and let the chips fall where they may. If we actually had media who weren't pandering to politicians, people like Al Sharpton would go away because media would be more honest about motives of people like him. We can dream.

Nothing is going to change until games stop being played with people's lives. Too many are being used as pawns so politicians can keep their careers and gain more power. It's shameless.

The media could make all the difference in the world if stations would choose neutral reporters and get back to the good old investigative reporting. They held people to their word, didn't let them get away with sidestepping and always asked the tough questions. Instead of acting as servants to their political party, they should act as watchdogs that make all politicians a bit uncomfortable. Being interviewed by good reporters should feel a bit like sitting in the witness chair in court. It shouldn't be like an interview with a movie star where your job is to make them look as good as possible, but that is what we have now.

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