Some In The MSM Outraged Over Trump/Kim Jong.Imagine If It Was Obama In That Same Situation?

Too many people look at these scenarios thru apoplectic partisan lenses. One side could say Obama is cozying up to a dictator. The other side could say Trump is negotiating with a dictator. Then, To quote Willy Wonka: “Take that,reverse it.”

It’s all about ones myopic perspective and the need to create a solipsistic narrative.

The facts remain: Trump loves to cozy up to authoritarians & dictators. No one can deny that; period.
i can.

fuck off.

Too many people look at these scenarios thru apoplectic partisan lenses. One side could say Obama is cozying up to a dictator. The other side could say Trump is negotiating with a dictator. Then, To quote Willy Wonka: “Take that,reverse it.”

It’s all about ones myopic perspective and the need to create a solipsistic narrative.

The facts remain: Trump loves to cozy up to authoritarians & dictators. No one can deny that; period.
i can.

fuck off.


then you aren't living in reality
If Trump denuclearizes North Korea, then all of this embarrassing presidential ass kissing, sucking up, and reality tv showmanship photo ops by the US President with Kim Jong Un, will be worth it! We will see!
i wonder how the MSM will react if Trump heads to Germany to talk business with Adolf
The facts remain: Trump loves to cozy up to authoritarians & dictators. No one can deny that; period.
The fact is that Obama gave Putin 20% of America's Uranium and 20% the Ukraine, and then gave the Iranian Terrorist Mullahs a few pallets full of cash.

But you keep pretending that Trump is the one cozying up to dictators, if it makes you feel better.
Oh My Goodness!!! What the hell is Trump doing talking to Jing Um Dung! That horrible communist leader who kills people that dont agree with him !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
But lets take this same scenario that is going on this/next week as Trump wants to talk with Kim,,maybe work out some deal...and lets go back to about 2014/2015 and its Obama wanting and doing the same thing.
Anyone think the MSM would be bashing the hell out of Obama?
Obama would never have been in that situation. Obama cared about human rights. Talks between him and Kim were always a nonstarter because of this.
Oh My Goodness!!! What the hell is Trump doing talking to Jing Um Dung! That horrible communist leader who kills people that dont agree with him !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
But lets take this same scenario that is going on this/next week as Trump wants to talk with Kim,,maybe work out some deal...and lets go back to about 2014/2015 and its Obama wanting and doing the same thing.
Anyone think the MSM would be bashing the hell out of Obama?

Republicans would say he was “appeasing” Kim with the new Administration concession that disarmament is off the table. And so would reporters, and they’d be correct.

Remember when Republicans called Dennis Rodman a “traitor” and a “fool” for cosying up to Kim? How is Trump any different. What exactly has Trump gotten from Kim in trade for being allowed to keep his nukes? Otto Warmbier and a box of bones they’re still trying to identify.
The right would say that Oblama was negotiating with terrorist..

Considering that badhair started launching missiles under Obama's watch, I'd say it's his job to fix this fucking mess he created.
The first North Korean Missile test was under Reagan, in 1984.

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia

The Scud missile was not designed by NK. That's an old cold war era Soviet design and only has a range of 700km max. They developed their current missile inventory under Obama, the ones that can strike the US mainland. Thanks Obama!

NK missile launches and tests under Obama:

April 5, 2009 Failed orbit of the Kwangmyongsong-2 satellite aboard an Unha-2 carrier rocket
July 4, 2009 2009 North Korean missile test
April 13, 2012 Failed launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 satellite aboard an Unha-3 carrier rocket
December 12, 2012 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 Unit 2 satellite aboard a three-stage rocket [9]
May 18–20, 2013 2013 North Korean missile tests (part of 2013 Korean crisis)
March 2014 2014 North Korean missile tests including Nodong, success[13]
May 9, 2015 North Korea claims to launch a missile from a submarine [14][9]
February 7, 2016 Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-4 satellite
April 9, 2016 Test of engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile [15]
August 24, 2016 North Korea claims to launch a Pukkuksong-1[16] missile capable of striking the United States.[17] The missile is a Submarine-launched ballistic missile.[17]
October 15, 2016 Failed North Korean ballistic missile launch – [18]
October 19, 2016 Failed launch of an intermediate-range missile [19]
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Any of the US Presidents, as well as other world leaders, could have met with the North Korean leadership if they wanted to. They wanted a dismantlement of the missile and nuclear programs instead.

Trump just wants his photo taken, to brag about how awesome a leader who follows him on Twitter is, and how he likes strong leaders, even if they are hardline commies, which is not an impediment for him.
Obama would never have been in that situation. Obama cared about human rights. Talks between him and Kim were always a nonstarter because of this.



Obama cared so much for human rights he bowed before a Dictator that murders people for being homosexual and sent pallets of cash to terrorists.

Go find another talking point and come back...

Oh My Goodness!!! What the hell is Trump doing talking to Jing Um Dung! That horrible communist leader who kills people that dont agree with him !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
But lets take this same scenario that is going on this/next week as Trump wants to talk with Kim,,maybe work out some deal...and lets go back to about 2014/2015 and its Obama wanting and doing the same thing.
Anyone think the MSM would be bashing the hell out of Obama?

Everyone thinks that President Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Trump is too humble to say so.

Making peace with the Norks is something that has evade America for more than 60 years, and Donald J Trump is brought us to the brink of peace.

Truth be told, Trump should receive both the Peace Prize as well as the Economics one, for theTrump Economic Miracle.
Obama cared so much for human rights he bowed before a Dictator that murders people for being homosexual
And then addressed that very issue to the world while standing in saudi Arabia, much to their embarrassment and chagrin. President pussyboy would never endanger his saudi cash source that way. Sorry, your little babyman is just no comparison to almost any adult, much less Obama.
And then addressed that very issue to the world while standing in saudi Arabia, much to their embarrassment and chagrin. President pussyboy would never endanger his saudi cash source that way. Sorry, your little babyman is just no comparison to almost any adult, much less Obama.

Yeah, Obama grovelled and bowed to the SA Dictator like a Bitch, and then made a weak statement with no consequences for SA.

That's what Leftists call a manly and courageous opposition to a Dictator, isn't it?

Try again.
Oh My Goodness!!! What the hell is Trump doing talking to Jing Um Dung! That horrible communist leader who kills people that dont agree with him !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
But lets take this same scenario that is going on this/next week as Trump wants to talk with Kim,,maybe work out some deal...and lets go back to about 2014/2015 and its Obama wanting and doing the same thing.
Anyone think the MSM would be bashing the hell out of Obama?
And we dont have to imagine what the right wingnut bubble dwellers would have done. We can just watch them shit themselves over just the IDEA of Obama meeting with Kim:

If Obama was in that same situation, Kim would say

"Bend OVER, faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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