Some Dangerous talk

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Do you find it hard to get the yellow dust stain off your keyboard?

And, what does this kid think he's won?

Delusional twerp.

The debate. I won: The Debate.

You see, when the opposition flees the field, as demonstrated by deflection or other such distraction (just as you ladies have done so, in this debate), this indicates that they've yielded the standing points, thus conceding the debate to the victor; which, if you're keeping score, is: ME!

So, when that inevitable question comes along: "Does anyone ever win one of these arguments?", you can send them directly to this thread, to witness for themselves, just what that looks like.

See how that works?
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

IT worked against King George - it can work against King Barry

Riiiiiiiiight. :rofl: How'd that one in the 1860s work out?

You lost. And by no small margin.
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

IT worked against King George - it can work against King Barry

Riiiiiiiiight. :rofl: How'd that one in the 1860s work out?

Actually, all you sour losers and keyboard kommandos should go to Texas and secede from the U.S. It would be a blessing for the U.S.

Who would pay their food stamps and Medicaid?
Just a reminder of what your impotent little popguns would be going up against:


LOL! You're a stupid fuck.
Do you find it hard to get the yellow dust stain off your keyboard?

And, what does this kid think he's won?

Delusional twerp.

The debate. I won: The Debate.

You see, when the opposition flees the field, as demonstrated by deflection or other such distraction (just as you ladies have done so, in this debate), this indicates that they've yielded the standing points, thus conceding the debate to the victor; which, if you're keeping score, is: ME!

So, when that inevitable question comes along: "Does anyone ever win one of these arguments?", you can send them directly to this thread, to witness for themselves, just what that looks like.

See how that works?

There was no debate.

There was just you not even recognizing the Declaration of Independence and saying you would beat up the US military, biggest on the planet, btw ... and that you would do it with old farts and young kids with popguns.

Drink your warm milk and go nighty night.

You can look for your keys tomorrow.
How's the Cheetos?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I've noticed he says this every time he loses and makes a fool of himself.

Convince Atheists - Page 4 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, you feel that you did not flee the field; which is to say that you did not opt to leave the cogent, standing issues, in order to promote obscurant points of irrelevance?

Huh... then this wasn't you?

"And, what does this kid think he's won?

Delusional twerp."

And did you not also join these deflections?

"How's the Cheetos? Do you find it hard to get the yellow dust stain off your keyboard?"

See how that works? This debate is exercised through the WRITTEN WORD scamp... the usual feckless tripe, wherein such distractions deceitfully hope to sway the observer's attention, prohibiting their means to recall what was said by whom, doesn't usually work well here.

And it NEVER works when "HERE", is where I am.
And, what does this kid think he's won?

Delusional twerp.

The debate. I won: The Debate.

You see, when the opposition flees the field, as demonstrated by deflection or other such distraction (just as you ladies have done so, in this debate), this indicates that they've yielded the standing points, thus conceding the debate to the victor; which, if you're keeping score, is: ME!

So, when that inevitable question comes along: "Does anyone ever win one of these arguments?", you can send them directly to this thread, to witness for themselves, just what that looks like.

See how that works?

There was no debate.

There was just you not even recognizing the Declaration of Independence and saying you would beat up the US military, biggest on the planet, btw ... and that you would do it with old farts and young kids with popguns.

Drink your warm milk and go nighty night.

You can look for your keys tomorrow.

LOL! Isn't that precious?

I love it. I get this a lot kids. Its very common in street races also. Little ricers out and about, getting their butts handed to them, only to learn: "I wasn't racin' man!". This despite the irrefutable video evidence to the contrary.

LOL! Leftists... they're SUCH losers.
The debate. I won: The Debate.

You see, when the opposition flees the field, as demonstrated by deflection or other such distraction (just as you ladies have done so, in this debate), this indicates that they've yielded the standing points, thus conceding the debate to the victor; which, if you're keeping score, is: ME!

So, when that inevitable question comes along: "Does anyone ever win one of these arguments?", you can send them directly to this thread, to witness for themselves, just what that looks like.

See how that works?

There was no debate.

There was just you not even recognizing the Declaration of Independence and saying you would beat up the US military, biggest on the planet, btw ... and that you would do it with old farts and young kids with popguns.

Drink your warm milk and go nighty night.

You can look for your keys tomorrow.

LOL! Isn't that precious?

I love it. I get this a lot kids. Its very common in street races also. Little ricers out and about, getting their butts handed to them, only to learn: "I wasn't racin' man!". This despite the irrefutable video evidence to the contrary.

LOL! Leftists... they're SUCH losers.

Oh yes....I can see the U.S. Government shaking in their boots over you. :D
Just a reminder of what your impotent little popguns would be going up against:


LOL! You're a stupid fuck.

