Some Good News

This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..
Realistically, just about anything can be abused but that doesn't mean that it's a rampant problem.

I seriously doubt I can walk into a polling place and cast a second vote. I'm pretty sure I would have to present government issued ID, preferably with my current address on it and their system should detect that there is already a vote cast in my name particularly since they can track the ballots. In fact, I voted in person in the 2016 election because I had just moved and haven't received my ballot in the mail

Washington state has had this system in place for more than a decade and I just find it difficult to believe that if there were problems with the system due to people voting more than once, that it's only become a problem now.

Then for transparency -- why didn't they release their ballot reviews to the Federal panel looking into voting issues??
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..
Realistically, just about anything can be abused but that doesn't mean that it's a rampant problem.

I seriously doubt I can walk into a polling place and cast a second vote. I'm pretty sure I would have to present government issued ID, preferably with my current address on it and their system should detect that there is already a vote cast in my name particularly since they can track the ballots. In fact, I voted in person in the 2016 election because I had just moved and haven't received my ballot in the mail

Washington state has had this system in place for more than a decade and I just find it difficult to believe that if there were problems with the system due to people voting more than once, that it's only become a problem now.

And how do THEY KNOW when the ballot "is mailed back"???? It's not certified or registered mail...
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..

You have that right. Reliable and accurate far outpace easy. This mail in will turn into the clusterfuck I said it would. Some states have already said if the ballots aren't in at the time requested they won't count. All states should rule the same way.

The borders and voting integrity are SPECIFIC and FUNDAMENTAL Constitutional duties of the govt. They've ignore both of them for too long.. BOTH parties.. Need to DEMAND that the voting process is FIRST -- ACCURATE, TIMELY, RELIABLE and THEN problem solve to make it "easier"...

Need to have a chain of custody on EVERY ballot.. Just like every other legal piece of evidence. Maybe tighter than those requirements.
The impeached president trump has easily convinced the knuckle-dragging RWNJs that illegally intimidating Biden supporters,‭ ‬especially African-American Biden supporters,‭ ‬to see him reelected is a righteous cause.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬the GOP spent the last five decades teaching these dimwits their racism,‭ ‬bigotry,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬coupled with their extremely limited education and their hatred for everyone non-white and non-Christian,‭ ‬telling them these character flaws are instead,‭ ‬virtues when found in conservatives.

The impeached president trump came to the game late.‭ ‬The Republicans have been stoking the fires of poor whites‭’ ‬racial hatred ever since the Democrats decided to abandon the Ku Klux Klan and other lesser-known white supremacist groups in the‭ ‬1960s.‭ ‬Certain leaders of the Democratic Party understood the old racism of the former Confederacy could no longer be the future of the United States.

But,‭ ‬having been a part of this philosophy of division during his entire political career,‭ ‬Richard Nixon and a few other old guard Republicans saw the Democrats‭’ ‬abandoned,‭ ‬poorly educated,‭ ‬but extremely bigoted voting group as a constituency ready to be exploited.‭ ‬But how to do it was unknown.

In‭ ‬1966,‭ ‬an administrative assistant to Congressman Paul Fino,‭ ‬the Bronx Republican leader,‭ ‬demonstrated how to do it.‭ ‬Fino’s administrative assistant was‭ ‬25‭‐‬year‐old‭ ‬Kevin Phillips,‭ ‬a self‐taught ethnologist who had grown up in the Bronx.‭ ‬His previous fourteen years observing his multi-cultural borough had convinced him that all the talk about America being melting‐pot was bullsh!t.‭ ‬Most voters,‭ ‬he had found,‭ ‬still voted on the basis of ethnic or cultural enmities that could be graphed,‭ ‬predicted,‭ ‬and exploited.‭

Between‭ ‬1965‭ ‬and‭ ‬1968,‭ ‬Phillips proved locally and nationally the party that can cohesively hold together the largest number of ethnic prejudices would dominate.‭ ‬His successes earned him a place on Nixon’s campaign staff,‭ ‬and made him the most controversial political analyst of the right.‭ ‬But Nixon and the Republican Party now had their Southern Strategy,‭ ‬which soon spread nationwide recruiting every hate-filled conservative and centrist.

