Some on the Left Think Trump Colluded with Kennedy to Retire

The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.
This is a type story that republicans would whole heartedly buy into to it if the shoe was on the other foot. Liberals in general of course reject this.
this is just the next 'outrage' that the left is preparing to gin up against America.

They cannot stop the nomination and appointment of a Justice now, so they're going to try and place an asterisk next to the next judge in a hope to show contempt for a possible impeachment hearing if they get the Senate back.

Does impeachment still require a 2/3 majority vote? Hard to believe they would go that far, but I would not be surprised if the tried to "pack the court" with say 6 more liberal justices if and when they win the WH and the Senate.
Impeachment doesn't have anything to do with the SC, does it?

Do you mean impeachment of the President, or do you mean can Justices be impeached themselves?

To clarify: the SCOTUS has absolutely nothing to do with the process to impeach anybody, including the President. And certainly not themselves; any impeachment begins in the House of Reps, who vote on impeaching somebody for whom impeachment is possible. If it passes the Senate, the Senate votes on whether to have a trial of the accused, if the articles of impeachment pass the House. If they vote to have the trial, a 2/3 majority is required to convict the accused. If convicted, the convicted gets removed from office. Neither the President nor the SCOTUS has a say.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Senate trial during an impeachment trial.
this is just the next 'outrage' that the left is preparing to gin up against America.

They cannot stop the nomination and appointment of a Justice now, so they're going to try and place an asterisk next to the next judge in a hope to show contempt for a possible impeachment hearing if they get the Senate back.

Does impeachment still require a 2/3 majority vote? Hard to believe they would go that far, but I would not be surprised if the tried to "pack the court" with say 6 more liberal justices if and when they win the WH and the Senate.
Impeachment doesn't have anything to do with the SC, does it?

Do you mean impeachment of the President, or do you mean can Justices be impeached themselves?

To clarify: the SCOTUS has absolutely nothing to do with the process to impeach anybody, including the President. And certainly not themselves; any impeachment begins in the House of Reps, who vote on impeaching somebody for whom impeachment is possible. If it passes the Senate, the Senate votes on whether to have a trial of the accused, if the articles of impeachment pass the House. If they vote to have the trial, a 2/3 majority is required to convict the accused. If convicted, the convicted gets removed from office. Neither the President nor the SCOTUS has a say.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Senate trial during an impeachment trial.

Didn't know that, thanks!
The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.
I’m trying to think of this long shot was actually true why I would care. Seems reasonable a conservative (kinda) judge would want to go out with a president to replace them with someone similar. It’s also why I wonder why Ginsburg has stayed so long. She could have retired giving obie the power to replace her but didn’t. I’m thinking in my own little conspiracy she stayed because she thought Hillary would win. Then she would retire giving the liberals Two seats to fill.

Never forget that judges tend to be a bit power-obsessed, and the higher the court on which they sit, the more obsessed they are.
After reading a few of your posts it's obvious that you are the one who is "obsessed".
President Trump ought to pay you rent for living in your head 24/7 ............ASSHOLE!
Do I think that Kennedy was in cahoots with Trump over his retirement? Short answer, no.

Do I think that Kennedy decided to retire because he knows the shit storm of lawsuits concerning Trump and his people is going to end up in front of SCOTUS? More than likely. He knows that he's got the reputation as being the swing vote between the conservative and liberal sides of the court, and he doesn't want to be the one to make the deciding vote if something goes against Trump.

It's self preservation and acting in his own self interest, that's what this is.
After Just Two Years, Huge Atlantic City Casino Shuts Down

Do I think that Kennedy was in cahoots with Trump over his retirement? Short answer, no.

Do I think that Kennedy decided to retire because he knows the shit storm of lawsuits concerning Trump and his people is going to end up in front of SCOTUS? More than likely. He knows that he's got the reputation as being the swing vote between the conservative and liberal sides of the court, and he doesn't want to be the one to make the deciding vote if something goes against Trump.

