Some Dangerous talk

The Constitution is the Charter of Rules.

Your ignorance provides for you to be unaware that such is found not in the rules which govern in periods of viability... but in the Charter of Principles.

If you're going to participate in this contest, please have the courtesy to sufficiently inform yourself of the subject, so that your would-be contributions are worthy of the effort and of the art itself.

Allow me to help educate you:

The American Charter of Principles:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ... "

I tell you what ... You just roll that piece of paper up and beat on the US military with it.

By golly, that'll show 'em.

What makes you feel that the US military is going to side with those who the VAST MAJORITY of its members hold in utter and irrepressible contempt?

There is no CHANCE that the US Military is going to attack AMERICANS on behalf of the Ideological Left.

You people represent Foreign Ideas which are HOSTILE TO EVERYTHING THEY REPRESENT!






So... I don't think you quite have a handle upon the reality of the situation. Those are OUR KIDS.

But when they finish with NYC, PHILLY, FRISCO, DETROIT AND LA... my guess is that if ya manage to survive, you'll have a better sense of how they roll.

WTF are you yattering about?

What policy has been erased?

What is the policy you say has killed thousands of military? You mean Bush's Iraq fiasco?

What is any of what you're mumbling?

How old are you?
So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

So you're just going to pretend that you were not JUST informed (directly above) that the US Constitution is ONLY VIABLE, WHEN THE US GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES, RESPECTS AND ADHERES TO the rules which it comprises.

And that where the US Government has been infected and has otherwise succumbed to the advocacy of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the principles that the US Constitution rests upon, that THE US CONSTITUTION CAN ONLY BE RELEVANT ONCE THAT INSURGENCY IS DESTROYED.


The Constitution is only a piece of parchment... it has no authority or means to defend itself.

And foolishness, the likes of yours, represents the greatest threat to the means of Americans to exercise their God-given rights, for which it was penned and ratified to protect.

And when the current government is not doing what The People wish...they peacefully vote out the bastards and vote in those whom do the right thing. Seems to me, you have a problem with the majority of American citizens and their choices. Too bad. We broke from the Brits because we had no representation....well, we have're just a whiney loser who doesn't like what the majority of citizens vote for.
You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

What is it with these radical RW Pootarians who want to trash the constitution and abandon their own country?
So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

What is it with these radical RW Pootarians who want to trash the constitution and abandon their own country?

Sore losers....if they don't get what they want at the polls, they want to burn the country down. Correction...they want someone else to burn it down for them while they hide under their beds.
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You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

You have a very sloppy mind.

You looked at what I posted and came to a completely unrelated conclusion. Or, are you say8ing you can link to where I wrote "... feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force"?

You bet:

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

That was you informing me of the size of the budget of the US military, wherein you hoped to promote the notion that civilians of the 'militia' variety, (which you noted when ya said this:

And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?

), were unlikely to prevail in a fight against that irrepressible force.

My point is that the US military is bigger than the next 15 country's militaries - combined.

The "militias", like the little twerps who cashed their unemployement checks and joined criminal Clive Bundy, don't have the combined fire power of children playing cowboys and Indians.

You can beat your chest all you want but that's all it is. If you really had any military experience, you would know that.

I would only ask you to BRING IT, sis.

You go find every member of the US Military that stands with you. Get them put together and you come find me, stack up and come on in. I'm ready.

FYI, between myself and my own children are two generation and several veterans formerly affiliated with acronyms of which you've never heard and with means which you are incapable of contesting. And we're not alone in our loathing of you and everything you stand for, including the Muslim-Marxist cult you've presently set at the head of the US Government.

We get up everyday hoping that today will be the day you idiots cross the line.

Here's hoping that its tomorrow and that you'll publish your name and address so that I can know you, and what you stand for when I take you down.

Please, think I'm kiddin'... please expect that I am on ANY level represented by that .gif you posted to define me.

Whenever you're ready.





Bring it.
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And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

What is it with these radical RW Pootarians who want to trash the constitution and abandon their own country?

Sore losers....if they don't get what they want at the polls, they want to burn the country down. Correction...they want someone else to burn it down for them while they hide under their beds.

It won't be us that starts it sis.

If we were going to start it, it would be started.

You'll start it soon enough. But, rest assured, we'll finish it for ya.
So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

You have a very sloppy mind.

You looked at what I posted and came to a completely unrelated conclusion. Or, are you say8ing you can link to where I wrote "... feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force"?

You bet:

That was you informing me of the size of the budget of the US military, wherein you hoped to promote the notion that civilians of the 'militia' variety, (which you noted when ya said this:

And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?

), were unlikely to prevail in a fight against that irrepressible force.

My point is that the US military is bigger than the next 15 country's militaries - combined.

The "militias", like the little twerps who cashed their unemployement checks and joined criminal Clive Bundy, don't have the combined fire power of children playing cowboys and Indians.

You can beat your chest all you want but that's all it is. If you really had any military experience, you would know that.

I would only ask you to BRING IT, sis.

You go find every member of the US Military that stands with you. Get them put together and you come find me, stack up and come on in. I'm ready.

FYI, between myself and my own children are two generation and several veterans formerly affiliated with acronyms of which you've never heard and with means which you are incapable of contesting. And we're not alone in our loathing of you and everything you stand for, including the Muslim-Marxist cult you've presently set at the head of the US Government.

We get up everyday hoping that today will be the day you idiots cross the line.

Here's hoping that its tomorrow and that you'll publish your name and address so that I can know you, and what you stand for when I take you down.

Please, think I'm kiddin'... please expect that I am on ANY level represented by that .gif you posted to define me.

Whenever you're ready.





Bring it.

