Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags...

Time to change the type and number of weapons and accessories available to gun cultists.

See, that is the beauty of my new law...gun cultists simply collect guns...they don't commit crimes...if we make a law that limits criminals to magazines that only have 10 rounds...problem solved...right?

Gun cultists definitely commit crimes - Michael Dunn, Curtis Reeves, little georgie zimmy, to name a few pistol toters. Won't even get started on mass shooters, NRA President Keene's son, domestic abusers, intimidators, Bundy Ranch Militiamen, etc.

BUT, they haven't got you yet!


It would have been a good case for Capital Punishment
We have been having a discussion over several threads about the need of law abiding citizens to own standard capacity magazines...of course the gun grabbers want to limit magazines to 10 if this would solve the problem...

But....I have come up with the solution...and it will be just as if not more effective than banning 30 round and 19 round magazines for law abiding citizens...

Let's pass a law that allows criminals to only have 10 round magazines...the answer was right there in front of us all need to bother the law abiding could give them a million round magazines and it wouldn't affect the crime rate....

However...limit criminals to 10 round that solves all the problems with guns...


I don't agree and I OPENLY DON'T AGREE WITH THE CONSTITUTION!............imagine that we could change it as people......

It's not 1791 and guns, accessories, equipment, gear is all different.

Do you feel more free going into a shopping mall when no one has a gun on their shoulder, or if everyone had one. The answer to this should be reflected in 3rd world Countries where children have Ak-47's everywhere. Is that us? Are we that pre-historic? That's Libertarian........Liberty no matter what.

So let's discuss why you allow criminals to have 10 round magazines.

My perspective is we need a test gun owners. <--That directly distrupts the 2A. Testing is "crazy!"

The Right Wing is Correct on one point. It takes a bad person with a gun to kill innocent civilians. So why are we focused on guns and not people? I guarantee they cannot answer that. It's 'Merica and Freedom remember? EVERYONE should be able to have a gun. Until certain PEOPLE kill masses.

I'm certainly not saying people should be regulated hard. I'm clearly stating that the people that show signs of ignorance, LD and VIOLENCE should be regulated. But the 2A protects them beyond what could be a very basic test.

sorry, those gun death numbers,for kids are is about 60-70'a year by guns...ABC is lying...they have a history of lying about guns....
Here is a story from USA today...another anti gun rag...even they put deaths at about 100 a year...

Report More kids die in shootings than statistics show

His group examined every publicly reported case of a child gun death from Dec. 15, 2012, through Dec. 14, 2013.

The study found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states across the country — 61% higher than the average number of unintentional gun deaths reported annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007 through 2011.
Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

No serious political figure in history said they want to ban firearms. Your bias party planted that in your small brain. "The left doesn't want guns and Austrailia is without guns and..............."

Did you know that Austrailia still has guns and it's Socialism is as corrupt as our Capitalism? Or do you just show up so I can poke at your small brain?

Who cuts educational funding? Who used politicians to drive up our deer hunting rounds to $1 a bullet (You know, Obama is going to take all your guns you had better buy buy buy buy buy buy buy)

BUY NEVER educate yourself on the topic, "Did Obama ever say he was going to take a single gun?" Or "Grandfather clause" or simply stop the making of certain ones.

Thinking is HARD!..............Listening is not. No politician ever said they are going to ban guns. Ignorance.
Do you feel more free going into a shopping mall when no one has a gun on their shoulder, or if everyone had one. The answer to this should be reflected in 3rd world Countries where children have Ak-47's everywhere. Is that us? Are we that pre-historic? That's Libertarian........Liberty no matter what.

I feel a lot safer with everyone carrying a gun....criminals would stay away, mass shooters would stay away...third world countries are dangerous because they don't have the rule of law, free markets or democracy...the three pillars of civilized society...

It is not our right to disarm future generations because of irrational fear of guns...our country is not murderous toward it's own took Germany only 20 years to go from the Weimar republic...when access to guns was restricted, to the killing regime of the nazis...who used the weimar restrictions to disarm their enemies...

