Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

I’m truthfully not against Zelenskyy. I’m not against Ukraine. I recognize that huge portions of Ukraine support Russia. This isn’t like a situation that similar to foreign wars that America has been involved in. In some ways the Russia Ukraine war reminds of the American Civil War.

I would agree with other folks that this war can’t really can be compared to America’s invasion of Iraq for example.
I’m truthfully not against Zelenskyy. I’m not against Ukraine. I recognize that huge portions of Ukraine support Russia. This isn’t like a situation that similar to foreign wars that America has been involved in. In some ways the Russia Ukraine war reminds of the American Civil War.

I would agree with other folks that this war can’t really can be compared to America’s invasion of Iraq for example.

If it does, you are an idiot. There is no comparison.
Has Sean Penn ever gone to the Gaza Strip to meet with Palestinian fighters?
Who cares? Palestinian fighters in Gaza? When Israel turned over the Gaza Strip to the "refugees", they built greenhouses and provided water so Gaza could become the flower capital of the world. The Gaza residents destroyed them.
That is exactly what Putin wants to do. He wants to recreate the old Soviet Union. He has already threatened Poland and several other countries if he takes Ukraine. Franklin Roosevelt stood up to Hitler by getting weapons in the hands of the British through the Lend-Lease Act.
There’s no evidence that Russia intends on re-creating the Soviet union any more than America wants to set up an empire in the Middle East which is what we’ve heard many times.

There’s only ever been one Adolf Hitler throughout history. Well that’s what George W. Bush has been called Hitler …Donald Trump has been called Hitler so many times if you can see that this is called politics then you can see it right. That’s why people are using that comparison.

If you remember during the Cold War there was all sorts of saber rattling.

I don’t understand why people keep on bringing up World War II. You omitted that the main country were supporting was the Soviet union. And the Soviet government trusted the Americans to send them weapons that were not faulty. They trusted us to work on their air fields.

Thankfully Roosevelt was friendly and was a supporter toward the Soviet union. He wanted to work with the Soviet union as far back as 1933. That only makes sense to have major powers of the world work together.

Here is the major flaw in this idea that Putin is a monster which is not. Vladimir Putin is light authoritarians same thing with Zelensky . there’s countries of the 21st-century that are actually horrendous to live in and that are brutal like the now gone Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant, we could even talk about Afghanistan under the Taliban and possibly even the Islamic Republic of Iran. None of them compare to Russia. Russia is comparable to Ukraine.

Right now according to the Russians I’ve spoken with the Russian economy is doing incredible and that’s actually what Colonel Douglas McGregor says. Douglas McGregor was one of the greatest take Aces in American history. He is deeply respected by the way in Israel. McGregor says Ukraine has already lost the war. He says that Russia has a right to Ukraine.

By the way Israel is allied with Russia. Back when Naftali Bennett was the Prime Minister of Israel he flew to Russia to shake hands with Vladimir Putin while the Russians were invading Ukraine. That’s for all of the pro Israeli Americans I only wonder what they think about Russia now?

Sixties Fan
You are the one who is stupid. Ukraine is fighting for their freedom. Putin is evil. You are either a fool or a sympathizer. Which is it? Maybe we should ask you if you are or ever have been a communist.
Maybe I’m gonna put you on ignore because I don’t have time for a robot responses like yours. You’re just repeating the same sort of nonsense you hear on CNN or fox simple talking points. Now I come here for a legitimate conversation. Seems to me you can’t respond to the plethora of points I have made.
We cannot surrender to Putin's savage attack on a neighboring democratic nation.

The U.S. leading a revivified NATO in defense of democracy is a powerful disincentive for the KGB thug's schemes for further aggression against eastern European nations.

America's rightful place as a world leader in defense of freedom has been restored.

You too buddy why are you responding like a robot And just repeating what CNN and Fox says. Thanks though for at least being kind about it.

Why is this happening in the United States of America remember being in Vegas what are the casinos had a drink in favor of Ukrainians. Like a drink you could order called a Ukrainian something. I told everyone at the table hey guys order a white Russian.