If you can't match the fire power of the US, you can always defeat them with your potty mouth.

Don't let your mommy catch you or she'll wash your mouth out with soap.

No one has claimed that we, the Americans, would try to match the fire power of the US Military.

And only children and fools 'believe' that the US Military would side with the Leftist Ideology that has spent the last 50 years spitting on us.

But, hey... she lost the debate, in which she wasn't even debating, despite her attempts even NOW, to debate it.

LOL! Socialists.... .
There was no debate.

There was just you not even recognizing the Declaration of Independence and saying you would beat up the US military, biggest on the planet, btw ... and that you would do it with old farts and young kids with popguns.

Drink your warm milk and go nighty night.

You can look for your keys tomorrow.

LOL! Isn't that precious?

I love it. I get this a lot kids. Its very common in street races also. Little ricers out and about, getting their butts handed to them, only to learn: "I wasn't racin' man!". This despite the irrefutable video evidence to the contrary.

LOL! Leftists... they're SUCH losers.

Oh yes....I can see the U.S. Government shaking in their boots over you. :D

Oh yes, because it's just me. I'm all alone... against the pop-culture, the advocacy to tear down the US Military,lower its standards, infect it with homosexuals and endless PC Policy that threatens their means to do their job. Having to defend principles that define America, ALL BY MYSELF!

Oh well... Of course, it wouldn't be fair if their were TWO of us.

And as always I should point out, that your most recent concession is DULY NOTED and summarily accepted!
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LOL! Isn't that precious?

I love it. I get this a lot kids. Its very common in street races also. Little ricers out and about, getting their butts handed to them, only to learn: "I wasn't racin' man!". This despite the irrefutable video evidence to the contrary.

LOL! Leftists... they're SUCH losers.

Oh yes....I can see the U.S. Government shaking in their boots over you. :D

Oh yes, because it's just me. I'm all alone... against the pop-culture, the advocacy to tear down the US Military,lower its standards, infect it with homosexuals and endless PC Policy that threatens their means to do their job. Having to defend principles that define America, ALL BY MYSELF!

Oh well... Of course, it wouldn't be fair if their were TWO of us.

:lol: Keyboard Kommandos can be so entertaining. :D
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

I'd only correct the point that this government is not our government. We're enduring it, because we're a peaceful people, whose only desire is to see them finish their time and LEAVE.

But there is a limit to the long train of abuse that one can take and we're fast approaching that... . The IRS using its power and the refusal of the AG to shut that down is proof certain of a coup by the Left having come to pass.

We've only one more election to see if its repairable ... .
Oh yes....I can see the U.S. Government shaking in their boots over you. :D

Oh yes, because it's just me. I'm all alone... against the pop-culture, the advocacy to tear down the US Military,lower its standards, infect it with homosexuals and endless PC Policy that threatens their means to do their job. Having to defend principles that define America, ALL BY MYSELF!

Oh well... Of course, it wouldn't be fair if their were TWO of us.

:lol: Keyboard Kommandos can be so entertaining. :D

How cool is it, that those who oppose them are the "Commandos".

This idiot and her comrade just spent two hours threatening to use the US MILITARY TO MURDER AMERICANS DEFENDING THEIR MEANS TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS!

LOL! fascists...
I am not for any sort of rebellion against the government. We are under the judgment of God - this is part of it and rebelling against it will only worsen the situation. I would strongly advise against any of that type of activity. We need to pray for the nation but rebelling isn't going to work. - J.

IT worked against King George - it can work against King Barry

Riiiiiiiiight. :rofl: How'd that one in the 1860s work out?

Actually, all you sour losers and keyboard kommandos should go to Texas and secede from the U.S. It would be a blessing for the U.S.

That was a rebellion of the States led by the same Democratic Party that you worship as your God and Savior. It was not a peoples rebellion but a war between states and political parties - Big Difference.
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

I'd only correct the point that this government is not our government. We're enduring it, because we're a peaceful people, whose only desire is to see them finish their time and LEAVE.

But there is a limit to the long train of abuse that one can take and we're fast approaching that... . The IRS using its power and the refusal of the AG to shut that down is proof certain of a coup by the Left having come to pass.

We've only one more election to see if its repairable ... .

Um...yes it is.
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

I'd only correct the point that this government is not our government. We're enduring it, because we're a peaceful people, whose only desire is to see them finish their time and LEAVE.

But there is a limit to the long train of abuse that one can take and we're fast approaching that... . The IRS using its power and the refusal of the AG to shut that down is proof certain of a coup by the Left having come to pass.

We've only one more election to see if its repairable ... .

One More Election :lol:

I hear they're planning on accepting a few million absentee ballots for Mexico and Central AMerica. Hell they vote Democratic as illegals on our land- why not let them vote Democratic from where they are -

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