It's self preservation and acting in his own self interest, that's what this is.

What "s*** storm" of lawsuits and or what reasons? Improving our economy? Putting more money in the pockets of taxpayers? Making good on his campaign promises? What else?
Do I think that Kennedy was in cahoots with Trump over his retirement? Short answer, no.

Do I think that Kennedy decided to retire because he knows the shit storm of lawsuits concerning Trump and his people is going to end up in front of SCOTUS? More than likely. He knows that he's got the reputation as being the swing vote between the conservative and liberal sides of the court, and he doesn't want to be the one to make the deciding vote if something goes against Trump.

It's self preservation and acting in his own self interest, that's what this is.

What "s*** storm" of lawsuits and or what reasons? Improving our economy? Putting more money in the pockets of taxpayers? Making good on his campaign promises? What else?

Guess you forgot about the Mueller investigation.
The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.
The thought crossed my mind, I admit. But Kennedy has been considering this quite awhile, I hear, so no, 75 is sure old enough for most of us to want to retire.
That's why he hired next year's clerks...because he's been planning this for awhile.

Maybe he saw his doctor who told him it was time to hang up his robe.
The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.
Kennedy's son gave Trump a BILLION dollar loan when no American banks would because of all of Trump failures and bankruptcies.
American banks NO!
Foreign Bank with many Russian ties YES!
Trump had a handful of bankruptcies out of thousands of businesses… Success comes with failure. But you’re a socialist you would not know that. Fuck face


In all of the businesses that Trump has attempted, the only ones that didn't fail spectacularly are some of his real estate properties, and The Apprentice TV show.

Everything else the man touched turned immeditely to shit. He couldn't even keep his casinos open.

Yeah, with all that money everything he touches turned to shit.

I'd like to have that problem.

I suggest you get a spellcheck for your posts, immediately.
Democrats aren’t much less batshit crazy than the Republicans.

Some also believed Bush was behind 9/11 too.

and still the hallowed spaces of Conspiracy Land...
Why should it matter what his net worth is? He is no longer a businessman, he is the President of the United States.
Becaused he still OWNS the business you MORON.

Does everyone here have 12 IQ's?

Many Presidents would have divested to avoid Conflict.
The WSJ called for him to do so.
But that would have revealed his actual Net Worth (if Any). Besides he's making too much money Double dealing as Prez.

Trump has to file forms disclosing his finances. I suggest you read them and stop pretending they don't exist..
The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.

That's fucking stupid. Kennedy has been looking to retire for the last several years. He severed this country with honor and now it's time for him to enjoy his twilight years.

Severed? :D
Here's one. Donald Trump's personal financial disclosure report - CNNPolitics
You can look more up for yourself. I'm not going to do the work for you.
So you have NO definitiive Number.

So you say ""you're not going to to do the work for me""...
Because YOU could not find it.
As I said.

Here's What Trump's Financial Disclosure Doesn't Tell You
Here's What Trump's Financial Disclosure Doesn't Tell You

1. How much money Trump’s businesses are really making.

2. Who is paying the president.

3. A full picture of Trump’s Debt.

4. The Actual value of Any of Trump’s major holdings.

5. What Trump and his companies pay (or don’t pay) in taxes.

Well that was Fun

None of that is any of your business is it.
The Democratic Party is wading further into Alex Jones territory with each passing day. I mean, this is just stupid.

Finance is, of course, deeply involved in every level of American government; the connections between Trump and Kennedy have been reported over the last two years. There is no reason to believe that Kennedy’s ties to Trump affected any of his votes. But as this new report details, these ties coincided with “a quiet campaign” to ensure Kennedy’s retirement and give Trump a chance to fill a spot on the Supreme Court.

Trump’s relationship with Justice Kennedy sounds shady in this new report.

That's fucking stupid. Kennedy has been looking to retire for the last several years. He severed this country with honor and now it's time for him to enjoy his twilight years.

Severed? :D

It’s hard to type with a cloven hoof.

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