I already saw that you and the other poster have no interest in responding to the plethora of points I have made showing there to be Nazism in Ukraine, showing for example that upwards of 15,000 Ukrainians have been bombed and killed in eastern Ukraine since 2014 by the Ukrainian government according to numerous reports.

Like you got to ask yourself do you know that this war goes back to 2014?

Some Americans still believe that Russia invaded Ukraine for the hell of it like they just did it out of nowhere. Sorry sir but if Russia or let’s say China allied with Mexico and set up their military and their military officers in Mexico that would be an issue.

I’m sorry I respect you you’re talking about Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush all shook hands with Vladimir Putin and we’re probably much closer to him than Mr. Trump. So this is just all nonsense Whether it be this idea that Putin is a monster or that Trump is a so-called Putin sympathizer it literally makes no sense at all.
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The fact that Sweden and Finland decided to shed their neutral status and joining NATO shows that they clearly are scared of Russia. The fact is that Putin could have negotiated treaties with Ukraine and other countries. However Putin has made it clear that he wants to restore the old Soviet Union. FDR was clearly senile when he handed over eastern Europe to the Russians. Patton was right. We should have driven the Russians back to Russia when we had the greatest army in the world over there.
OK so in one post you were attempt to praise Roosevelt now you’re mocking him. so where do you actually stand on FDR ? because in my opinion he’s the greatest American to have ever lived.

Every older American from the World War II era I have talked with democrat or republican all say Roosevelt was the best president this country‘s ever had. Sorry man I come at this from the 1940s and 1950s mindset because I respect those Americans as being the greatest generation ever live.

Let’s see here Fdr brought us out of the great depression. Prior to World War II the US military was ranked 17th in the world behind Romania after World War II we were ranked number one so is our Konomi, so is our oil reserves, so is our steel reserve so was our gold reserve. That right there is American greatness. Fdr brought us millions of prestigious middle-class jobs. His programs helped to save the national parks and give Americans leisure time to enjoy themselves. He helped bring women and more black folks into the workforce. He helped out with integration with the Tuskeegee airmen. The time when there was literally slavery going on in the third Reich they were exterminating people. What were we doing in America we were making things happen bringing women onto the factory jobs many of them stayed there after the war. as I said the Tuskeegee airmen ….which one of its members the African-American Roscoe Brown said that FDR was his hero and he was a great American.
Originally posted by Admiral Rockwell Tory
What military harassment has NATO made to Russia?

Ask Reagan.

He thought a pathetic island of the Caribbean being friendly to Cuba was harrassment enough to justify the invasion. Polls conducted at that time revealed that 80% of super patriotic american clowns agreed with the invasion.

The same super patriotic american clowns who thought the microscopic Caribbean islet posed a threat to America's national security, now want Russia to put up with the total military encirclement of her western borders.

I like the United States and I like the american people... but super patriotic american clowns give me homicidal tendencies.
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Originally posted by g5000
Apples and oranges.

The United States intervened in Grenada at the request of the OECS and the Governor-General of Grenada, idiot.

America invaded Grenada because she doesn't admit that other countries do to her what she's doing to Russia now.

But why am I wasting my time here?

The whole idea of being a super patriotic american clown is the strong belief that America is entitled to do to others what she doesn't allow others to do to her.
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Originally posted by g5000
Russia can live free from military "harassment" as soon as they leave Ukraine.

How fucking bizarre you tards don't demand Ukraine be freed from military invasion!

Show me where I have ever said the people of Ukraine don't have a right to fight the russian military invasion of their country, except Donbas where the russian army is seen as liberators and freedom fighters (Roosevelt is 100% correct: the war in Ukraine definitely resembles a civil war).

The greatest tragedies don't happen when one side is right and the other is wrong.

The greatest tragedies happen when both sides are right.

The war in Ukraine is one of these tragedies:

Ukrainians have a right to fight the russian invasion of their homeland and Russia has a right to liberate Donbas and fight the western military encirclement of her borders.

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