Some good news on Trump

On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.
Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

98,000 jobs in March
As an Independent, I didn't vote for Donald Trump, and he's not off to a good start. His travel bans are overturned by the courts, cities and states are setting up sanctuary areas in defiance of his immigration policy's, his attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare was a failure despite the GOP controlling both houses of Congress, the Senate had to change it's own rules just to get his supreme court pick approved, the wall along the Mexican boarder is becoming a distant memory, his job approval numbers are lousy, and the airbase in Syria he just attacked was back in operation 48 hours after he spent 100 million dollars on cruise missiles attacking it. Not a pretty report card! However....there is now some good news: "The Donald" has finally realized he cannot bully and intimidate people in order to get his way like he did in the business world. Governing involves building relationship's with members of both party's, and giving each at least some of what they want in order to get legislation passed. That's the way it's been done in America for over 200 years, and that's the way it will be done long after "The Donald" is gone. Perhaps the rise of H.R. McMaster, Jared Kushner, and Ivanka Trump, and the demotion of Bannon are responsible for this. Whatever the reason, let us give The Donald some credit here. He got off to a pretty rocky start, but he seems to be on a better path. Let's hope it continues....

Been here, done that. May seem differently for a day or two but Trump ain't changing.

The Pivot! into adulthood isn't going to happen at 70, he is who he is - a small man scrambling desperately for greatness.

My bet is that four years from now, we will still be hearing that drumpf "needs to pivot", needs to stop tweeting the stupid stuff, needs to act presidential, needs to act like a grownup.

His own wife said he's as childish as his youngest son.
Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

98,000 jobs in March

But but but but


No, really...What's the good news?

And what has he done besides those embarrassing "exec orders" that are actually just tweets in fancy covers? I cringe every time he holds it up, Romper Room Show And Tell, for the camera.

Thankfully, his golf game hasn't suffered and he has profited immensely from his scamming the American people. Other than that?

Just his usual lying, posturing, lying, bragging and lying.

Did I mention lying?

And some of those executive order's cannot even be enforced because they were legislated and require the legislature also to act.

He doesn't know that and he's banking on his followers not knowing it either. And sure nuff, he's right.

What still pisses me off the most (so far!), was him signing an EO, in front of desperate miners and his bald faced lie that it would get their jobs back. All it did was give 1%er's permission to empty poison into the water the miners and their families drink.

Pissed me off when he lied to the vet's groups and then stood them up - TWICE - just so he could go play golf. Again.

About his weekly vacations - small businesses are going bankrupt because of him. I read one owner's statement that their business would not last past this summer.

But as long as he can take his vacations every week and continue to enrich himself and his family, that's all that really matters to the poor dumb schlubs who voted for him.

Yep, probably read the same article. Right around his Florida home quite a few have to shut down and if not total shut down they are limited because of security.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

You keep saying that about Trump he is just for the 1% where is your proof?

All he has been doing or trying to do is for the working men in this country

With anti illegals, to Obama care to the tax code.

On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

Well child the president of Ford disagrees with you, they just announced a billion dollar plus investment in MI and bringing back 700 production jobs from Mexico. As far as the regulations go, all you have are regressive talking points. Maybe you should quit listening to MSNBC and speak to congressional offices who voted for the bills.

Oh, I almost forgot, take your pathetic class warfare bullshit and shove it.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
The problem is he's 70 years old and has thrived on chaos in his professional dealings his entire life. He considers unpredictability an asset. That doesn't work in politics or diplomacy ... or even in business really. Steve Wynn and Adelson are in the casino business, and despite what the trumpbots want to believe, Trump is not in their league. He's an entertainer. (bill I know you're not a trumpbot)

Probably the best we can hope for is to get rid of Bannon and the Alt R, and get some professionals (Rince in not a professional administrator, he's a lawyer and fundraiser). And let Trump play golf and hold rallies and meetings where hopefully he won't screw up.
No, really...What's the good news?

And what has he done besides those embarrassing "exec orders" that are actually just tweets in fancy covers? I cringe every time he holds it up, Romper Room Show And Tell, for the camera.

Thankfully, his golf game hasn't suffered and he has profited immensely from his scamming the American people. Other than that?

Just his usual lying, posturing, lying, bragging and lying.

Did I mention lying?

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

98,000 jobs in March

Who's the president of The United States?
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

Well child the president of Ford disagrees with you, they just announced a billion dollar plus investment in MI and bringing back 700 production jobs from Mexico. As far as the regulations go, all you have are regressive talking points. Maybe you should quit listening to MSNBC and speak to congressional offices who voted for the bills.

Oh, I almost forgot, take your pathetic class warfare bullshit and shove it.
Ford invested billions under Obama and the 700 jobs are for electric cars. Thanks liberals.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

All regulation is not ridiculous. The trouble is that all a business needs to do is complain to the Republicans and there is no thought as to whether they are necessary. They allow businesses to screw their customers. Among them, rolling back regs that would have required financial advisors to put the best interests of their clients over their interests, forcing businesses to disclose payments made to foreign governments, regs that would have required airlines to provide more disclosure of hidden fees to their customers and allowing ISPs to sell their customer information.

