Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

"When those conservatives are killed by police, I don't see any riots, arson or looting. How about those ranchers in Nevada when Obama was President? Killed a rancher over nothing. No riots anywhere."

"Killed a rancher over nothing"


Look, I'll admit I don't hang out too much on news-sites and stay current on, well, current events.

But "rancher in Nevada"........what are you referring to?

Give me a name and some details and I'll do some googling.

Thanks, in advance.
"Killed a rancher over nothing"


Look, I'll admit I don't hang out too much on news-sites and stay current on, well, current events.

But "rancher in Nevada"........what are you referring to?

Give me a name and some details and I'll do some googling.

Thanks, in advance.
Sorry, it was Oregon. Dont you remember when that rancher was gunned down by Federal agents over water rights for cattle during obama's term ?
Gotta link?
He did.

A link to Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.

Good poster, BS Filter, have you seen the various videos of Fincum's death?

Really, you should watch 'em before you say "killed-for-no-reason".

I'll try to give you a thumbnail sketch first: Fincum was known by law enforcement to be one of the more intansigent folks at the Malhuer Refuge stand-off.

When he --with others---were stopped on an isolated highway by law enforcement Fincum jumped out of the car and onto the snow bank. He was confronted by an officer with a pointed gun who told him to stop and submit.

Fincum, regretablly, reached into his coat for a shoulder-holstered pistol.

And unfortunate lapse in judgement.
That cost him his life.

I'm pretty sure you can find a YouTube of the altercation.

And I'm pretty sure you will agree with me that......reaching for a firearm when an officer is aiming his gun at you, is unwise.
Gotta link?
He did.

A link to Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.

Good poster, BS Filter, have you seen the various videos of Fincum's death?

Really, you should watch 'em before you say "killed-for-no-reason".

I'll try to give you a thumbnail sketch first: Fincum was known by law enforcement to be one of the more intansigent folks at the Malhuer Refuge stand-off.

When he --with others---were stopped on an isolated highway by law enforcement Fincum jumped out of the car and onto the snow bank. He was confronted by an officer with a pointed gun who told him to stop and submit.

Fincum, regretablly, reached into his coat for a shoulder-holstered pistol.

And unfortunate lapse in judgement.
That cost him his life.

I'm pretty sure you can find a YouTube of the altercation.

And I'm pretty sure you will agree with me that......reaching for a firearm when an officer is aiming his gun at you, is unwise.
What crime did he commit?
"What crime did he commit?"

Well, that's a good question.
But, you know, poster BS Filter, I never followed that Malheur illegal occupation & seige gig very closely.
It was nearly 6 years ago....2016.

But what I think I know is that a group of armed mokes thought the people of the United States weren't treating them properly, so they illegally occupied a wildlife refuge up in Oregon owned by the people of America.

It turned into a seige as the mokes were supposedly heavily armed and law enforcement didn't want a bloody denoument ala' Branch Davidians.

But when a couple of SUV's with some of the mokes who were wanted by law enforcement left the attempt was made to stop them and question them away from all those guns held by the other mokes left behind at the refuge.

I found this on Wicki:
"The videos captured police identifying themselves as Oregon State Police and ordering Finicum to turn off his engine. Refusing their order, Finicum yelled back that he was going to meet Palmer and that the only way officers could prevent that meeting was to shoot him. Finicum yelled at the troopers, "You back down or you kill me now. Go ahead. Put the bullet through me. I don't care. I'm going to go meet the sheriff. You do as you damned well please."[25][31][32]

About seven minutes after stopping his truck, Finicum drove away with his three remaining passengers at high speed.[21][33][34] They were pursued by officers. About 1 mile (1,609 m) later, Finicum rounded a bend and spotted the roadblock. Trying to avoid a spike strip,[35] Finicum braked and swerved. His truck plunged into deep snow, narrowly missing an FBI agent.[20]

When Finicum's truck became stuck in the snow, he immediately exited.........Finicum moved about in the snow, alternating between holding his hands above his head and seemingly reaching into his jacket, where officers later found a loaded semi-automatic weapon.[7] OSP officers and FBI agents armed with rifles positioned themselves along the road, while an OSP officer, who had holstered his firearm and equipped himself with a nonlethal Taser X2, walked toward him from the treeline with the intention of subduing him. As Finicum moved his hands down, he turned towards the approaching taser-holding officer and repeatedly yelled, "You're going to have to shoot me!" The troopers believed Finicum to be armed and considered his hand position to signal an imminent threat to the life of the taser-holding officer; Finicum was holding his jacket with his left hand and reaching for a pocket with his right hand. Two troopers fired a total of three times, and a third who was about to fire held back, realizing a fourth shot was not needed.[24][25][39] Medical assistance was given to Finicum approximately 10 minutes after the shooting.

OK, BSFilter, that's what I think I know...and remember.

