Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags...

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon

Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.
Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.
They will NEVER become too hard to get. Where's there is a demand, there will be a supply. I'm almost dumbfounded that you fail to understand this BASIC PRINCIPLE!

You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

Kiss my ass, I own hundreds of gun, love them, and I can assure you that I have never and will never do anything illegal in regards to guns or anything else.

If you'd start acting moral too, that would be nice. Your legacy of hundreds of gunz will end up hurting people/society somewhere down the road. Does that turn you on, in addition to with your love of fondling them?

I think most gun lovers would break the law if their "assault" weapons and high cap mags were outlawed.

How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.
You seem to not understand that criminals will have no special demand for them. They don't need them, why bother? Stores have been robbed with a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun.

Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

Kiss my ass, I own hundreds of gun, love them, and I can assure you that I have never and will never do anything illegal in regards to guns or anything else.

If you'd start acting moral too, that would be nice. Your legacy of hundreds of gunz will end up hurting people/society somewhere down the road. Does that turn you on, in addition to with your love of fondling them?

I think most gun lovers would break the law if their "assault" weapons and high cap mags were outlawed.

How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?
Well 10% is quite high. My point obviously is that you don't need to conceal for a drive by.

No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.
No you do not, however, only 10% of shootings are drive by. The rest rely on concealment.

And you can't even prove that most drive bys are committed with SMGs. The OVERWHELMING majority of shootings are with hand guns, the ONLY reason you and others try to dispute that is because you know you would have ZERO chance of ever banning handguns. Because logically, if you wanted to get rid of the most dangerous weapons, you would get rid of the ones that kill the most people, hand guns.

Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.
Exactly, these ignorant gun cultists think criminals are into gunz like they are. Criminals largely get their gunz by stealing, or buying, them from so-called "law-abiding" gun owners who will be buying the high cap mags on the black market. So much for "law-abiding." The gun nuts don't give a darn about society, just satisfying their sick fetish. It's time to quell their sick addiction.

Kiss my ass, I own hundreds of gun, love them, and I can assure you that I have never and will never do anything illegal in regards to guns or anything else.

If you'd start acting moral too, that would be nice. Your legacy of hundreds of gunz will end up hurting people/society somewhere down the road. Does that turn you on, in addition to with your love of fondling them?

I think most gun lovers would break the law if their "assault" weapons and high cap mags were outlawed.

How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.
Kiss my ass, I own hundreds of gun, love them, and I can assure you that I have never and will never do anything illegal in regards to guns or anything else.

If you'd start acting moral too, that would be nice. Your legacy of hundreds of gunz will end up hurting people/society somewhere down the road. Does that turn you on, in addition to with your love of fondling them?

I think most gun lovers would break the law if their "assault" weapons and high cap mags were outlawed.

How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?
Funny if they rely on concealing then why are so many criminals using guns with hi cap magazines? There are smaller guns that are better concealed.

Not saying they are used. I'm saying they would be the best weapon for a drive by. The fact they aren't used shows our machine gun laws work.

which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.
If you'd start acting moral too, that would be nice. Your legacy of hundreds of gunz will end up hurting people/society somewhere down the road. Does that turn you on, in addition to with your love of fondling them?

I think most gun lovers would break the law if their "assault" weapons and high cap mags were outlawed.

How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?

I damn sure don't find fulfillment in collecting lethal weapons and accessories.
which criminals are using high capacity magazines? ALL the data shows that HANDGUNS are THE most used weapon
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.
How will my guns hurt anyone? They aren't sentient. They can do nothing that I don't let them do.

You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?

I damn sure don't find fulfillment in collecting lethal weapons and accessories.

Good for you.

Some of weapons belonged to my great, great grandfather. They have symbolic, as well as intrinsic value. Just because YOU don't appreciate them doesn't mean they are worthless.
Laws have done a great job of keeping criminals from using machine guns.


The fact that most people want to you know get away with their crime means they prefer to use an easily concealed weapon . Which is easier to conceal a hand gun or a Tommy Gun?

MOST people who arehttp://Solution to high magazine capacity...pass law limiting criminals to 10 round mags... Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum shot are not shot in a mass attack where a machine gun would be beneficial, they are shot in a targeted attack where a hand gun is the preferred weapon.

