Some R-W'ers STILL blame Obama's huge increases on our debt...

Answer the fucking premise of the O/P....or go burn a cross somewhere, nitwit.


It's amazing you haven't done it accidentally.

Fucking imbecile.

Your meat puppet faggot

Geezus, what the fuck is wrong with you?

May as well have opened up with "Hey look! I'm totally deplorable so take everything I say with a grain of salt and avoid being associated with my opinions!"
Dems didn't clean up jack. They added 8 trillion to the national debt while O was president. We're paying 276 billion a year to service that debt, 20t, right now just to keep from defaulting.

here the very least, compare apples to apples....

Under Obama’s 2 terms, the debt held by the public, the deficit has doubled from $6.307 trillion to $12.932 trillion.So, the debt increased by 70 percent.

But let’s look at what happened under Republican hero Ronald Reagan

Size of national debt when Reagan took office: $1 trillion
Size at the end of his presidency: $2.9 trillion (increase)by 190%)
Dems didn't clean up jack. They added 8 trillion to the national debt while O was president. We're paying 276 billion a year to service that debt, 20t, right now just to keep from defaulting.

here the very least, compare apples to apples....

Under Obama’s 2 terms, the debt held by the public, the deficit has doubled from $6.307 trillion to $12.932 trillion.So, the debt increased by 70 percent.

But let’s look at what happened under Republican hero Ronald Reagan

Size of national debt when Reagan took office: $1 trillion
Size at the end of his presidency: $2.9 trillion (increase)by 190%)

Hint to dumb right wingers: 190% is bigger than 70%.....
I guess your dear leader had nothing to do with the near trillion a year that maobamacare cost. Talk about ultra-partisan insanity. LMAO

hey,moron....did you "read" the O/P ???....or are you parroting what Sean hannity told you to spew?

Don't you pick on his Sean! If Sean did not tell him what to think, he would sit in the corner and just drool.
Inevitably, when the issue is raised about Trump's proposal to drastically cut taxes and increase our debt by TRILLIONS, right wingers will "defend" this proposal by blaming Obama for his administration's huge deficit spending........

No doubt, a lot of money was wasted in the Obama economic recovery period....BUT, ignorant right wingers still refuse to consider the environment that led to Obama's deficit spending......

We had an economy that, during the last years of the GWB administration was losing jobs at the rate of 700,000 per MONTH.......

We had an extension of GWB's tax cuts during the Obama years at a time when many of our industries (especially the auto industry) were on the verge of bankruptcy.

We had TWO huge on-going war expenditures that were never accounted for in our deficit spending.

We had to sustain the never-accounted for deficit spending due to the Medicare Advantage legislation.

......and, of course, we had an overall economy that was sending jobs and assets overseas,placing our economy on the verge of an all-out recession soon to be labeled a depression a-la 1929 levels,

So, for those ignorant (or lying) right wingers who will excuse and sanction Trump's immoral tax cuts as just because of what the situation under Obama forced us to do, borders on ultra-partisan INSANITY.....

Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt. Now we are going to have another tax cut (primarily for the 1%) to add to the Nation Debt for decades.
Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.
View attachment 153945

Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt.

That's awful! Why didn't Obama reverse the cuts in 2009?

Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.

Government programs have never paid for themselves, ever.
Republican Congress?

There was a Republican Congress when Obama was elected? Dude!
Dude the increased it humongously under Bush, and when they had the chance, they did it under Obama. What the hell do you think they will do now?
There are no real commies in America, but there are millions of home-grown fascists on the far right. Some are posting on this page.
Inevitably, when the issue is raised about Trump's proposal to drastically cut taxes and increase our debt by TRILLIONS, right wingers will "defend" this proposal by blaming Obama for his administration's huge deficit spending........

No doubt, a lot of money was wasted in the Obama economic recovery period....BUT, ignorant right wingers still refuse to consider the environment that led to Obama's deficit spending......

