Some Dangerous talk

The above goes for corrupt union bosses as well...

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It's sadly funny that so many posters have been brainwashed to believe their civil rights are at risk under the Obama Administration and by liberals, progressives and all Democrats).

NO formal efforts are being made to take away your guns people, or your right to vote and marry (at least by the Obama Administration or by liberals/progressives and Democrats.
Obama Requests $1.1 Billion for Gun Control - Fox Nation

President Obama has requested $1.1 billion and the Department of Justice (DOJ) asked for $382.1 million for gun control "to protect Americans from gun violence."

Included in the DOJ's $382.1 million figure is a request for $2 million for smart gun technology grants.

According to The Washington Beacon, Obama's $1.1 billion "[includes] $182 million to support the president's 'Now is the Time' gun safety initiative."

"Now is the Time" includes the following:

1. Require background checks for all gun sales.

2. Strengthen the background check system for gun sales.

3. Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons.

4. Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.

5. Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets

6. Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime

7. End the freeze on gun violence research

8. Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better emergency response plans, and more nurturing school climates.

9. Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for young people.

Because your focus is wrongheaded. The proliferation of guns throughout the United States is a problem, only liars and fools fail to acknowledge this fact, yet the purveyors of guns, the NRA and its supporters are unwilling to discuss any effort to protect innocents from gun violence, except of course for all of us to carry a firearm at all times.

Suggesting the poster above is mentally ill is obviously hyperbole, but when denial of reality is about, it surely must be ruled out.

I believe reasonable gun control should be on the table for an open and reasoned discussion, yet the money and power of the NRA will steamroll any pol who dares attempt such a debate. For even suggesting such an open discussion on gun control and other issues on which I have strong opinions I've been called a "leftist", a "Commie' and two separate posters have told me to "fuck off and die" for my beliefs - neither is a liberal, progressive, Democrat or a patriotic American.
Your focus is wrong because guns used to be much easier to obtain, no background checks, period. You could mail order them or buy at the hardware store. When I first move here there were about a dozen multi-purpose stores that sold guns. Now there aren't any. You now have to go to a gun store and pass federal checks even with a carry permit. The problem isn't the gun, it's the culture. Libs effed up the culture and want to take away our ability to protect ourselves from it. That's why people get pissed and why many won't roll over for the gun grabbers.

I didn't see anything in the initiative which advocated the taking of guns from citizens. What the President's initiative does is put on the table some ideas which may save the lives of some innocent soles. My point was clear, gun violence is a problem, we need to rationally discuss some means to mitigate the loss of life. Why are you opposed to such a discussion?

Why do we complain? Read this: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Unless you want to start dismantling the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is pretty clear. "Shall not be infringed" leaves little room for debate. And as to our loss of liberties, I plead the 9th. I say we retain the ability to pick our own healthcare or even have it at all. In regards to losing rights, I draw your attention to the IRS scandal and the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.
Finally...for those who wish to preserve freedom with responsibility...u might want to consider the freedom corrupting influence of recent decisions of the conservatives on the Supreme Court...removing the last constraints on BIG MONEY in the process we have for choosing our leaders...
How "free" is money as "free speech"if it becomes big and loud enough to drown out the much smaller voices of most of our citizens? What happens to our freedoms when only the wealthiest get to pick our leaders?

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What happens when the wealthy get to pick our leaders? I'll tell you: my point gets proven. I never said the US is worse right now, rather, I said it is getting worse and could go down the same road. Some people are determined to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening.
It's sadly funny that so many posters have been brainwashed to believe their civil rights are at risk under the Obama Administration and by liberals, progressives and all Democrats).

NO formal efforts are being made to take away your guns people, or your right to vote and marry (at least by the Obama Administration or by liberals/progressives and Democrats.

The proliferation of guns throughout the United States is a problem, only liars and fools fail to acknowledge this fact, yet the purveyors of guns, the NRA and its supporters are unwilling to discuss any effort to protect innocents from gun violence, except of course for all of us to carry a firearm at all times.

Suggesting the poster above is mentally ill is obviously hyperbole, but when denial of reality is about, it surely must be ruled out.

I believe reasonable gun control should be on the table for an open and reasoned discussion, yet the money and power of the NRA will steamroll any pol who dares attempt such a debate. For even suggesting such an open discussion on gun control and other issues on which I have strong opinions I've been called a "leftist", a "Commie' and two separate posters have told me to "fuck off and die" for my beliefs - neither is a liberal, progressive, Democrat or a patriotic American.