This 30 round magazine issue is bigger than freedom of choice, and personal self defense...the 2nd Amendment was codified to make sure the people were armed against their can ask about 100 million dead people from their governments if being disarmed was a good idea...ask the early Americans who lost a continent because they didn't have access to enough guns...

The problem with you guys is you do not study the history of men...without guns in the hands of good guys the bad guys kill them in the millions...

Even today...look at Mexico...the government is unable to defend it's people and in some cases actively siding with drug cartels to kill those bad is it that those innocent people have set up their own militias...the Auto fight the drug cartels....they can't do that with their bare hands...

You guys have grown up pampered and privileged and historically lazy...those who support the 2nd amendment realize the government at best is a poor protector...and at its worst is murderous...

Your historical laziness is no excuse to disarm our future generations...and 30 round magazines and military rifles may very well be necessary to their freedom in the future...ask the Kurds if having their people armed with rifles and 30 round magazines would be a bad thing right now...

and cue the "do you really think that could happen here...your paranoid..." No, I am a student of history and can happen here and the only way to make sure it doesn't is to keep our people armed...

So again, you will not get one more bullet, one more weapon or one more piece of equipment...

You really, really need to watch that documentary "Terror in the Mall."

all of your really stupid comments are answered by that documentary...people ran...and hid...and the killers are seen walking up calmly and executing people...since some ran into dead ends with no way to escape...and had no guns to defend themselves....

And the killers had military rifles with 30 round magazines...and the good guys, by law, were disarmed...and they died...children died too...

It can happen here, it wouldn't take much...and we need to be ready for that...

We are better off because as one commentator put it...India had no "gun culture" when they were attacked in the police were unprepared to deal with killers with guns...and the killers ran around killing at will

We have a gun culture...our police are part of that culture and carry, in a lot of cases AR-15s in the trunks of their cars and would make it more difficult for killers like the ones in Mumbai, and Kenya...but some of our malls are huge...and it would take them more than 4 minutes to gain control of the mall...more than enough time for terrorists to kill a lot of innocent...unarmed...people....unarmed by the law...
Thinking is HARD!..............Listening is not. No politician ever said they are going to ban guns. Ignorance.

Because saying it creates resistance...and they really hate when you resist them...they instead use "common sense gun laws" as their way to incrementally boil the up one bullet, weapon and piece of equipment at a 30 round magazines...or "assault style" the way they do it...

And we aren't going to tolerate it anymore...

Not one more bullet, not one more weapon or one more piece of stops now...
Thinking is HARD!..............Listening is not. No politician ever said they are going to ban guns. Ignorance.

Because saying it creates resistance...and they really hate when you resist them...they instead use "common sense gun laws" as their way to incrementally boil the up one bullet, weapon and piece of equipment at a 30 round magazines...or "assault style" the way they do it...

And we aren't going to tolerate it anymore...

Not one more bullet, not one more weapon or one more piece of stops now...
Actually several prominent Democrats have in fact said they want ALL the firearms. And then the mantra changes to I never said no one i said no one had a chance to do it.
Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

Right so innocent people get killed so you can have a paperweight. How heroic of you.
Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

You guys who can't envision life without gunz, are sad.
May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

You guys who can't envision life without gunz, are sad.
Once again for the slow and stupid, you don't want us to have firearms, get Congress to create an amendment removing the 2nd then get 37 States to pass it.
We have been having a discussion over several threads about the need of law abiding citizens to own standard capacity magazines...of course the gun grabbers want to limit magazines to 10 if this would solve the problem...

But....I have come up with the solution...and it will be just as if not more effective than banning 30 round and 19 round magazines for law abiding citizens...

Let's pass a law that allows criminals to only have 10 round magazines...the answer was right there in front of us all need to bother the law abiding could give them a million round magazines and it wouldn't affect the crime rate....

However...limit criminals to 10 round that solves all the problems with guns...


Actually. I would pass a law that said they could only have single shot cap and ball pistols.
You leftist cry babies will be looking for a gun "cultist" to hide behind once Ebola turns everyone into flesh-eating zombies.

Nope, wouldn't shoot someone dying of disease like callous - often racist - gun cultists.

No? Governments (like the one you wish to turn us into) are responsible for 200 million murders between them. All only possible because idiots like you trusted them,.
Thinking is HARD!..............Listening is not. No politician ever said they are going to ban guns. Ignorance.