Also worth noting is that businesses have been returning to the US even when Obama was President. The fact is that the US offers certain advantages that not even politicians can screw up. Many of the jobs that Trump mentioned were already in the works before Trump even won.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

Well child the president of Ford disagrees with you, they just announced a billion dollar plus investment in MI and bringing back 700 production jobs from Mexico. As far as the regulations go, all you have are regressive talking points. Maybe you should quit listening to MSNBC and speak to congressional offices who voted for the bills.

Oh, I almost forgot, take your pathetic class warfare bullshit and shove it.

The fact is that it is due to market conditions. Ford like most of the automakers had a strategy in place even before Trump was elected. They build their vehicles with larger profit margins in the US and lower profit margin vehicles in Mexico. The fact is that larger profit vehicles are selling much better that smaller vehicles so they are expanding production of those vehicles and production of lower margin smaller vehicles is flat or dropping.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.
What jobs have been brought back? Companies are still leaving jobs abroad by the thousands.
He gets no credit for the SCOTUS, and what regulations were killed to save all that money. You aint got a clue, but right wing media tells you so, so it must be true
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

You keep saying that about Trump he is just for the 1% where is your proof?

All he has been doing or trying to do is for the working men in this country

With anti illegals, to Obama care to the tax code.


Obama did a lot more about undocumented, including deporting more than 2 million.

Taking health care away from working class is not helpful but, every word of trump/ryan care is aimed at actually KILLING working class and poor.

Slashing taxes for the 1% while raising taxes on the rest of us is not helpful.

Suggest you pay more attention to what he and the Rs actually DO and way less attention to their lies. Also suggest you actually READ his so-called "exec orders".

Read what he actually DID to both military and vets. Read what he actually DID to coal miners. Read what he actually DID to US companies here and abroad.

Read where his own products are made. LOL Not one of you idiots has actually read that enormous spread sheet linked in my sig. Nor will you. And if you did, you'd lie about it.

To RWNJs, ignorance is bliss.

On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

All regulation is not ridiculous. The trouble is that all a business needs to do is complain to the Republicans and there is no thought as to whether they are necessary. They allow businesses to screw their customers. Among them, rolling back regs that would have required financial advisors to put the best interests of their clients over their interests, forcing businesses to disclose payments made to foreign governments, regs that would have required airlines to provide more disclosure of hidden fees to their customers and allowing ISPs to sell their customer information.

Also worth noting is that businesses have been returning to the US even when Obama was President. The fact is that the US offers certain advantages that not even politicians can screw up. Many of the jobs that Trump mentioned were already in the works before Trump even won.

Never said all regulations are ridiculous, just the last gasp efforts of maobama. I guess I'll never understand the commiecrats need to regulate every aspect of life. What ever happened to personal responsibility and allowing market forces do the regulation? Oh and how about a link to all those companies bringing back jobs under the dear leader.
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.

The only real reason he and the Rs wanted him is to keep big money in control of our elections.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why you stupid RWNJs agree with Citizen's United but you always vote for it.

The regs he's trashing benefit ONLY the 1% and harm YOU and YOUR family.

No businesses have come back or committed to come back because of anything drumpf has done.

The Rs are doing what they always do - nothing for the country, nothing for the people, everything for the 1%.

And you dumb jerks know it. You always know it. You have always known it.

Well child the president of Ford disagrees with you, they just announced a billion dollar plus investment in MI and bringing back 700 production jobs from Mexico. As far as the regulations go, all you have are regressive talking points. Maybe you should quit listening to MSNBC and speak to congressional offices who voted for the bills.

Oh, I almost forgot, take your pathetic class warfare bullshit and shove it.

The fact is that it is due to market conditions. Ford like most of the automakers had a strategy in place even before Trump was elected. They build their vehicles with larger profit margins in the US and lower profit margin vehicles in Mexico. The fact is that larger profit vehicles are selling much better that smaller vehicles so they are expanding production of those vehicles and production of lower margin smaller vehicles is flat or dropping.

Really, when did electric cars become high profit margin vehicles?
On a better path? What, for like a day and a half? And you're crediting nepotism? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

I agree, Trump has a long way to go. But I believe in giving credit where it's due.

Yet you gave him no credit for getting an extremely qualified judge on SCOTUS or signing a dozen or so bills to kill ridiculous regulations saving the economy almost 100 billion a year. Then there's the more friendly business environment where companies have committed not to leave and in some cases are bringing jobs back from overseas. Could more have been done, yes, but much as already been accomplished and if congress would get their act together much more can be.
What jobs have been brought back? Companies are still leaving jobs abroad by the thousands.
He gets no credit for the SCOTUS, and what regulations were killed to save all that money. You aint got a clue, but right wing media tells you so, so it must be true

More regressive talking points, do you ever think for yourself.

As far as the regulations go, check out the link.

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