Some In The MSM Outraged Over Trump/Kim Jong.Imagine If It Was Obama In That Same Situation?

If it was Obama the roles would be reversed. They'd be calling him a hero and y'all would be undermining its significance any way you can.
Not to the level we are seeing today.
It’s pretty pathetic what they're saying on the left. Not a word of it is true.
Wanna know why so many Democrats are running for president?
It gives them carte blanche to make up rubbish about any situation and not be accused of being unethical. They're all in campaign mode and nothing they say can be taken as fact.
So,better than Trump. Like i said. Do you plan to assist me all day?
Keep looking in the mirror and tell yourself you're winning.

Here's something you might like.

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Wanna know why so many Democrats are running for president?
We know why...because trump is an abnormal president, unfit for office, with terrible approval numbers.

It's not rocket science.
And total BS.
HILLARY AND OBAMA were unfit for office.
Both of them were security risks.
The problem with libroids is they think reading from a teleprompter is a qualification and a major accomplishment. They have to use Steven Spielberg to make them appear presidential. The media's job is to tell us a story about how Democrats farts smell like roses and Republicans are the most evil people on the planet. Not one word from the left is worth a bucket of spit. To them what is good is bad. Trump could bring permanent world wide peace but he wouldn't deserve any credit for it in their opinion.
Wanna know why so many Democrats are running for president?
We know why...because trump is an abnormal president, unfit for office, with terrible approval numbers.

It's not rocket science.
And total BS.
HILLARY AND OBAMA were unfit for office.
Both of them were security risks.
The problem with libroids is they think reading from a teleprompter is a qualification and a major accomplishment. They have to use Steven Spielberg to make them appear presidential. The media's job is to tell us a story about how Democrats farts smell like roses and Republicans are the most evil people on the planet. Not one word from the left is worth a bucket of spit. To them what is good is bad. Trump could bring permanent world wide peace but he wouldn't deserve any credit for it in their opinion.
Nope, you're a delusional trump cultist.
Oh My Goodness!!! What the hell is Trump doing talking to Jing Um Dung! That horrible communist leader who kills people that dont agree with him !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
But lets take this same scenario that is going on this/next week as Trump wants to talk with Kim,,maybe work out some deal...and lets go back to about 2014/2015 and its Obama wanting and doing the same thing.
Anyone think the MSM would be bashing the hell out of Obama?

The South Koreans Think Trump Is AOK ..the south korean press praised him
Like Its London all over it was a totally different story in the American Left wing nazi establishment MSM.
Its better than that moron jug eared affirmative action president who sends James Taylor to sing to the french
One of our countries most embarrassing moments OF ALL topped the queens I pod

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