Because saying it creates resistance...and they really hate when you resist them...they instead use "common sense gun laws" as their way to incrementally boil the up one bullet, weapon and piece of equipment at a 30 round magazines...or "assault style" the way they do it...

And we aren't going to tolerate it anymore...

Not one more bullet, not one more weapon or one more piece of stops now...

I'm absolutely certain the Gun Nuts didn't know how to discuss their sport when debating on why they should have the Liberty to have a 30 magazine. I'm a gun owner and watched my fellow gun owners spit in the face of education and gun ownership. One of them was this man;

After saying, "there are no loopholes".............after saying there are loopholes......

The Military Industrial Complex was VERY successful. The Citizen Military Industrial Complex is new today. Fake a gun grabbing scare and AMAZING, Corporations that make guns and bullets get richer than ever and the least educated states in the Country never get wiser. I'll state again, when did any........any..........any............any............ANY significant politician say they wanted to ban guns.

You can't because you are the sheep.

I'll openly admit that I've heard 3 people in my history of 7 forums say they want to ban guns. My guess is 1 or 2 of them were Right Wingers trying to paint the Left as Gun grabbers. One seemed to be convinced that it would end shootings.

No matter how ignorant this topic gets with misinformation, THE PEOPLE RUN THIS COUNTRY, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. And I have no doubt if the people wanted change, it would be GrandFather Clause, not gun grabbing.
Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

You guys who can't envision life without gunz, are sad.
Once again for the slow and stupid, you don't want us to have firearms, get Congress to create an amendment removing the 2nd then get 37 States to pass it.

Lack of study on other parties makes you look like a moron over and over again. I know you are scared to death someone will take your guns............But you belong to the Fox News breed that doesn't rely on emotion, correct?
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

You guys who can't envision life without gunz, are sad.
Once again for the slow and stupid, you don't want us to have firearms, get Congress to create an amendment removing the 2nd then get 37 States to pass it.

Lack of study on other parties makes you look like a moron over and over again. I know you are scared to death someone will take your guns............But you belong to the Fox News breed that doesn't rely on emotion, correct?
Feinstein is not a major political figure?
We have been having a discussion over several threads about the need of law abiding citizens to own standard capacity magazines...of course the gun grabbers want to limit magazines to 10 if this would solve the problem...

But....I have come up with the solution...and it will be just as if not more effective than banning 30 round and 19 round magazines for law abiding citizens...

Let's pass a law that allows criminals to only have 10 round magazines...the answer was right there in front of us all need to bother the law abiding could give them a million round magazines and it wouldn't affect the crime rate....

However...limit criminals to 10 round that solves all the problems with guns...


I don't agree and I OPENLY DON'T AGREE WITH THE CONSTITUTION!............imagine that we could change it as people......

It's not 1791 and guns, accessories, equipment, gear is all different.

Do you feel more free going into a shopping mall when no one has a gun on their shoulder, or if everyone had one. The answer to this should be reflected in 3rd world Countries where children have Ak-47's everywhere. Is that us? Are we that pre-historic? That's Libertarian........Liberty no matter what.

So let's discuss why you allow criminals to have 10 round magazines.

My perspective is we need a test gun owners. <--That directly distrupts the 2A. Testing is "crazy!"

The Right Wing is Correct on one point. It takes a bad person with a gun to kill innocent civilians. So why are we focused on guns and not people? I guarantee they cannot answer that. It's 'Merica and Freedom remember? EVERYONE should be able to have a gun. Until certain PEOPLE kill masses.

I'm certainly not saying people should be regulated hard. I'm clearly stating that the people that show signs of ignorance, LD and VIOLENCE should be regulated. But the 2A protects them beyond what could be a very basic test.


Disney is gay s0n.........

The gun grabbers like you haven't been this unpopular since 1959.

Don't take my word for it though >>>>

Gallup Poll Support for gun control is waning opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

55 2014, nobody gives a rats ass what the gun grabbers have to say.:boobies::boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

And please......that you are a gun owner. We hear that kind of bs all the time from limpwristers.

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