Some Dangerous talk

Oh yes, because it's just me. I'm all alone... against the pop-culture, the advocacy to tear down the US Military,lower its standards, infect it with homosexuals and endless PC Policy that threatens their means to do their job. Having to defend principles that define America, ALL BY MYSELF!

Oh well... Of course, it wouldn't be fair if their were TWO of us.

:lol: Keyboard Kommandos can be so entertaining. :D

How cool is it, that those who oppose them are the "Commandos".

This idiot and her comrade just spent two hours threatening to use the US MILITARY TO MURDER AMERICANS DEFENDING THEIR MEANS TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS!

LOL! fascists...

Dude, now you are in need of a tissue, you are crying so much.......I thought Keyboard Kommandos were made of sterner stuff.

No....not really. :D
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

I'd only correct the point that this government is not our government. We're enduring it, because we're a peaceful people, whose only desire is to see them finish their time and LEAVE.

But there is a limit to the long train of abuse that one can take and we're fast approaching that... . The IRS using its power and the refusal of the AG to shut that down is proof certain of a coup by the Left having come to pass.

We've only one more election to see if its repairable ... .

One More Election :lol:

I hear they're planning on accepting a few million absentee ballots for Mexico and Central AMerica. Hell they vote Democratic as illegals on our land- why not let them vote Democratic from where they are -

Of course you did. But those voices in your head may not be all that reliable.
I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

Cool story, bro. :D A dozen. Again, the government is shaking.

Bodey dodo - Once again your reading comprehension skills need to be called into question - RC Christian is one man - he know [personally] about a dozen. I'm another one man I know close to that amount also ... is it sinking in ...just a tad ya think .... ??
Great entertainment, folks.

I'm going to bed. I'll be back in 7 hours.

I expect to see a post of a unicorn rainbow fart when I return.

Good night.
Great entertainment, folks.

I'm going to bed. I'll be back in 7 hours.

I expect to see a post of a unicorn rainbow fart when I return.

Good night.

If attituide were gratitude , we'd all be farting Rainbows

I know at least a dozen vets who would gladly turn a gun on their government, and who would blame them? I'd do it an instant, but these guys would do it in a pico second. Death isn't even issue. I'ts a matter of principle.

Cool story, bro. :D A dozen. Again, the government is shaking.

Bodey dodo - Once again your reading comprehension skills need to be called into question - RC Christian is one man - he know [personally] about a dozen. I'm another one man I know close to that amount also ... is it sinking in ...just a tad ya think .... ??

Suuuure he does. :D
Great entertainment, folks.

I'm going to bed. I'll be back in 7 hours.

I expect to see a post of a unicorn rainbow fart when I return.

Good night.

If attituide were gratitude , we'd all be farting Rainbows


Excellent picture for the "we are going to have a revolution" crowd.

Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.

If attituide were gratitude , we'd all be farting Rainbows


Excellent picture for the "we are going to have a revolution" crowd.

Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.


...only about 15 of them showed up.

ABout 1500 you mean ?




A few of My "Buddies" at a get together not long ago.

Excellent picture for the "we are going to have a revolution" crowd.

Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.


...only about 15 of them showed up.

ABout 1500 you mean ?




A few of My "Buddies" at a get together not long ago.



Those don't look anything like the American Spring photos that were in the news at the time.

Nice try though.

That "we came unarmed this tine" sign is just embarrassing.

How many showed up at the OP shindig? It says they'll stay until Obama et al are out. How many are still there?

And posting a photo of a very few guys with their little popguns and saying they're a match for the $700 BILLION DOLLAR US military? Jeeez, you second revolution nutters are just delusional.
Excellent picture for the "we are going to have a revolution" crowd.

Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.


...only about 15 of them showed up.

ABout 1500 you mean ?




A few of My "Buddies" at a get together not long ago.


The more I look at photos like these, the funnier it gets.

