Some Dangerous talk

This is treason, what is the name of the traitor? Advocating armed insurrection sgainst the United States is punishable by death

I wonder if Michelle Obama would be proud of her country if it steamrolled over an armed insurrection of "traitors". :badgrin:

I am sure she would be, for I would be. And I would be quite willing to lend a hand and gun in ending such an illegal treasonous action.

LOL! Another Non-occupying Occupier SPOTTED! Isn't it ADORABLE that the anti-gun cranks are all HEAVILY ARMED AND READY FOR ACTION, now?



So, you feel that its treason to defend the constitution of the United States?

Oh now THAT's fascinatin'. So tell me, on what SPECIFICALLY, are ya basing that upon?
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Cool story bro.

I am sure all of that is true.

It is. And I'm more of a "sis" than a bro..
As a 1st generation child of impoverished immigrants...I am proud of the nation they made it possible for me to be born in...and succeed...way beyond anything the Soviet Union would have allowed.

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Aye, but that was then. I am sure I can sum up the reactionary opinion with one statement: In order to prevent the US from following down the same road many great nations did and in order to preserve our civil liberties against corruption and conniving politicians, drastic- even violent- action may have to be taken. You see, we want to preserve the nation that allowed immigrants to come here and succeed, but what good is coming here when the economy is broken and we have lost our freedom?

Once that happens, the Constitution is irretrievably lost.

Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

I am...are you familiar with the Constitution? Doesn't seem that you are.
It is. And I'm more of a "sis" than a bro..
As a 1st generation child of impoverished immigrants...I am proud of the nation they made it possible for me to be born in...and succeed...way beyond anything the Soviet Union would have allowed.

Sent from my iPhone using

Aye, but that was then. I am sure I can sum up the reactionary opinion with one statement: In order to prevent the US from following down the same road many great nations did and in order to preserve our civil liberties against corruption and conniving politicians, drastic- even violent- action may have to be taken. You see, we want to preserve the nation that allowed immigrants to come here and succeed, but what good is coming here when the economy is broken and we have lost our freedom?

Once that happens, the Constitution is irretrievably lost.

Again... you really should spend some time studying the origins of the United States.


Of course, to avoid it, you people could spend less time here and more time telling your legislators to stop subverting the constitutional republic through the passing of law founded in foreign ideas hostile to American principle.

But I see no sign of that, so you best brace yourself for what's comin'... and here's another spoiler: It will be YOU PEOPLE that snap the trip-line. That will be the last moment your 'voice' will be considered in anything relevant to this nation.
Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

I am...are you familiar with the Constitution? Doesn't seem that you are.

Are ya? Then you know that the Constitution is a set of rules... . Which was written on the foundation of armed insurrection.

And it is that foundation which tells us that the RULES do not apply, when the GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE RULES.

See, that's what tells me that you're not familiar with the origins of the United States.

But hey, no Leftist is. Which is why you people are about to succumb to mass irrelevance.
So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

I am...are you familiar with the Constitution? Doesn't seem that you are.

Are ya? Then you know that the Constitution is a set of rules... . Which was written on the foundation of armed insurrection.

And it is that foundation which tells us that the RULES do not apply, when the GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE RULES.

See, that's what tells me that you're not familiar with the origins of the United States.

But hey, no Leftist is. Which is why you people are about to succumb to mass irrelevance.

Where does it say in the U.S. COnstitution that armed insurrection is applicable?

Isn't the Constitution set up so we can have a peaceful transfer of power if The People are unhappy with a current group of leaders?
I am...are you familiar with the Constitution? Doesn't seem that you are.

Are ya? Then you know that the Constitution is a set of rules... . Which was written on the foundation of armed insurrection.

And it is that foundation which tells us that the RULES do not apply, when the GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE RULES.

See, that's what tells me that you're not familiar with the origins of the United States.

But hey, no Leftist is. Which is why you people are about to succumb to mass irrelevance.

Where does it say in the U.S. COnstitution that armed insurrection is applicable?

The Constitution is the Charter of Rules.

Your ignorance provides for you to be unaware that such is found not in the rules which govern in periods of viability... but in the Charter of Principles.

If you're going to participate in this contest, please have the courtesy to sufficiently inform yourself of the subject, so that your would-be contributions are worthy of the effort and of the art itself.

Allow me to help educate you:

The American Charter of Principles:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ... "
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Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?

Are ya? Then you know that the Constitution is a set of rules... . Which was written on the foundation of armed insurrection.

And it is that foundation which tells us that the RULES do not apply, when the GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE RULES.

See, that's what tells me that you're not familiar with the origins of the United States.

But hey, no Leftist is. Which is why you people are about to succumb to mass irrelevance.

Where does it say in the U.S. COnstitution that armed insurrection is applicable?

The Constitution is the Charter of Rules.

Your ignorance provides for you to be unaware that such is found not in the rules which govern in periods of viability... but in the Charter of Principles.

If you're going to participate in this contest, please have the courtesy to sufficiently inform yourself of the subject, so that your would-be contributions are worthy of the effort and of the art itself.

Allow me to help educate you:

The American Charter of Principles:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ... "

I tell you what ... You just roll that piece of paper up and beat on the US military with it.