Phillips earned his bad‐guy image by the aggression he brings to his researches and a kind of grim satisfaction he takes in the incorrigible meanness of the American voter.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬for his undisguised scorn for‭ “‬sentimentalists‭” ‬who would much rather not accept his deeply disturbing findings.

Kevin Phillips and his research proves the RWNJs‭’ ‬endless denial of their racism,‭ ‬bigotry,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬coupled with their extremely limited education and their hatred for everyone non-white and non-Christian is an extension of all their other denial of facts and reality.‭ ‬They are Republicans due to ethnic and religious hatred not some glorious quest for states‭’ ‬rights,‭ ‬individual rights,‭ ‬equality,‭ ‬or defense of the Constitution.‭

The impeached president trump tapped into this staggering RWNJ ignorance and rode it into the White House in‭ ‬2016.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬in‭ ‬2020‭ ‬this massive RWNJ ignorance has been made extremely violent by the impeached president trump's repetitive,‭ ‬hate-filled reinforcement,‭ ‬which constantly validates the RWNJs‭' ‬full range of animus towards everyone and everything,‭ ‬including themselves and their lives of being miserable failures.

The GOP's brainwashing for those decades made these RWNJs believe they are being victimized at every turn,‭ ‬and by everyone except,‭ ‬the Republican Party and the privileged upper class that owns the GOP's service.‭ ‬For this privileged class,‭ ‬the RWNJs,‭ ‬collectively,‭ ‬have been an excellent political tool to keep upper class wealth growing,‭ ‬and the RWNJs‭’‬,‭ ‬and everyone else’s incomes stagnant.

The impeached president trump took those decades of the Republican Party’s brainwashing of the RWNJs to levels Party leaders never dreamed possible.

The growing violence of the RWNJs across nation is testimony to the success of Republican strategists,‭ ‬beginning with Kevin Phillips for their decades of work,‭ ‬and to the impeached president trump's talent as a grifter.

The nation as a whole is rapidly settling into third world status,‭ ‬something the RWNJs are to busy hating everything to notice.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the ruling billionaire class has never been better.



This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..

You have that right. Reliable and accurate far outpace easy. This mail in will turn into the clusterfuck I said it would. Some states have already said if the ballots aren't in at the time requested they won't count. All states should rule the same way.

The borders and voting integrity are SPECIFIC and FUNDAMENTAL Constitutional duties of the govt. They've ignore both of them for too long.. BOTH parties.. Need to DEMAND that the voting process is FIRST -- ACCURATE, TIMELY, RELIABLE and THEN problem solve to make it "easier"...

Need to have a chain of custody on EVERY ballot.. Just like every other legal piece of evidence. Maybe tighter than those requirements.
Nailed it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Straws? Grasped!
Remember, it’s YOUR party that couldn’t even count 600,000 votes in Iowa with people right there in attendance. Then their precious app crashed and they all apparently forgot how to count manually. Grasp that straw.
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..
Realistically, just about anything can be abused but that doesn't mean that it's a rampant problem.

I seriously doubt I can walk into a polling place and cast a second vote. I'm pretty sure I would have to present government issued ID, preferably with my current address on it and their system should detect that there is already a vote cast in my name particularly since they can track the ballots. In fact, I voted in person in the 2016 election because I had just moved and haven't received my ballot in the mail

Washington state has had this system in place for more than a decade and I just find it difficult to believe that if there were problems with the system due to people voting more than once, that it's only become a problem now.
And how do THEY KNOW when the ballot "is mailed back"???? It's not certified or registered mail...
Maybe they could have worded it better since I didn't "mail" my ballot in, I dropped it in a ballot box. Having "arrived at the counting center" may be what they mean by "mailed back".

On the other hand I'm not sure how they check the ballot signature against your voter registration signature (and address if it's changed) but I'm sure in this day & age that utilizing technology it's probably not that difficult. If they've figured out how to use software to do facial recognition I would imagine that detecting a signature that doesn't match wouldn't be that difficult.
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..
Realistically, just about anything can be abused but that doesn't mean that it's a rampant problem.