Really big talk from one who can't even find his own keys.

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

So you're just going to pretend that you were not JUST informed (directly above) that the US Constitution is ONLY VIABLE, WHEN THE US GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES, RESPECTS AND ADHERES TO the rules which it comprises.

And that where the US Government has been infected and has otherwise succumbed to the advocacy of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the principles that the US Constitution rests upon, that THE US CONSTITUTION CAN ONLY BE RELEVANT ONCE THAT INSURGENCY IS DESTROYED.


The Constitution is only a piece of parchment... it has no authority or means to defend itself.

And foolishness, the likes of yours, represents the greatest threat to the means of Americans to exercise their God-given rights, for which it was penned and ratified to protect.

And when the current government is not doing what The People wish...they peacefully vote out the bastards and vote in those whom do the right thing.
Yep... right up to the point where the current government abuses its official power and the trust upon which that power rests, to undermine the means of Americans to organize an effective political contest. And when our legislators, in tending to their responsibilities to hold those who have abused their power accountable, are met with further abuses of that current government, through their destruction of evidence, perjury, subornation of perjury, coercion and tampering with witnesses, among other high-crimes, it becomes apparent that the current government is overtly undermining the means of Americans to change that government.

Now, FYI: The US Constitution does not provide the government the legitimate power to undermine the means of Americans to vote them out of office, destroy evidence, ignore the law and subvert the means of the people to govern themselves.

See how that works?
What is it with these radical RW Pootarians who want to trash the constitution and abandon their own country?

Sore losers....if they don't get what they want at the polls, they want to burn the country down. Correction...they want someone else to burn it down for them while they hide under their beds.

It won't be us that starts it sis.

If we were going to start it, it would be started.

You'll start it soon enough. But, rest assured, we'll finish it for ya.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Keyboard Kommando....I knew it!
You have a very sloppy mind.

You looked at what I posted and came to a completely unrelated conclusion. Or, are you say8ing you can link to where I wrote "... feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force"?

You bet:

That was you informing me of the size of the budget of the US military, wherein you hoped to promote the notion that civilians of the 'militia' variety, (which you noted when ya said this:

), were unlikely to prevail in a fight against that irrepressible force.

My point is that the US military is bigger than the next 15 country's militaries - combined.

The "militias", like the little twerps who cashed their unemployement checks and joined criminal Clive Bundy, don't have the combined fire power of children playing cowboys and Indians.

You can beat your chest all you want but that's all it is. If you really had any military experience, you would know that.

I would only ask you to BRING IT, sis.

You go find every member of the US Military that stands with you. Get them put together and you come find me, stack up and come on in. I'm ready.

FYI, between myself and my own children are two generation and several veterans formerly affiliated with acronyms of which you've never heard and with means which you are incapable of contesting. And we're not alone in our loathing of you and everything you stand for, including the Muslim-Marxist cult you've presently set at the head of the US Government.

We get up everyday hoping that today will be the day you idiots cross the line.

Here's hoping that its tomorrow and that you'll publish your name and address so that I can know you, and what you stand for when I take you down.

Please, think I'm kiddin'... please expect that I am on ANY level represented by that .gif you posted to define me.

Whenever you're ready.





Bring it.

Really big talk from one who can't even find his own keys.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And THAT is how THAT is done, kids.)

Any questions?
You bet:

That was you informing me of the size of the budget of the US military, wherein you hoped to promote the notion that civilians of the 'militia' variety, (which you noted when ya said this:

), were unlikely to prevail in a fight against that irrepressible force.

I would only ask you to BRING IT, sis.

You go find every member of the US Military that stands with you. Get them put together and you come find me, stack up and come on in. I'm ready.

FYI, between myself and my own children are two generation and several veterans formerly affiliated with acronyms of which you've never heard and with means which you are incapable of contesting. And we're not alone in our loathing of you and everything you stand for, including the Muslim-Marxist cult you've presently set at the head of the US Government.

We get up everyday hoping that today will be the day you idiots cross the line.

Here's hoping that its tomorrow and that you'll publish your name and address so that I can know you, and what you stand for when I take you down.

Please, think I'm kiddin'... please expect that I am on ANY level represented by that .gif you posted to define me.

Whenever you're ready.





Bring it.

Really big talk from one who can't even find his own keys.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And THAT is how THAT is done, kids.)

Any questions?

How's the Cheetos?
Just a reminder of what your impotent little popguns would be going up against:



Again folks, this crank expects that the US Military is going to fight the Fathers and Mothers, Sisters and Brothers of those defending the principles on which the nation for which THEY FIGHT, rests.

She feels that the members of the US Armed Forces are going to attack Americans, who are fighting those who set the Rules of Engagement which required that they could not kill the enemy. ROEs which got their buddies killed or maimed.

She feels that the US Military is going to fight, NOT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUPPORTED THEM THROUGH THICK AND THIN, DAY IN AND OUT FOR THIS DECADE OF WAR... but instead for those who relentlessly accused them murdering woman and children, of torturing those who were trying to KILL THEM, by not feeding them 'culturally sensitive food' and providing them with prayer rugs, CIVIL RIGHTS... and for FALSELY CHARGING THEM WITH MURDER for merely killing those who had fired on them.

What you see in the rant of the above crank is IDIOCY ON PARADE; delusion of the clinical variety. They simply have no kinship with reality.

They are: The personification of evil.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

IT worked against King George - it can work against King Barry
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

IT worked against King George - it can work against King Barry

Riiiiiiiiight. :rofl: How'd that one in the 1860s work out?

Actually, all you sour losers and keyboard kommandos should go to Texas and secede from the U.S. It would be a blessing for the U.S.
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