Some Questions for Democrats About Opposition to the Mexican Border Wall/Fence


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. About 20% of illegal drugs entering our country come in across the open border. If we built a wall trhat would prevent 20% of the drugs coming in. Why is that not worth $5 billion?

2. thousands of Americans each year are murdered, killed in DUIs, robbed by illegal aliens and about one third of our Federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Wouldnt reducing our world record prison population be worth funding the wall? Or saving thousands of lives?

3. The security wall in Israel and Hungary have shown phenominal success in reducing illegal crossings by about 90% or more in just about every case. So why do you guys say that a wall is not effective?

4. In the past Obama, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have all voted for legislation to fund a double line fence on the border.

What has changed?
1. About 20% of illegal drugs entering our country come in across the open border. If we built a wall trhat would prevent 20% of the drugs coming in. Why is that not worth $5 billion?

2. thousands of Americans each year are murdered, killed in DUIs, robbed by illegal aliens and about one third of our Federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Wouldnt reducing our world record prison population be worth funding the wall? Or saving thousands of lives?

3. The security wall in Israel and Hungary have shown phenominal success in reducing illegal crossings by about 90% or more in just about every case. So why do you guys say that a wall is not effective?

4. In the past Obama, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have all voted for legislation to fund a double line fence on the border.

What has changed?
Why haven't the Republican DOMINATED Administration pass a bill to build that damn wall in the past 2 years hack?
1. About 20% of illegal drugs entering our country come in across the open border. If we built a wall trhat would prevent 20% of the drugs coming in. Why is that not worth $5 billion?

2. thousands of Americans each year are murdered, killed in DUIs, robbed by illegal aliens and about one third of our Federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Wouldnt reducing our world record prison population be worth funding the wall? Or saving thousands of lives?

3. The security wall in Israel and Hungary have shown phenominal success in reducing illegal crossings by about 90% or more in just about every case. So why do you guys say that a wall is not effective?

4. In the past Obama, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have all voted for legislation to fund a double line fence on the border.

What has changed?
Why haven't the Republican DOMINATED Administration pass a bill to build that damn wall in the past 2 years hack?
What’s wrong with NOW?
I watched the President's talk to the nation tonight. He made a very compelling case for border security. If we have to have the democrat's shutdown for years before they relent and allow the President to protect our borders, so be it!

Build the Wall!
In fairness, I watched the Democrats make a horrible case that shows they don't care about the safety of Americans. All they cared about is the shutdown and federal workers not getting a paycheck.
They want the President to sign the continuing resolution first before they discuss the wall. Bullshit. If the government shutdown is ended, they won't talk about the border security. They are fucking liars.
1. About 20% of illegal drugs entering our country come in across the open border. If we built a wall trhat would prevent 20% of the drugs coming in. Why is that not worth $5 billion?

2. thousands of Americans each year are murdered, killed in DUIs, robbed by illegal aliens and about one third of our Federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Wouldnt reducing our world record prison population be worth funding the wall? Or saving thousands of lives?

3. The security wall in Israel and Hungary have shown phenominal success in reducing illegal crossings by about 90% or more in just about every case. So why do you guys say that a wall is not effective?

4. In the past Obama, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have all voted for legislation to fund a double line fence on the border.

What has changed?
Why haven't the Republican DOMINATED Administration pass a bill to build that damn wall in the past 2 years hack?
Because they needed 60 votes which required 10 democrat votes. You already knew that. Maybe you think the republicans should impose the nuclear option and pass it with 51 votes, huh? I doubt that! The Democrats want no borders.
In fairness, I watched the Democrats make a horrible case that shows they don't care about the safety of Americans. All they cared about is the shutdown and federal workers not getting a paycheck.
They want the President to sign the continuing resolution first before they discuss the wall. Bullshit. If the government shutdown is ended, they won't talk about the border security. They are fucking liars.
Like all past promises they never kept!
Photoshop needed: seeing Pelosi and Schumer standing there for their rebuttal remarks, I got the impression of the painting American Gothic! Can somebody create a funny Meme of them standing there? Lol
I imagine her with a look of constipation. This shall not pass!

Photoshop needed: seeing Pelosi and Schumer standing there for their rebuttal remarks, I got the impression of the painting American Gothic! Can somebody create a funny Meme of them standing there? Lol
This is the epitome of ideological non-thinking.

Pelosi and Schumer do not want to let Trump have another win, so they just make up unbelievable nonsense, like 'walls dont work', little comes across the Southern border anyway (confusing 'ports of entry' with naval ports, lol), and 'Trump is only throwing a temper tantrum'.

These two demonstrate what is wrong with the US political system; some people stay way too long in the DC Swamp and turn into what they promised to fight against years ago.
1. About 20% of illegal drugs entering our country come in across the open border. If we built a wall trhat would prevent 20% of the drugs coming in. Why is that not worth $5 billion?

2. thousands of Americans each year are murdered, killed in DUIs, robbed by illegal aliens and about one third of our Federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Wouldnt reducing our world record prison population be worth funding the wall? Or saving thousands of lives?

3. The security wall in Israel and Hungary have shown phenominal success in reducing illegal crossings by about 90% or more in just about every case. So why do you guys say that a wall is not effective?

4. In the past Obama, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer have all voted for legislation to fund a double line fence on the border.

What has changed?

I am a conservative, but let me give you the Lib responses to these questions.

1- 20% of illegal drugs come across our border, how do you know? Besides, the wall, or any barrier for that matter, will not be 100% effective, so you will not reduce illegal drugs by 20%. It will be much less. I like drugs.

2- Most of the murder convictions are due to discrimination. They get blamed because of their skin color. Change the law that you can’t discriminate against illegals and the problems are solved.

3- Walls in Hungary and Israel are effective, big whoop. Nobody wants to go to those countries, a turnstile is all they would need to keep people out.

4-They are politicians. They are to change their minds.
Arguing that a wall or other physical barrier is unnecessary and a waste of resources is like saying that a lock on your front door is a waste of resources because they can be easily bypassed, which is true, but who in an urban city doe snot lock their doors?

Crazy people, thats who.


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