I seriously doubt I can walk into a polling place and cast a second vote. I'm pretty sure I would have to present government issued ID, preferably with my current address on it and their system should detect that there is already a vote cast in my name particularly since they can track the ballots. In fact, I voted in person in the 2016 election because I had just moved and haven't received my ballot in the mail

Washington state has had this system in place for more than a decade and I just find it difficult to believe that if there were problems with the system due to people voting more than once, that it's only become a problem now.
And how do THEY KNOW when the ballot "is mailed back"???? It's not certified or registered mail...
Maybe they could have worded it better since I didn't "mail" my ballot in, I dropped it in a ballot box. Having "arrived at the counting center" may be what they mean by "mailed back".

On the other hand I'm not sure how they check the ballot signature against your voter registration signature (and address if it's changed) but I'm sure in this day & age that utilizing technology it's probably not that difficult. If they've figured out how to use software to do facial recognition I would imagine that detecting a signature that doesn't match wouldn't be that difficult.

Actually Mariyam -- you are DEAD ON about "facial recognition".. Not ACTUAL "facial recognition" because it's accuracy is not good enough.. But if you THINK ABOUT IT -- there's really no excuse for being able to walk in WITHOUT EVEN an ID if morons weren't designing the voting systems..

If you register properly -- they take a photo and digitized signature and make that AVAILABLE at the polling stations on secure "INTRA-NET" connections,. (or download the voter logs physically on election day).. So when you walk up to get a ballot -- the person is STARING at your pic and signature without even ASKING for an ID..

My signature has changed over about the last 10 years from a hand tremor I've had since my 30s.. So I'm great "disenfranchisement potential" on ballot challenges. But with picture verification -- that could OVER-RIDE the signature collected on election day..

I did early voting this year for the 1st time.. My precinct did a FABULOUS job of moving people thru.. People literally FLYING thru there and HIGH volume.. But probably less "issues" in my precinct than many that allow "same day registration" and other hare-brained ideas...
This is what happens when the state makes it very easy to vote.

I wish all states would make it as easy to vote as it is here.

Yeah??? What's the REJECTION RATE GONNA BE? Was it "Absentee requested" or "mass mailing"?? How MANY of the mass mailed ballots reached wrong current addresses?? How many of these mailed in are judged as duplicates to in person voting and challenged? How many COLLIDE with out of state resident and student voting?

Focusing on "easy" is a moronic way to JUDGE an election process... Evidently, dems can only HANDLE "simple and easy" and never DESIGN anything to be ACCURATE and RELIABLE..
Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's not efficient. You can track your ballot online and they have instructions on what to do if you don't receive your ballot on time. You can also cast your ballot in person on election day if preferred.

I almost felt guilty with what everyone else had to endure just to cast their vote because all I had to do was pull over to the curb in front on the box and drop my ballot into the drop box. No fuss no muss, no line at all, let alone a long one.

Got no problem with ballot drop-offs. No problem with REQUESTED absentee ballots.. It's a "chain of custody" issue just like it is with other legal procedures..

Just having mass mailing AND election in person voting creates issues for double voting.. Intentional or not.. And if I received mass mail ballots at my address -- I'd probably get one for my FinLaw died last year and my BinLaw that died THIS year.. Just HAVING those valuable documents LOOSELY FLOATING out there with no accountability for them makes them the equivalent of "junk mail" that CAN be abused...

"easy and efficient" COULD be the same thing.. But it's got NOTHING to do with RELIABLE or ACCURATE..
Realistically, just about anything can be abused but that doesn't mean that it's a rampant problem.

I seriously doubt I can walk into a polling place and cast a second vote. I'm pretty sure I would have to present government issued ID, preferably with my current address on it and their system should detect that there is already a vote cast in my name particularly since they can track the ballots. In fact, I voted in person in the 2016 election because I had just moved and haven't received my ballot in the mail

Washington state has had this system in place for more than a decade and I just find it difficult to believe that if there were problems with the system due to people voting more than once, that it's only become a problem now.
And how do THEY KNOW when the ballot "is mailed back"???? It's not certified or registered mail...
Maybe they could have worded it better since I didn't "mail" my ballot in, I dropped it in a ballot box. Having "arrived at the counting center" may be what they mean by "mailed back".