Even if 1500 armed insurrectionists showed up in DC, how long do you think they'd last against a trained military?

Since you obviously don't know that, Google Seal Team Six.

All you pathetic little "militia" he-men would wet your pants.
Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.


...only about 15 of them showed up.

ABout 1500 you mean ?




A few of My "Buddies" at a get together not long ago.



Those don't look anything like the American Spring photos that were in the news at the time.

Nice try though.

That "we came unarmed this tine" sign is just embarrassing.

How many showed up at the OP shindig? It says they'll stay until Obama et al are out. How many are still there?

And posting a photo of a very few guys with their little popguns and saying they're a match for the $700 BILLION DOLLAR US military? Jeeez, you second revolution nutters are just delusional.

Back Pedaling are You ? :lol:
Washington had a problem with his troops at Valley Forge - many needed to get back to their farms to tend the crops or loose everything - most chose to stay and fight - a few became deserters ........ They had lives, families and obligations

The same can be said for the current situation -Occupy assholes - well they need their Starbucks and vanilla lattes , fluffed pillows, pot, and pokemon. But Tea Party people - WE ARE THE PEOPLE that many occupy faggots will become when and if they ever--- Grow Up ---

Teabaggers - We are the people that keep the economy running , not the parasites who suck it dry---- we're the guys who drive the buses and trucks, work the power plants, ring up your lattes at starbucks ,spit in them when your not looking, we're the folks stocking the shelves at Walmart and the people that used to pick up your trash , before we got replaced by Mexicans who work for half the price.

We don't allways have the time to sit on the internet and squabble with hoardes of mesmerized Libtards - with nothing better to do with their lives - [Living off our tax dollars - Extorted Tribute] . We have REAL JOBS and REAL LIVES and REAL FAMILIES and REAL OBLIGATIONS - but when it comes down to the wire- We're the people you can count on ... who got each others back - not you candy ass limp wristed latte quaffing LIberal Faggots who'll be the first to run and hide . It's getting close to the time when you may see fighting in the streets - don't worry - just hide behind the curtains and pray you maintain your interenet so you can log and brag about how you kicked ass from your laptop.
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Twenty or thirty million of them were going to take DC and only about 15 of them showed up.

I don't think [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION], [MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION] know enough people wit popguns to take a $700BILLION DOLLAR military. And, hell, poor [MENTION=46959]Where_r_my_Keys[/MENTION] can't even find his keys.


...only about 15 of them showed up.

ABout 1500 you mean ?




A few of My "Buddies" at a get together not long ago.


The more I look at photos like these, the funnier it gets.

Even if 1500 armed insurrectionists showed up in DC, how long do you think they'd last against a trained military?

Since you obviously don't know that, Google Seal Team Six.

All you pathetic little "militia" he-men would wet your pants.

What makes you think they'd show in DC - armed and en masse . DC - perhaps - the most heavily fortified city in the US . And once the fire is raging - what makes you think our military will not support it. ???

It took a handful of your Moslem Friends with box cutters to create 9-11 . It took one guy , maybe two - depending on which conspiracy theory you believe, to bring down JFK .
So now you're saying that its WalMart workers/tee potties with box cutters who are gonna bring down the US government? But they won't do it in DC? And they believe the US military will suddenly turn their back on their own country and the pledge they swore to uphold and throw in with a few lame brained traitors?

If not DC, where do you plan to go to bring down the US government? How about Cliven Bundy's place? You think THAT's where the US government is?

You obviously have no clue just how big and how powerful the biggest military of all time really is. But that doesn't really matter much cuz you also don't know where the US seat of government is.

This is funny as hell but I'm outta here and headed back home today. Bags are packed so -

Toodle-oo, numb nuts.
Hmmm...Duddly sounds exactly like candycornhole in the "Collapse" thread.
They both ignore facts that are stated over and over again. The military wont be supporting liberals duddly,and you need to come to grips with that.
And candycornhole refuses to accept the fact that a Carrington event can happen again and her seventy two hours of prep is going to be useless.

