Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

Trump made the freeloader NATO members start paying their fair share. You still can’t show one country Putin went after under Trump. Your fantasies don’t count. Europe taking the lead? Get real yourself liar. We’ve contributed more than Europe ever will. Biden gets no respect. Just laughter after he shits himself again. Trump takes his daughter to work while your boy Xiden molests his.

That is not true. A agreement for NATO countries to spend a percentage of their budgets was reached under Obama. By the time Trump took over, they were on their way to meeting the agreement.
Thank you that is an informative response. But I should tell you something I’m neutral in the war I’m not pro Russia nor pro Ukraine.

I’ve responded many times to this issue you probably see my points. What I can add is that when we invaded iraq which I also disagree with …but I don’t think that president Busj should be tried for war crimes, but when we did that Russia did not supply our enemy Iraq with any weapons or billions of dollars like we are supplying in Ukraine today.

Well warfare is violent isn’t it. Ukrainian government has been fighting it in Ukraine going back to 2014 allegedly killing up to 15,000 Ukrainians. So you talk about Putin not caring about children I don’t think that’s the case. I think that George W. Bush cared about children I think that Putin is when I look at history and you probably understand this there’s warfare all throughout history all over the world. This war in Ukraine was not the only war of the 20th century not even close. Look at Syria

Look at Yemen, look at Ethiopia, Israel Palestine you could even say look at Georgia when Russia invaded Georgia in a three day war whatever it was. There’s all sorts of issues going on in Africa ….. so for the United States to concentrate on Ukraine for what seems to be money and resources but our leaders keep saying it’s about democracy and morals so that’s the problem. If it was about democracy and morals we will be giving our money and military equipment to all sorts of people around the world but we’re not …With all of those other situations we could’ve provided $100 billion … I think we could’ve pursued neutrality in that situation as opposed to supporting Ukraine. I hope now Biden Or maybe President Trump in 2024 can bring Ukraine and Russia to the negotiating table.

I don’t think that Putin wants to reestablish the Russian empire or the Soviet union and I don’t think Russians want that. Putin is not Russia it takes a country to support a leader same with George W. Bush…. Ukraine is right on the border of Russia. Germany is not nor Poland I believe. And the thing is with Belarus they’ve already been used as a launching pad for Russia kind of like how United States use Saudi Arabia as a launching pad for the first gulf war. So I just don’t believe that Russia wants to go after another country other than Ukraine.

I certainly agree with you that it’s a very bad war so are a lot of things around the world including starving children in Africa the people living in the Gaza Strip in an open air prison as many say. And I don’t hate Israel but I am recognizing that there is a situation in Israel Palestine and there’s all sorts of people around the world and most definitely those in Palestine saying hey we need help. Maybe Donald Trump can bring together Israel and Palestine as one state in 2024 he did give us the Abraham accords which was excellent.

That is exactly what Putin wants to do. He wants to recreate the old Soviet Union. He has already threatened Poland and several other countries if he takes Ukraine. Franklin Roosevelt stood up to Hitler by getting weapons in the hands of the British through the Lend-Lease Act.
Why are WE 'doing the heavy lifting', leading?

Where is the U N.?

Every time there is a major world problem the UN does agree needs 'their' help it is the US who does the majority of the paying, arming, and fighting.

Where are the European nations? Why aren't they doing more?

Trump had to FORCE NATO countries to pay more money for their own defense despite the fact they have known about this threat, despite the fact that we have bailed them out twice before at a great cost in blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money.

Why NOW are liverals suddenly for never-ending costly war?

Obama negotiated a agreement for NATO countries to increase their defense spending. Trump had nothing to do with it.
I just can’t believe that some Americans fall for whatever the media tells them too. Like the media tells him how to think they tell him hey Ukraine’s fighting for democracy they’re fighting as the vanguard of freedom. What about all the starving children in Africa what about all of the authoritarian dictatorship‘s around the world. You see that’s why this is all a bunch of nonsense. It really is getting old and it’s brutal to see how people in America and Europe fall for the trap of believing that the Russians are evil. Give me a goddamn break…. There are millions of children around the world who are starving living in shit literally what about them.

You are the one who is stupid. Ukraine is fighting for their freedom. Putin is evil. You are either a fool or a sympathizer. Which is it? Maybe we should ask you if you are or ever have been a communist.
There are people who are opposed to funding Ukraine for a variety of reasons.

-Russians are not evil

-Let’s not throw stones in glass houses….America‘s invaded other countries. Where in the hell is the anti-war left on this. Those deranged hypocrites. Oh they think that the Ukrainians are the good guys. What a load of nonsense millions of Ukrainian supported the third reich in World War II. There are neo-Nazis in Ukraine to this day. For all that talk in America about opposing “white supremacy “ in the United States. Well There is no white supremacy in the United States ….there is white supremacy in Ukraine.