Also, even though it was 6 years ago, I still think the following advice I just made up out of thin air right now does have a degree of practical applicability.

To wit:

  • After speeding along a public highway and getting pulled over by the police, don't then abruptly pull away after yelling at the police to shoot you.
  • And when you are subsequntly stopped after a high-speed chase...... then don't rush out of your vehicle and make motions as if reaching for a gun.
  • Most especially don't do that when nearby officers are aiming their guns at you.
  • Just don't do it.

That's my advice to you, BSFilter.
Well, that's a good question.
But, you know, poster BS Filter, I never followed that Malheur illegal occupation & seige gig very closely.
It was nearly 6 years ago....2016.

But what I think I know is that a group of armed mokes thought the people of the United States weren't treating them properly, so they illegally occupied a wildlife refuge up in Oregon owned by the people of America.

It turned into a seige as the mokes were supposedly heavily armed and law enforcement didn't want a bloody denoument ala' Branch Davidians.

But when a couple of SUV's with some of the mokes who were wanted by law enforcement left the attempt was made to stop them and question them away from all those guns held by the other mokes left behind at the refuge.

I found this on Wicki:
"The videos captured police identifying themselves as Oregon State Police and ordering Finicum to turn off his engine. Refusing their order, Finicum yelled back that he was going to meet Palmer and that the only way officers could prevent that meeting was to shoot him. Finicum yelled at the troopers, "You back down or you kill me now. Go ahead. Put the bullet through me. I don't care. I'm going to go meet the sheriff. You do as you damned well please."[25][31][32]

About seven minutes after stopping his truck, Finicum drove away with his three remaining passengers at high speed.[21][33][34] They were pursued by officers. About 1 mile (1,609 m) later, Finicum rounded a bend and spotted the roadblock. Trying to avoid a spike strip,[35] Finicum braked and swerved. His truck plunged into deep snow, narrowly missing an FBI agent.[20]

When Finicum's truck became stuck in the snow, he immediately exited.........Finicum moved about in the snow, alternating between holding his hands above his head and seemingly reaching into his jacket, where officers later found a loaded semi-automatic weapon.[7] OSP officers and FBI agents armed with rifles positioned themselves along the road, while an OSP officer, who had holstered his firearm and equipped himself with a nonlethal Taser X2, walked toward him from the treeline with the intention of subduing him. As Finicum moved his hands down, he turned towards the approaching taser-holding officer and repeatedly yelled, "You're going to have to shoot me!" The troopers believed Finicum to be armed and considered his hand position to signal an imminent threat to the life of the taser-holding officer; Finicum was holding his jacket with his left hand and reaching for a pocket with his right hand. Two troopers fired a total of three times, and a third who was about to fire held back, realizing a fourth shot was not needed.[24][25][39] Medical assistance was given to Finicum approximately 10 minutes after the shooting.

OK, BSFilter, that's what I think I know...and remember.

Also, even though it was 6 years ago, I still think the following advice I just made up out of thin air right now does have a degree of practical applicability.

To wit:
  • After speeding along a public highway and getting pulled over by the police, don't then abruptly pull away after yelling at the police to shoot you.
  • And when you are subsequntly stopped after a high-speed chase...... then don't rush out of your vehicle and make motions as if reaching for a gun.
  • Most especially don't do that when nearby officers are aiming their guns at you.
  • Just don't do it.

That's my advice to you, BSFilter.
Wrong. The Feds weren't treating them properly, not the people. Their argument was with an overbearing federal government messing with ranchers who had minded their own business for generations.
"Wrong. The Feds weren't treating them properly, not the people. Their argument was with an overbearing federal government messing with ranchers who had minded their own business for generations."
Well, that seems to be a sticky wicket to get into.
Sorta like the TarBaby, where the more you struggle .... the more stuck you get.

The ranchers were pissed because the people's representatives said, in effect: ...'Look, you gotta pay the people something for letting your cattle graze down the people's land.
(Which is pretty darn similar to the local farmers in my neighborhood. If you use another farmer's land .... well, you gotta pay rent. Sorta like the 'No-Free-Lunch" ethic.)

Regardless, I would suggest to you, good poster BS Filter that my advice offered up (pro bono) in post #331 does have some traction. To wit:

  1. After speeding along a public highway and getting pulled over by the police, don't then abruptly pull away after yelling at the police to shoot you.
  2. And when you are subsequntly stopped after a high-speed chase...... then don't rush out of your vehicle and make motions as if reaching for a gun.
  3. Most especially don't do that when nearby officers are aiming their guns at you.
  4. Just don't do it.

That's my advice to you, BSFilter.

But, it is a free country, BS.
So, if you feel it works for you.....then speed away from your next traffic stop and yell at the officer to shoot you.
You be you.

Good luck.
Well, that seems to be a sticky wicket to get into.
Sorta like the TarBaby, where the more you struggle .... the more stuck you get.

