Solutions for vaccine injuries


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
A must watch documentary. Vaccine injuries are hurting Americans.

Make Fauci, Gates and the pharmaceuticals responsible for restitution to the victims. They were the ones that intentionally ignored science and mandated the distribution of these deadly drugs. They put money before human life, greedy bastards that they are. I call what they did murder.
Well looky here, doesn't this sound familiar. Just pump it out even though it has never been tested on humans, just animals and they won't even tell you what adjuvant they're using.

Make Fauci, Gates and the pharmaceuticals responsible for restitution to the victims. They were the ones that intentionally ignored science and mandated the distribution of these deadly drugs. They put money before human life, greedy bastards that they are. I call what they did murder.
Yes, this is what I consider mass homicide.
Just as was done at Nuremberg, the perpetrators of this crime should be hung in public. Dishonorable doctors and nurses included, and especially the career bureaucrats like Fauci.
I'm not really a "lawsuit" kind of guy. I've let a lot of things slide when I could have gone to court. But in the case of the deadly vaccines, I would sue, sue, sue, sue the pants off of anyone and everyone who lied about the vaccines and/or them who forced gullible citizens to take it.
I'm not really a "lawsuit" kind of guy. I've let a lot of things slide when I could have gone to court. But in the case of the deadly vaccines, I would sue, sue, sue, sue the pants off of anyone and everyone who lied about the vaccines and/or them who forced gullible citizens to take it.
You're right, and that is supposed to be the role of government, to punish those who have harmed others.

Unfortunately our fascist government has granted immunity from liability to its patrons in the pharmaceutical industry. That was done in 1986 by Reagan and Congress.
I'm not really a "lawsuit" kind of guy. I've let a lot of things slide when I could have gone to court. But in the case of the deadly vaccines, I would sue, sue, sue, sue the pants off of anyone and everyone who lied about the vaccines and/or them who forced gullible citizens to take it.

Unfortunately, our govt gave full indemnification to the pharmas with the experimental mRNA. It was a racket where big gov, big pharma, cdc, nih, fda all made billions as millions were injured and died from this experimental injection.
Where are the Deniers ? Where are those loud mouthed pseudo science believers who never asked questions ? I think of Troll Madtooth in particular who spouted endless rubbish and was so full of dangerous misinformation . Come out of hiding and count yourself lucky that this is only Virtual Reality.
Where are the Deniers ? Where are those loud mouthed pseudo science believers who never asked questions ? I think of Troll Madtooth in particular who spouted endless rubbish and was so full of dangerous misinformation . Come out of hiding and count yourself lucky that this is only Virtual Reality.
I remember back in the day with Leftoids were opposed to the government poisoning people with pesticides, fluoridated water, chem-trails, food additives and preservatives, etc. Today, they defend (tooth and nail) the very things they fought against in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.
A must watch documentary. Vaccine injuries are hurting Americans.

They must be arrested and tried for practicing medicine without a license.
Make Fauci, Gates and the pharmaceuticals responsible for restitution to the victims. They were the ones that intentionally ignored science and mandated the distribution of these deadly drugs. They put money before human life, greedy bastards that they are. I call what they did murder.
In my opinion the elites of this world are also guilty because they have exempted themselves from the deadly drugs.

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