By golly, that'll show 'em.
He has tried to override the 22nd Amendment (term limit of POTUS) through an executive order and since that failed had Rep. Serrano (NY_D) introduce a bill into Congress to accomplish this.


Sadly, I missed this bit of entertainment.
Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50, doesn't leave much of a contest, even IF Americans had any desire to fight their own children.

Now... what exactly is your point?
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Nothing says good old American Constitutionality like a military coup.

So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


It wouldn't be the first time a massive military organization was overcome by smaller forces.
Where does it say in the U.S. COnstitution that armed insurrection is applicable?

The Constitution is the Charter of Rules.

Your ignorance provides for you to be unaware that such is found not in the rules which govern in periods of viability... but in the Charter of Principles.

If you're going to participate in this contest, please have the courtesy to sufficiently inform yourself of the subject, so that your would-be contributions are worthy of the effort and of the art itself.

Allow me to help educate you:

The American Charter of Principles:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ... "

I tell you what ... You just roll that piece of paper up and beat on the US military with it.

By golly, that'll show 'em.

What makes you feel that the US military is going to side with those who the VAST MAJORITY of its members hold in utter and irrepressible contempt?

There is no CHANCE that the US Military is going to attack AMERICANS on behalf of the Ideological Left.

You people represent Foreign Ideas which are HOSTILE TO EVERYTHING THEY REPRESENT!






So... I don't think you quite have a handle upon the reality of the situation. Those are OUR KIDS.

But when they finish with NYC, PHILLY, FRISCO, DETROIT AND LA... my guess is that if ya manage to survive, you'll have a better sense of how they roll.
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Are ya? Then you know that the Constitution is a set of rules... . Which was written on the foundation of armed insurrection.

And it is that foundation which tells us that the RULES do not apply, when the GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE RULES.

See, that's what tells me that you're not familiar with the origins of the United States.

But hey, no Leftist is. Which is why you people are about to succumb to mass irrelevance.

Where does it say in the U.S. COnstitution that armed insurrection is applicable?

The Constitution is the Charter of Rules.

Your ignorance provides for you to be unaware that such is found not in the rules which govern in periods of viability... but in the Charter of Principles.

If you're going to participate in this contest, please have the courtesy to sufficiently inform yourself of the subject, so that your would-be contributions are worthy of the effort and of the art itself.

Allow me to help educate you:

The American Charter of Principles:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ... "

The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and in the 7 Articles provides for the PEACEFUL transfer of power.

Oh...and you are quoting the Declaration of Independence....with does not have the force of's simply a attempt to make the Revolution all legal-like and to convince citizens to join the rebellion.

You are just one of those disaffected poor losers who cannot get the majority of citizens to go along with your view point, so you want to smash the system thru violence and bullying.
So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.
Laws on treason have always existed in the United States; advocating armed insurrection is TREASION, oh....and those who know of such plots may also be held criminally liable; looks like a few conspritors if this ISN'T just babble.

You know what they say... history is written by the victor.
So you're not familiar with the origins of the United States? You should spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. I expect you've quite a few surprises coming your way.

You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

You have a very sloppy mind.

You looked at what I posted and came to a completely unrelated conclusion. Or, are you say8ing you can link to where I wrote "... feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force"?

My point is that the US military is bigger than the next 15 country's militaries - combined.

The "militias", like the little twerps who cashed their unemployement checks and joined criminal Clive Bundy, don't have the combined fire power of children playing cowboys and Indians.

You can beat your chest all you want but that's all it is. If you really had any military experience, you would know that.
You need to familiarize yourself with the strength of the US military vs the various little militia groups. This should give you an idea ...

US military first:


And here's what we can expect from the militias:


Any questions?


So you feel that the Americans should cower in the face of irresistible force?

Now, I expect that my many years of service in the US Military makes me a bit of an expert on the subject.

And the last time I checked, the US Military was comprised OF the Militia.

It's present ranks include roughly 2.2 million troops, including all reserve and nat'l guard elements. This set aside of the roughly 75 million former Military presently living in the US, between the ages of 25-50.

Now what exactly is your point?

And you seem to think they will ALL agree with you that the U.S. Constitution should be trashed and smashed and a military coup is the way to go.

:lol: Good luck with that one.

So you're just going to pretend that you were not JUST informed (directly above) that the US Constitution is ONLY VIABLE, WHEN THE US GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES, RESPECTS AND ADHERES TO the rules which it comprises.

And that where the US Government has been infected and has otherwise succumbed to the advocacy of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the principles that the US Constitution rests upon, that THE US CONSTITUTION CAN ONLY BE RELEVANT ONCE THAT INSURGENCY IS DESTROYED.


The Constitution is only a piece of parchment... it has no authority or means to defend itself.

And foolishness, the likes of yours, represents the greatest threat to the means of Americans to exercise their God-given rights, for which it was penned and ratified to protect.
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He has tried to override the 22nd Amendment (term limit of POTUS) through an executive order and since that failed had Rep. Serrano (NY_D) introduce a bill into Congress to accomplish this.


Sadly, I missed this bit of entertainment.

Gee, I'd like to see that link myself.

I'm an impatient ass, so I dug around a bit.

A do-nothing bill. *yawn*

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