The ranchers were pissed because the people's representatives said, in effect: ...'Look, you gotta pay the people something for letting your cattle graze down the people's land.
(Which is pretty darn similar to the local farmers in my neighborhood. If you use another farmer's land .... well, you gotta pay rent. Sorta like the 'No-Free-Lunch" ethic.)

Regardless, I would suggest to you, good poster BS Filter that my advice offered up (pro bono) in post #331 does have some traction. To wit:


But, it is a free country, BS.

So, if you feel it works for you.....then speed away from your next traffic stop and yell at the officer to shoot you.
You be you.

Good luck.
You clearly don't fully understand the problem. This is a Federal vs States issue. The state representatives weren't the thugs. Look no further than Harry Reid. If you take the time and a little effort in research you will find out what really happened. Here is the culprit that started all the shit that led to the Oregon standoff.
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There are quite a few on this list alone charged with rioting and/or inciting a riot, Dumbass. That makes you a liar. bodecea

You must have taken the Trump U. speed 'reading' correspondence course too.

Federal prosecutors have announced the arrests of more than six dozen people on charges ranging from murder to arson to looting in connection with rioting that grew out of protests over the death of George Floyd in the past five weeks.

The arrests come from a broad range of charges. Many of them involved arson attacks.

Not ONE charged with 'rioting', moron.
If he's so devoted to trump, why wasn't he at the Capitol on Jan 6th?
Most of Trump's cult is just like he is.
Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down--

We're going to walk down. Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol--

They send others into wars in their stead.
When the shit hits the fan, watch it on TV.
When those conservatives are killed by police, I don't see any riots, arson or looting. How about those ranchers in Nevada when Obama was President? Killed a rancher over nothing. No riots anywhere.
That's because no one died, moron.
Cliven Bundy is still alive, retard, he's 75.
The biggest lie is that it was an "insurrection"....Which makes you and the lying fascist shitburgers at HuffyPuffyPost the lying fascist shitburgers that you are.

You keep saying the insurrection wasn't an insurrection. Who are you trying to convince? Yourselves?

I watched it on TV - not the edited footage that came out later, but I watched the protestors beat Officer Fannone live - as it happened, and was horrified by what I was seeing. I was amazed he survived.

The thing you fools forget is that much of the world was in lockdown at the time, and with no sports on TV, or live shows of any kind, the news got a lot of attention. You also forget that the USA exists in a larger world, and their view of what happened that day, does not align with the Republican recasting of the event.

The entire world watched the insurrection on TV, and your attempts to gaslight us into thinking we didn't see an insurrection simply will not work.

You can fool some of the people all of the time. But they're all Republicans. The rest of the world saw Donald Trump attempt to overthrow the government the PEOPLE elected.
excuse me, Oregon. Remember all the riots and arson and looting when this happened?
Finicum served as a spokesman for the armed group led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016 to oppose federal control of land in the U.S. West and the imprisonment of two ranchers.

Investigators determined that state troopers were justified in shooting Finicum three times in the back after he exited his vehicle at a police roadblock, put his hands in the air and then reached toward a handgun in his inner jacket pocket.

But authorities moved in Jan. 26 when key standoff leaders left the refuge for a community meeting in neighboring Grant County, pulling over two vehicles and arresting the occupiers inside.

Finicum, 54, was driving one vehicle. Video taken by a passenger showed the occupants panicking after authorities stopped the truck.

With his window rolled down, Finicum shouted at officers: “Shoot me, just shoot me! Put the bullet through me.”

Finicum then sped off, coming to a roadblock and plowing into a snowbank.

The dumbass deserved to get shot.
Don't run from police.
We will do just that as soon as we eradicate you authoritarian progressives from it.
Yes, we do, even the wannabe dictators.

Former US President Donald Trump on Monday endorsed Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban in a statement calling the far-right populist, who has severely undermined his nation's democracy, a "strong leader."

"Viktor Orban of Hungary truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people," Trump said.

Since taking power in 2010, Orban and his far-right Fidesz party have embraced one-party rule, radically overhauled Hungary's constitutional system, and promoted what Orban calls "illiberal democracy."

Orban's hardline stance on immigration and increased control over the country's press, judicial system, and academic institutions have also raised questions about Hungary's membership in the European Union. Last year, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), a group that monitors the health of democracies, ranked Hungary among the world's top 10 autocratizing countries.

But many American conservatives have looked to Orban and his government as a model of far-right leadership, publicly praising his harsh anti-immigration policies and efforts to boost the Hungarian birth rate, among other nationalist policies. Fox News host Tucker Carlson filmed his show from Budapest for a week last year, promoting Orban and his regime.

Trump's endorsement continues his public support for the Hungarian leader, who endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020 and visited the White House for the first time in 2019.

The Trump cult is also, very fond of Putin too................................TRAITORS.

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