No matter how many times their error is pointed out to them they ignore it.
Whats up with that? Delusional maybe?
So now you're saying that its WalMart workers/tee potties with box cutters who are gonna bring down the US government? But they won't do it in DC? And they believe the US military will suddenly turn their back on their own country and the pledge they swore to uphold and throw in with a few lame brained traitors?

If not DC, where do you plan to go to bring down the US government? How about Cliven Bundy's place? You think THAT's where the US government is?

You obviously have no clue just how big and how powerful the biggest military of all time really is. But that doesn't really matter much cuz you also don't know where the US seat of government is.

This is funny as hell but I'm outta here and headed back home today. Bags are packed so -

Toodle-oo, numb nuts.

For all that you like to spout off about the military, it's clear you've never been a member because you'd know that you don't go directly into an enemy stronghold when you're outnumbered and outgunned.

You take out the outer sentries. Fortify your forces. Build support, and work your way in.

Please stop embarassing yourself with your ridiculous assumptions. You don't know jack shit about tactical operations, so it's a good thing you're an armchair general.
So now you're saying that its WalMart workers/tee potties with box cutters who are gonna bring down the US government? But they won't do it in DC? And they believe the US military will suddenly turn their back on their own country and the pledge they swore to uphold and throw in with a few lame brained traitors?

If not DC, where do you plan to go to bring down the US government? How about Cliven Bundy's place? You think THAT's where the US government is?

You obviously have no clue just how big and how powerful the biggest military of all time really is. But that doesn't really matter much cuz you also don't know where the US seat of government is.

This is funny as hell but I'm outta here and headed back home today. Bags are packed so -

Toodle-oo, numb nuts.

For all that you like to spout off about the military, it's clear you've never been a member because you'd know that you don't go directly into an enemy stronghold when you're outnumbered and outgunned.

You take out the outer sentries. Fortify your forces. Build support, and work your way in.

Please stop embarassing yourself with your ridiculous assumptions. You don't know jack shit about tactical operations, so it's a good thing you're an armchair general.

I don't "like to spout off about the military" at all. Its you silly armchair 2nd amendment solution, second revolution fake soldiers that need a wake up call. The US military is not going to suddenly go traitor just because you want them to.

You're never gonna get close enough to "take out sentries". Its just laughable to say it. Hell, you don't even know where the seat of our government is.
So now you're saying that its WalMart workers/tee potties with box cutters who are gonna bring down the US government? But they won't do it in DC? And they believe the US military will suddenly turn their back on their own country and the pledge they swore to uphold and throw in with a few lame brained traitors?

If not DC, where do you plan to go to bring down the US government? How about Cliven Bundy's place? You think THAT's where the US government is?

You obviously have no clue just how big and how powerful the biggest military of all time really is. But that doesn't really matter much cuz you also don't know where the US seat of government is.

This is funny as hell but I'm outta here and headed back home today. Bags are packed so -

Toodle-oo, numb nuts.

For all that you like to spout off about the military, it's clear you've never been a member because you'd know that you don't go directly into an enemy stronghold when you're outnumbered and outgunned.

You take out the outer sentries. Fortify your forces. Build support, and work your way in.

Please stop embarassing yourself with your ridiculous assumptions. You don't know jack shit about tactical operations, so it's a good thing you're an armchair general.

I don't "like to spout off about the military" at all. Its you silly armchair 2nd amendment solution, second revolution fake soldiers that need a wake up call. The US military is not going to suddenly go traitor just because you want them to.

You're never gonna get close enough to "take out sentries". Its just laughable to say it. Hell, you don't even know where the seat of our government is.

You're too dumb to even keep track of who said what, so there's no use in me bothering with your ass, because you'll just ascribe my words to somebody else as you ascribed other people's words to me.

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