In truth, there is no problem with Guns in the US, except in population centers which have long been controlled by the Ideological Left.

Take those population centers out of the equation and the United States is the safest place on earth, north of Antarctica.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

Ok, this is just old Stormfront babble. No such general likely exists, if a retired General actually said this, it is senile dementia. Anti pyschotics should be prescribed.
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A walk is as good as a hit...
That's how I remember it.
You can't score 4 runs with a home run if no one is on base.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

I wonder if Michelle Obama would be proud of her country if it steamrolled over an armed insurrection of "traitors". :badgrin:
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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We stand him up against the wall, and POP goes the weasel....Groucho Marx....Duck Soup.

Laws on treason have always existed in the United States; advocating armed insurrection is TREASION, oh....and those who know of such plots may also be held criminally liable; looks like a few conspritors if this ISN'T just babble.
Good lord folks..I really don't think u know what tyranny is all parents immigrated into this country from the old U.S.S.R. after mom's dad was beaten to death by the KGB for publicly criticizing the government...that's tyrrany.
Putin is a tyrant
Kim Jung Ill is a tyrant
Obama is no tyrant..or dictator ... Or "imperial prez"...he is a duly re-elected prez w a couple of years left in his term in office...
When he's done, you will have ur chance to elect a leader more to ur liking. That doesn't happen in a Tyranny.
There are also 2 other co-equal branches of government..SCOTUS and Congress.
Are u going to try to overthrow them as well? And replace all 3 branches with what?
U whiners make me tired. U don't appreciate what u have here.

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We stand him up against the wall, and POP goes the weasel....Groucho Marx....Duck Soup.

Laws on treason have always existed in the United States; advocating armed insurrection is TREASION, oh....and those who know of such plots may also be held criminally liable; looks like a few conspritors if this ISN'T just babble.

I don't know about you, but I've always interpreted Article 3 Section 3 to mean that it ain't treason till you've actually gathered a force or have actually made plans. Something physical. It must be an "Overt Act", remember? Just saying you'd do it doesn't make you a traitor.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

I wonder if Michelle Obama would be proud of her country if it steamrolled over an armed insurrection of "traitors". :badgrin:

I know I would be thankful, advocating armed insurrection IS treason, the definition in fact.
I like the idea of men standing up against tyranny. It happened in this nation in the late 1700s. However, I also tend to agree with [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] that America is getting what she deserves. We allow abortion; "gay marriage"; false doctrine in the churches; and a general, national denial of God's Word and His very existence. Therefore, I agree that America is under national judgment and that God chose Obama (among other evil men) to mete out our just punishment.

I also agree with "saved" that the church is under judgment but I think God's judgment, at this point in history, is upon the entire globe. What we're witnessing is Prophecy in action.

It's really easy to fall into this "us vs. them" mentality. I "go there" all the time and have to rein myself in repeatedly. What we should be doing is what [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] said and pray for our leaders as well as global leaders. We should rejoice that the time in near and that we're one day closer to Christ's return. We really don't need a man to fight the final battle. Christ and His angels will fight on our behalf and they will win. It's written and it's promised.

Your avatar is very fitting.

Little children with popguns going up against the biggest military of all time.

What the hell - go for it. And be sure to invite all those big brave patriots from American Spring and Bundy's ranch.

That'll show that mean ole Obama.

The event to be held by the other Generals and the Colonel begins on May 16th, and they say they will not leave until they have forced resignations of Obama, Reid, and the rest of the lawless bunch, or conducted citizens arrests.

So, uh, are they still there?

Do the "lawless bunch" even know they are there and 'conducting citizens arrests'?

My favorite part:

The Sleeping Giant is awake and wants the TRAITOR out of the White House.


Did anyone actually show up on May 16th?

And, does [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] know they were "rolling"?
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

Ok, this is just old Stormfront babble. No such general likely exists, if a retired General actually said this, it is senile dementia. Anti pyschotics should be prescribed.

And in the end, all that impotent chest beating is all just rather pitiful.

I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

I wonder if Michelle Obama would be proud of her country if it steamrolled over an armed insurrection of "traitors". :badgrin:

I am sure she would be, for I would be. And I would be quite willing to lend a hand and gun in ending such an illegal treasonous action.
Good for him. An all-American, high ranking, military man standing up for the Constitution should help boost Conservative morale.

Were he not retired, he could be up for court martial.

He probably doesn't even exist - except in the demented minds of a few nutters, hiding under their beds, feverishly polishing their little popguns, eyes glistening like those of hungry rats ...

I mean, these are some real loons.

Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

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