Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

uh huh.
How about the massive Covid cover up?
It came from a lab. We all knew it came from a lab.
Emails galore from top scientist all along said so.
Fauci knew it all along
Biden knew it all along
But they all protected China.
Soooo...all you have are conspiracy theories.

Russia’s actually rescued a number of children with no parents in Ukraine and they’re helping them out.
You mean children their war orphaned?

Here is an idea that would help those children and just about everyone in the world - DON'T FUCKING INVADE, but now that you have, go home and stop orphaning Russian and Ukranian children.
I just can’t believe that some Americans fall for whatever the media tells them too. Like the media tells him how to think they tell him hey Ukraine’s fighting for democracy they’re fighting as the vanguard of freedom. What about all the starving children in Africa what about all of the authoritarian dictatorship‘s around the world. You see that’s why this is all a bunch of nonsense. It really is getting old and it’s brutal to see how people in America and Europe fall for the trap of believing that the Russians are evil. Give me a goddamn break…. There are millions of children around the world who are starving living in shit literally what about them.
Why isn't your Catholic Church responsible to feed them?
So it is only black and white with you?
And the whole situation is a helluva lot more complex than just 100% this or 100% that.
There are two problem makers here, not just one.
You take Sweden. Sweden has been a neutral country since 1834. I would expect that you know why that is important. I forget the percentages, but I think it is something like 80% of the population of Russia lives along the Swedish border. So Sweden being a buffer zone between one side from the other has been HUGELY beneficial for the whole world.
Ukraine should be neutral. Neutrality deals have prevented many wars over the course of humanity.
Russia was never going to accept a condition of Ukraine being a NATO nation.
And the value of Ukraine being a NATO nation, other than ego, is not worth the extreme high cost of making that happen. And that should be VERY obvious now.
But that is not what happened is it?
American interest in Ukraine kept escalating and escalating and enriching some high class folks. Gee, I sure know one of them don't you?
That was playing with fire. Actions have consequences.
Now... obviously Russia has some faults here too. They were also creating conflict. And both sides kept goading the other. What should have happened was making Ukraine a neutral nation. That it could cooperate and take any non military cooperation it wanted from either side as long as it wasn't military. And both sides agree to never take up arms against Ukraine, and Ukraine agree to never accept any military assistance from either side.
Russia and Sweden do not share a common border.
Do you know what’s sad about this. Where is that money actually going. Do we think that the deserving people , the hard-working people in Ukraine are getting their pension money ? or is it going to Ukrainian oligarchs?

The good Ukrainian people, from whom I get supplies and materials for my hobbies and my business, are getting harder and harder to find.


When he says wild imagination I think he's referring to you saying "if you could take the corruption out of all the money we are giving them" What corruption? You republicans seem to know something about Ukraine the rest of us don't.

As of December of last year, the $50 Billion we gave them... only $17 Bn was military assets and direct military support. $14 billion of that was "humanitarian support" - another word for corrupt officials to fill their pockets. Of the $100 bn we have shelled out, I would wager no more than $25 of that is direct military. Maybe - MAYBE - $10 billion actually helps the Ukraine people. The rest you bet your ass is going into the coffers of corrupt officials.

Humanitarian support is corruption?

Dude, do you know how much of what we spent in Iraq was Humanitarian aide? Probably you didn't nickle and dime Bush like this. And most of that money went to Dick Chaney's company Haloburton, but not a peep from you Republicans.

I find it funny that 2000 pro iraq war Republicans who did such a good job defending that mistake are today saying we shouldn't help Ukraine.

Is Putin any better than Saddam? I think Putin is a way bigger threat than Saddam ever could be.
Haliburton, which is an oils services company and its subsidiary KBR was a supplier for the troops housing and bases. Where would you expect to go?
No, then you would be a liberal.

I am a retired educator. I hate stupid.
Ahh... so you were one of those jackass teachers who thought they were smarter than everybody else?
Yeah.. I remember those smug asses.
Pretty easy to be the smartest person in the room, when the only people in the room are children
I am smarter than anybody else.
No, your not.
A smart person doesn't feel the need to try and belittle others.
However a person who THINKS they are smart do it all the time.
And I have seen you do it ... a LOT.
So it is self evident, your impression of yourself is greater than it is.
No, your not.
A smart person doesn't feel the need to try and belittle others.
However a person who THINKS they are smart do it all the time.
And I have seen you do it ... a LOT.
So it is self evident, your impression of yourself is greater than it is.
I didn't belittle you until you acted like a smartass for being ignorant. Have a nice fucking life in your ignorance!

This was my original post to you. "Russia and Sweden do not share a common border."

Then you got snotty!

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