Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags...

Lots of other countries make machine guns, but few of our criminals are running around with them. It's because they don't need them just like they don't need hi cap magazines. They will get whatever guns are easy to get, those now are hi cap semi autos. If hi cap magazines become hard to get like machine guns, they will be used much less.
They will NEVER become too hard to get. Where's there is a demand, there will be a supply. I'm almost dumbfounded that you fail to understand this BASIC PRINCIPLE!

You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

And stateside military bases :D
If that is true, there is no sense in passing a law against them. You are back to square one.

You seem to have missed the important part of making them illegal and hence harder to get. Once we do that they will find their way in the hands of criminals less and less. Just like machine guns.
You seem to have missed the point that making something illegal does not make it hard to get. I could get any number of illegal things with a contact and a handful of money. Don't prove your stupidity by disagreeing with that.

Just how old are you anyway?

Gangsters used to love tommy guns. Why is it these criminals you claim love hi cap magazines don't use sub machine guns? Because laws made them very hard to get.

Well, that and mobsters went out of vogue altogether.

Banning something won't prevent criminals from obtaining that something. If it did, the war on drugs would have been won long ago. Duh

Guns and drugs are quite different. If you want to rob a store whether you have a revolver or a semi auto it really doesn't matter. Now if you are addicted to some drug that is the drug you need. Drugs are also a victimless crime.
Here again, you display your naivete.
Lots of other countries make machine guns, but few of our criminals are running around with them. It's because they don't need them just like they don't need hi cap magazines. They will get whatever guns are easy to get, those now are hi cap semi autos. If hi cap magazines become hard to get like machine guns, they will be used much less.
They will NEVER become too hard to get. Where's there is a demand, there will be a supply. I'm almost dumbfounded that you fail to understand this BASIC PRINCIPLE!

You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.
They will NEVER become too hard to get. Where's there is a demand, there will be a supply. I'm almost dumbfounded that you fail to understand this BASIC PRINCIPLE!

You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.
It wasn't the laws. Machine guns are passe. You mistakenly equate coincidence with causality.
How does a license reduce accidental shootings and how does the number of acicdental shootings justify such a heinous restriction on the exercise of a right?

No, no, I proposed requiring gun safety training to get a license. The training, not the license, is what would reduce accidental shootings.

Taking a gun safety training course isn't so heinous as you seem to think. Most people just do it voluntarily and many states already require it.

Where is is legal to carry a gun while drunk?
Where is it legal to hunt while intoxicated?

I forget. Somebody looked it up and posted it the other day. It was 10 or so states.

By 'doing better on that front", you mean you want medical professions, rather than the legal system, to determine if people should have their rights removed?
How does that not violate due process?

You'd certainly have to have due process. The constitution requires it. Some kind of appealable process where you could ultimately have it decide by a court if you contested the decision.

How do you enforce this?

One way things like that are often enforced is civilly. The victim could sue the owner that left their gun unlocked for negligence. If you break the law, there is a presumption of negligence. Also, many people just choose to obey the law and it could be a useful reminder to otherwise responsible people to be responsible about this too

How many times does this happen and how does this number justify this restriction on the exercise of a right?

People legally carry guns into crowded places all the time.
How often does this result in an innocent bystander being shot?

We lose around 1,000 lives a year, and around 30,000 people are injured a year from accidental shootings.
NOT true. accidental deaths are about 800 or less a year no info on shootings that do not result in death. Care to provide a link? Shall we license pools too? I mean how many kids drown every year? License bike riding, how many are injured or killed riding bicycles a year?
You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.
It wasn't the laws. Machine guns are passe. You mistakenly equate coincidence with causality.

Sure they are. It's just a coincidence they started disappearing from criminal hands when new laws were passed.
Yes actually you have been saying nobody escapes. You seem to think victims all stand still and wait to be shot. Shooters are never close enough to be tackled, but close enough to kill anyone hiding. Quite the fantasy you have. Sorry but your arguments aren't in reality.

So you've now resorted to lying? I think we're done here.

Yes you have lost. If you know people escape or hide, then you would know the shooter having to reload often would allow more to escape.

You continue to ignore the fact that the majority...make that the VAST majority of people would have no idea whether the shooter was reloading or pausing.
It appears all I'd have to do to put one in your dumbass would be to fire off six rounds and than wait for you to make a run for it. In the case of my pistol I'd still have ten left to put in your back.
I can only imagine your surprise .....

Let's try to make this simple for you. In Giffords shooting he was stopped while reloading. So let's say another shooter is stopped the same way. Now will more people be shot if he is stopped after 10 rds or stopped after 18 rds?

I don't think gun cultists are particularly good at math or logic.

They think the odds of a mob of scary "thugs" cornering them is much higher than it is.
And yet you argue it happens so often we need to restrict firearms more. Which is it?
They will NEVER become too hard to get. Where's there is a demand, there will be a supply. I'm almost dumbfounded that you fail to understand this BASIC PRINCIPLE!

You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who are shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.
the interesting thing
.the anti gunners have declared so many areas gun free zones that the only option left to the majority of the people caught in a mass shooting is to run, hide or charge the attacker....because they are banned by law from returning fire and suppressing the attacker...

keep in Sandy Hook, the first person killed was the principal...who charged the killer...and was shot and killed....

So glad to have our gun toting right wingers to save us from mass shootings and crime with their gunz.

First, I'd rather depend on old, frail ladies like stopped the Giffords' gun nut, than a bunch of yahoo cowboys accessing the situation, pulling their gunz and firing away.

Second, all these gun fondling yahoos are just putting more gunz in the system -- over 100 million a decade -- that we will have to deal with when we finally bite the bullet and pass gun laws like Australia did in 1996.
I thought you were not advocating banning firearms? Which is it?
You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who are shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.
Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?
I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

They get quite small.
Light submachineguns

A concealed carry gun is easier to conceal, but I don't see them running around with those either.
I do think is it some sort of paranoid disease. I mean the vast majority of them will not ever need a gun at all. Yet they all really believe they don't just need a gun, they need a 30rd mag too. And even when you point out they have never heard of anyone needing a hi cap magazine for defense they are still certain they need it. This selfish paranoia seems to make them not care how many innocent people get gunned down.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

They get quite small.
Light submachineguns

A concealed carry gun is easier to conceal, but I don't see them running around with those either.

I post facts and you post some shit about some made up future guns? Get out of here kid.
And you brain dead idiots think that passing laws concerning weapons will keep those weapons out of the hands of criminals. The only places that guns are hard to get is in prison.

Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.
Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.
Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.
no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
NOT true. accidental deaths are about 800 or less a year no info on shootings that do not result in death. Care to provide a link? Shall we license pools too? I mean how many kids drown every year? License bike riding, how many are injured or killed riding bicycles a year?

No, what I said is absolutely true:

You can search the gun stats for non-fatal injuries here- WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports

Unintentional firearm + pellet gun injuries per year- 30,279

390 kids drown in pools per year- 390 kids drown in US pools each year reports find - ABC15 Arizona

Kids dying from guns averages around 1,500 per year- Kids and Guns By The Numbers - ABC News

Pools, mind you, are probably more heavily regulated than guns.

Also, you should read this- Gun deaths in children Statistics show firearms endanger kids despite NRA safety programs.

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