Some help with my test review?? please?


Apr 9, 2014
So I have a study guide I'm working on for my final. I have about 150 questions and almost finished all of them, but there are a couple that I'm having trouble with. It'd be great if I could get some help on these!

Question 1

Before any new regulation can take effect, it must first be:

1. be published in the federal register to notify the public

2. Be approved by Congress

Question 2.

Why is money such an important deterrent to congressional political challengers?

It signals that the incumbent has strong ties to the president.

It signals that the incumbent has strong ties to the business community.

It signals that the incumbent is a skilled fund-raiser who will use lots of money to run a negative campaign against a challenger.

It signals that the incumbent knows how to raise money and will run a strong campaign.

It signals to voters that the incumbent is a political elite who cannot be beaten.

Question 3

Which of the following was a significant change experienced by the bureaucracy during the Progressive Era?

increased government intervention in social policy

increased reliance on the spoils system for federal jobs

a move away from using political criteria for choosing most federal employees

decreased government intervention in the economy

decreased availability of federal government jobs

Question 4.

Which of the following is the best definition of the bureaucracy?

The group of employees who are responsible for implementing government policy.

The part of the federal government responsible for making government policy.

The group of civil servants who are permanent government employees.

The political appointees who help the president administer the day-to-day operation of government.

The part of the federal government responsible for interpreting government policy.
Do your own work kid. You'll do much better in school later if you do.
I'm in college, it's late and I have a 10 page research paper due tomorrow. I did the majority on my own, I was just asking for help on 5 questions.

Either way it doesn't matter anymore.
Still plenty of time, that's what go fast is made for...I used to get smart girlfriends to do my work....
Question 1

Before any new regulation can take effect, it must first be:

1. be published in the federal register to notify the public

2. Be approved by Congress

Notice of Proposed Rule making

public comment period

final rule is published in the Federal Register
4 The group of employees who are responsible for implementing government policy.

3 a move away from using political criteria for choosing most federal employees

2 It signals that the incumbent knows how to raise money and will run a strong campaign.

1 2. Be approved by Congress

sorry so late, I work nights

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