On the other hand I'm not sure how they check the ballot signature against your voter registration signature (and address if it's changed) but I'm sure in this day & age that utilizing technology it's probably not that difficult. If they've figured out how to use software to do facial recognition I would imagine that detecting a signature that doesn't match wouldn't be that difficult.

Actually Mariyam -- you are DEAD ON about "facial recognition".. Not ACTUAL "facial recognition" because it's accuracy is not good enough.. But if you THINK ABOUT IT -- there's really no excuse for being able to walk in WITHOUT EVEN an ID if morons weren't designing the voting systems..

If you register properly -- they take a photo and digitized signature and make that AVAILABLE at the polling stations on secure "INTRA-NET" connections,. (or download the voter logs physically on election day).. So when you walk up to get a ballot -- the person is STARING at your pic and signature without even ASKING for an ID..

My signature has changed over about the last 10 years from a hand tremor I've had since my 30s.. So I'm great "disenfranchisement potential" on ballot challenges. But with picture verification -- that could OVER-RIDE the signature collected on election day..

I did early voting this year for the 1st time.. My precinct did a FABULOUS job of moving people thru.. People literally FLYING thru there and HIGH volume.. But probably less "issues" in my precinct than many that allow "same day registration" and other hare-brained ideas...
Well you know when you walk into your bank, but not your own branch they used to use signature cards to determine if the signature on a document or check truly belonged to you and could get your home branch to FAX over your signature card if need be.

I'm pretty sure though that they had copies of what ever photo ID you presented in order to open your account(s) but if signature cards are good enough for our largest financial institutions why wouldn't it be good enough for elections?
Here's even more good news. 73% of the ballots in Washington state have been returned. I don't think that we've had that high of a ballot return rate in a very long time.

Here's even more good news. 73% of the ballots in Washington state have been returned. I don't think that we've had that high of a ballot return rate in a very long time.

Let me shed some light on LIBERAL Washington state...

- First it's infested with freaks from California who spread up here like a plague and took over. Fake Washingtonians.

- Second they rigged elections here. It used to be tax increases had to be part of the general election. No more, they hold special ballots at odd times hoping to catch taxpayers sleeping and if the people vote No they just put it right back on the ballot again a few weeks later and try again. It also used to be a rule that at least 50% of registered voters had to vote to get a tax increased passed. Yep they got rid of that rule also. Now all these tax increases eventually pass because liberal state government refuses to accept a No vote from the people.

- Suspiciously, they did away with the security envelope that was glued shut used in past elections. For the 2020 election it was replaced by an open 'security' sleeve that's open at the top and down one side. :eusa_think:
Think about what you just said. If YOU can track your ballot, so too can they track your ballot?
And what's so scary about that?
If you can track it, that means they can track it. How people vote is vital information. Particularly before the vote is tabulated.

There is a reason our votes are to remain private. Or do you think that we shouldn't have a private vote?
Think about what you just said. If YOU can track your ballot, so too can they track your ballot?
And what's so scary about that?
If you can track it, that means they can track it. How people vote is vital information. Particularly before the vote is tabulated.

There is a reason our votes are to remain private. Or do you think that we shouldn't have a private vote?
So you're claiming that the machines that count our ballots are capable of scanning and reading who we voted for?

And I'm not sure what you mean by vital information, it's not PII (personally identifiable information). We give out that and more by simply adding a return address and our name to envelopes we mail. What are the repercussions you're concerned with, that someone will send out an assassin to take me out because I didn't vote for their guy/gal?

Washington state has a law prohibiting people, well at least employers from discriminating against people based on their political affiliation or votes cast. And please don't get me wrong, I believe that we should do all that we can to protect what's left of our constantly eroding privacy, I guess I'm just missing the implications.

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