Submachine guns get quite small.

no they aren't. See, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Sub machine gun doesn't mean the weapon is small, it merely means they fire pistol rounds rather than rifle rounds like full machine guns. The H&K MP5, for instance, is a sub machine gun; not because of it's size but because it fires the the 9mm pistol round. The MP5 is 27" long when equipped with a fixed stock.

Then there are micro SMGs,

Such as the mini Uzi, which is still 17.5" long, and fires the same 9mm ammo as it's bigger brother.

Compare that to a handgun like the Glock 19 that fires the exact same round , but is 7.28" long.

Tell me, which of those three weapon platforms in easier to conceal?

Who is cares about concealing for a drive by?

Drive bys?

A 2007 study showed that about 10% of all shootings were "drive bys" Do you think that banning weapons is going to get the weapons used in those few cases off the streets? Come on now.

It will eventually. You gotta start somewhere. Every decade we coddle sick gun addicts, another 100 million gunz are produced for gun addicts. Nice legacy.
You will sell them or die one day. It's a sorry legacy.

So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?

I damn sure don't find fulfillment in collecting lethal weapons and accessories.

Good for you.

Some of weapons belonged to my great, great grandfather. They have symbolic, as well as intrinsic value. Just because YOU don't appreciate them doesn't mean they are worthless.

Keep grandpa's gunz, destroy the rest. That would be an admirable legacy.
Well if criminals aren't using them then we don't need them for defense either. The mythical disadvantage is eliminated. Thank you. Mass shooters do seem to like them though so they should be banned.

Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
So, not owning guns will give you immortality? Or was that a vague threat?

No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?

I damn sure don't find fulfillment in collecting lethal weapons and accessories.

Good for you.

Some of weapons belonged to my great, great grandfather. They have symbolic, as well as intrinsic value. Just because YOU don't appreciate them doesn't mean they are worthless.

Keep grandpa's gunz, destroy the rest. That would be an admirable legacy.

Some day MY guns will belong to MY grandchildren.

You don't get to take that away from them. Too bad for you
Ah, but you see I don't have to prove WHY I need them. The burden is on you to prove that you have a compelling reason to abridge my rights..

In fact, I have NEVER and will NEVER argue that I need an MP5 for home defense purposes. Instead I argue that I can just the damned thing as a paperweight if I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me from doing so, short of repealing the 2nd Amendment of course.

TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.
TypicalRight wing attitude-- the hell with society, If I wanta pollute, I'm gonna pollute society with my gunz.

A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
No threat at all. You will die as we all will, your gunz will be inherited or sold to others. Like NRA President Keene's son, they may shoot some innocent people. But you got your sick pleasure from them, that's all you care about.

so now you can tell the future?

Do you collect anything?

I damn sure don't find fulfillment in collecting lethal weapons and accessories.

Good for you.

Some of weapons belonged to my great, great grandfather. They have symbolic, as well as intrinsic value. Just because YOU don't appreciate them doesn't mean they are worthless.

Keep grandpa's gunz, destroy the rest. That would be an admirable legacy.

Some day MY guns will belong to MY grandchildren.

You don't get to take that away from them. Too bad for you

Not a good legacy.
A) how the hell are my guns polluting
B) Tough shit, I have the right to them

I could argue that you flapping your gums pollutes society far more than my guns ever will. Think I would support a law telling you to shut the fuck up? Hint, I wouldn't.

Those gunz live on after you, and may kill. Crummy legacy.

May kill? Of course they MIGHT kill. Your child MIGHT kill someone to. should we take your child from you, just in case?

Again, go get the 2nd repealed , or shut up. I really don't care how scared you are of guns.

Lots of bad things are legal. Doesn't mean they are good for society. Enjoy your lethal weapons.
And again for the criminally stupid and ignorant.... You don't want us to own firearms? Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get both houses of Congress to create and pass the amendment and then get the majority in 37 States to agree. Failing that you can not have my firearms or anyone elses.

Not necessary. Even Scalia says restrictions are OK. I also think a lot of gun lovers will grow up some day. I and many of my friends did, even though brought up with gunz. Hope you do as well
There is no REASONABLE regulation that bans firearms .

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