-Obama and Hillary Clinton shook hands with Vladimir Putin and were far closer to Vladimir Putin then Joe Biden is.

-We have no idea what’s going on in Ukraine which is a very corrupt country. Not many Americans knew anything about Ukraine prior to this war. Still there are Americans who are completely unaware that this war goes all the way back to 2014. Some Americans because of CNN and MSNBC and even Fox News and the neo conservatives…. believe that Ukraine was invaded last year out of nowhere , for the hell of it.

- Many Americans are saying we should not be giving all this money to Ukraine…. we should be giving it to the American people that are starving that are poor especially those in Palestine.

- Huge numbers of Americans reject the media trying to get at our heartstrings. Trying to get on us morally speaking. Which is really quite evil one might say. They keep showing us pictures of Ukrainian children Ukrainian grandmothers crying. Where were those pictures when the United States invaded Iraq? . Not just that what about all the other wars going on in the world. What about all the starving children in Africa. Are we gonna send $100 billion to the countries in Africa?

Edit- One more thing some percentage of eastern Ukraine supports Russia. So this is somewhat of a Civil War.
We cannot surrender to Putin's savage attack on a neighboring democratic nation.

The U.S. leading a revivified NATO in defense of democracy is a powerful disincentive for the KGB thug's schemes for further aggression against eastern European nations.

America's rightful place as a world leader in defense of freedom has been restored.

One Year Later, Americans Still Stand by Ukraine

So it is only black and white with you?
And the whole situation is a helluva lot more complex than just 100% this or 100% that.
There are two problem makers here, not just one.
You take Sweden. Sweden has been a neutral country since 1834. I would expect that you know why that is important. I forget the percentages, but I think it is something like 80% of the population of Russia lives along the Swedish border. So Sweden being a buffer zone between one side from the other has been HUGELY beneficial for the whole world.
Ukraine should be neutral. Neutrality deals have prevented many wars over the course of humanity.
Russia was never going to accept a condition of Ukraine being a NATO nation.
And the value of Ukraine being a NATO nation, other than ego, is not worth the extreme high cost of making that happen. And that should be VERY obvious now.
But that is not what happened is it?
American interest in Ukraine kept escalating and escalating and enriching some high class folks. Gee, I sure know one of them don't you?
That was playing with fire. Actions have consequences.
Now... obviously Russia has some faults here too. They were also creating conflict. And both sides kept goading the other. What should have happened was making Ukraine a neutral nation. That it could cooperate and take any non military cooperation it wanted from either side as long as it wasn't military. And both sides agree to never take up arms against Ukraine, and Ukraine agree to never accept any military assistance from either side.

The fact that Sweden and Finland decided to shed their neutral status and joining NATO shows that they clearly are scared of Russia. The fact is that Putin could have negotiated treaties with Ukraine and other countries. However Putin has made it clear that he wants to restore the old Soviet Union. FDR was clearly senile when he handed over eastern Europe to the Russians. Patton was right. We should have driven the Russians back to Russia when we had the greatest army in the world over there.
Is Ukraine worth WW III?
Where do you see this ending?
You think Ukraine is going to be victorious?
Russia leaving Ukraine with their tails between their legs and their chins to their chest would be a global humiliation to Putin. He is not going to agree to that. Not without gaining geography.
Putin is a mass murderer, a sociopath. He doesn't care one bit how many Russian/Ukrainian youth is killed. He would have no problem if Russia's casualties is 10 times that of Ukraine if it means he saves his face.
Again, where do you see this ending? Not how you want it to end, but how it will end knowing Putin is not going to walk away. No way, no how.

I don't care what Putin wants. He is the war criminal.
We cannot surrender to Putin's savage attack on a neighboring democratic nation.

The U.S. leading a revivified NATO in defense of democracy is a powerful disincentive for the KGB thug's schemes for further aggression against eastern European nations.

America's rightful place as a world leader in defense of freedom has been restored.

Ukraine is Not a democracy. They outlaw opposition parties and a ban entire churches… a church that has a huge percentage of the population. They arrest priests….among other things they have wacko politicians… more wacko then any of ours.

Why buy what someone is telling you in the media? I look past there moral pull strings

Common sense says we should be neutral. But it’s about money and power that’s all this is about.

Ok most Americans say no more for Ukraine or we are giving to much , ask the people of Ohio
Ukraine is a light authoritarian country same with Russia. I would be willing to bet that if Ukraine sticks around in some capacity Zelenskyy will be president for at least 30 more years or for life.

Let’s keep something in mind here. There are many other countries of the world who are way worse than Ukraine or Russia. That is something very serious to keep in mind. There’s actually Third World countries in the world ravaged by brutality‘s that are unherd of in America. Let’s keep that in mind.

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