Some of the best Hubble telescope photos on its 25th anniversary in space

The Hubble has advanced our understanding of our universe that we live in 10 fold. Worth every cent and more...Humanity is better for this space telescope!
Here are some Hubble images I've enhanced to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Space telescope. Messier 42, the Great Orion Nebula, in orion. I enhanced it to bring out more detail. Also I have included a close up of the core of this nebula. Enjoy:


I think space exploration is very important. ..any idea why the shuttle program was shut down? Are we focusing on Mars, maybe?

The Shuttle program was shut down because the shuttle system was obsolete, with antiquated technology, was only designed to get us into low Earth orbit, was too expensive, and had a badly flawed design that could not be fixed without spending more money than they were worth. Yes, we are focusing on deeper space projects now, including a new, more advanced craft that will provide us with capabilities to get us into deep space and back. Stay tuned. First flight in just over two years.
That's very cool. Just watched InterStellar. I think we should explore the stars

I think space exploration is very important. ..any idea why the shuttle program was shut down? Are we focusing on Mars, maybe?

The Shuttle program was shut down because the shuttle system was obsolete, with antiquated technology, was only designed to get us into low Earth orbit, was too expensive, and had a badly flawed design that could not be fixed without spending more money than they were worth. Yes, we are focusing on deeper space projects now, including a new, more advanced craft that will provide us with capabilities to get us into deep space and back. Stay tuned. First flight in just over two years.
Until the relying on Russians to get us to ISS?
I think space exploration is very important. ..any idea why the shuttle program was shut down? Are we focusing on Mars, maybe?

The Shuttle program was shut down because the shuttle system was obsolete, with antiquated technology, was only designed to get us into low Earth orbit, was too expensive, and had a badly flawed design that could not be fixed without spending more money than they were worth. Yes, we are focusing on deeper space projects now, including a new, more advanced craft that will provide us with capabilities to get us into deep space and back. Stay tuned. First flight in just over two years.
Until the relying on Russians to get us to ISS?

For the time being. Boeing and Space X are working on craft to get us to the ISS and back. Not sure when the Boeing vehicle will be ready, but Space X has said the man-rated DragonV2 will be ready by the end of 2017, about the same time that the first space launch system (SLS) mission will take place.

Dragon V2 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

SpaceX Prepares for Crucial Crew Dragon Capsule Pad Abort Test

Space Launch System NASA

Space Launch System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What's so great about pictures of 1's and 0's? ;)

Hubble takes pictures which appear as 1's and 0's until a computer assembles them into visual imagery. Telescope itself though isn't taking optical pics. That's all computer. :)

Hubble images are fake Archive - Cosmoquest Forum

Whether it is a digital photograph or an analogue (film photograph) it is still a photograph. And they are certainly NOT fake by any stretch of the imagination. The cameras take black and white images through various scientific filters, such as ionized hydrogen (known as hydrogen alpha), triply ionized oxygen (OIII), and doubly ionized sulphur (SII). those images are used to produce a false color scientific image using a RGB regime (each filter assigned to the RGB channels). This is called the hubble pallet and gives us information of what objects, such as nebulae dust and gas, are composed.
I think space exploration is very important. ..any idea why the shuttle program was shut down? Are we focusing on Mars, maybe?

The Shuttle program was shut down because the shuttle system was obsolete, with antiquated technology, was only designed to get us into low Earth orbit, was too expensive, and had a badly flawed design that could not be fixed without spending more money than they were worth. Yes, we are focusing on deeper space projects now, including a new, more advanced craft that will provide us with capabilities to get us into deep space and back. Stay tuned. First flight in just over two years.
Private craft are already making supply trips to the space station.
I think space exploration is very important. ..any idea why the shuttle program was shut down? Are we focusing on Mars, maybe?

The Shuttle program was shut down because the shuttle system was obsolete, with antiquated technology, was only designed to get us into low Earth orbit, was too expensive, and had a badly flawed design that could not be fixed without spending more money than they were worth. Yes, we are focusing on deeper space projects now, including a new, more advanced craft that will provide us with capabilities to get us into deep space and back. Stay tuned. First flight in just over two years.
Private craft are already making supply trips to the space station.

Not sure what that has to do with what I posted.

What's so great about pictures of 1's and 0's? ;)

Hubble takes pictures which appear as 1's and 0's until a computer assembles them into visual imagery. Telescope itself though isn't taking optical pics. That's all computer. :)

Hubble images are fake Archive - Cosmoquest Forum

Whether it is a digital photograph or an analogue (film photograph) it is still a photograph. And they are certainly NOT fake by any stretch of the imagination. The cameras take black and white images through various scientific filters, such as ionized hydrogen (known as hydrogen alpha), triply ionized oxygen (OIII), and doubly ionized sulphur (SII). those images are used to produce a false color scientific image using a RGB regime (each filter assigned to the RGB channels). This is called the hubble pallet and gives us information of what objects, such as nebulae dust and gas, are composed.

It's fake at least in how the color versions are colored. The color info isn't in the images Hubble takes and are arbitraily assigned to make the images look pretty. The shapes are true, but the colors aren't.

What's so great about pictures of 1's and 0's? ;)

Hubble takes pictures which appear as 1's and 0's until a computer assembles them into visual imagery. Telescope itself though isn't taking optical pics. That's all computer. :)

Hubble images are fake Archive - Cosmoquest Forum
It's not really like that. It's the difference between analog and digital. Everything can be broken down into mathematics. Math is the universal language. Size, color, intensity hue can all be measured. Scientists also look above the visible range and below it. Looking at spectral readings, you can even see what it's made of by the light it reflects. And it's all broken down into mathematics.

The most basic form of math is 1 and 0.
Look at it this way, currently we all use base 10. 1,2,3........7, 8,9 and then one group of 10 and zero ones. Add a one and you 11, which is one group of ten and one more. 21 is two groups of 10 and one more.

Now, think of base 5. 1,2,3,4,10, 11,12,13,14,20....

See? When you get to 10 in base 5, you have one group of 5 and no ones. 21 would be two groups of five and one more and so on.

Digital would look like this:

You are looking at 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

So 10 would be one group of two and no ones.
11 would be one group of two and one.
100 would be 1 group of four, no twos and no ones.
111 would be one group of four, one group of three and one.

See how easy it is? Now that you have a numbering system of just ones and twos and transistors operate on and off, you have the basis of every digital device ever created.

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