We had an economy that, during the last years of the GWB administration was losing jobs at the rate of 700,000 per MONTH.......

We had an extension of GWB's tax cuts during the Obama years at a time when many of our industries (especially the auto industry) were on the verge of bankruptcy.

We had TWO huge on-going war expenditures that were never accounted for in our deficit spending.

We had to sustain the never-accounted for deficit spending due to the Medicare Advantage legislation.

......and, of course, we had an overall economy that was sending jobs and assets overseas,placing our economy on the verge of an all-out recession soon to be labeled a depression a-la 1929 levels,

So, for those ignorant (or lying) right wingers who will excuse and sanction Trump's immoral tax cuts as just because of what the situation under Obama forced us to do, borders on ultra-partisan INSANITY.....

Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt. Now we are going to have another tax cut (primarily for the 1%) to add to the Nation Debt for decades.
Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.
View attachment 153945

Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt.

That's awful! Why didn't Obama reverse the cuts in 2009?

Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.

Government programs have never paid for themselves, ever.
Republican Congress?

There was a Republican Congress when Obama was elected? Dude!
Dude the increased it humongously under Bush, and when they had the chance, they did it under Obama. What the hell do you think they will do now?

Dude the increased it humongously under Bush,

Absolutely! That bastard added $4.9 trillion to the debt.

Obama managed to add $9.3 trillion.
Dems didn't clean up jack. They added 8 trillion to the national debt while O was president. We're paying 276 billion a year to service that debt, 20t, right now just to keep from defaulting.

here the very least, compare apples to apples....

Under Obama’s 2 terms, the debt held by the public, the deficit has doubled from $6.307 trillion to $12.932 trillion.So, the debt increased by 70 percent.

But let’s look at what happened under Republican hero Ronald Reagan

Size of national debt when Reagan took office: $1 trillion
Size at the end of his presidency: $2.9 trillion (increase)by 190%)

Hint to dumb right wingers: 190% is bigger than 70%.....

When the debt is 100 trillion and it goes to 130 will be 30 percent. See how that works? Didn't think so.
Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt. Now we are going to have another tax cut (primarily for the 1%) to add to the Nation Debt for decades.
Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.
View attachment 153945

Bush's 2003 tax cut has been and still is adding to the National Debt.

That's awful! Why didn't Obama reverse the cuts in 2009?

Tax cuts have never paid for themselves, ever.

Government programs have never paid for themselves, ever.
Republican Congress?

There was a Republican Congress when Obama was elected? Dude!
Dude the increased it humongously under Bush, and when they had the chance, they did it under Obama. What the hell do you think they will do now?

Dude the increased it humongously under Bush,

Absolutely! That bastard added $4.9 trillion to the debt.

Obama managed to add $9.3 trillion.

But somehow, gnats three brain cells think that adding 8 trillion is better than adding 4 trillion. Looks like Bush's fuzzy math has infected him.
Right wingers on here HATE facts....
Check with that renowned economist Alex Jones for some help, Trump cultists.......LOL
Inevitably, when the issue is raised about Trump's proposal to drastically cut taxes and increase our debt by TRILLIONS, right wingers will "defend" this proposal by blaming Obama for his administration's huge deficit spending........

No doubt, a lot of money was wasted in the Obama economic recovery period....BUT, ignorant right wingers still refuse to consider the environment that led to Obama's deficit spending......

We had an economy that, during the last years of the GWB administration was losing jobs at the rate of 700,000 per MONTH.......

We had an extension of GWB's tax cuts during the Obama years at a time when many of our industries (especially the auto industry) were on the verge of bankruptcy.

We had TWO huge on-going war expenditures that were never accounted for in our deficit spending.

We had to sustain the never-accounted for deficit spending due to the Medicare Advantage legislation.

......and, of course, we had an overall economy that was sending jobs and assets overseas,placing our economy on the verge of an all-out recession soon to be labeled a depression a-la 1929 levels,

So, for those ignorant (or lying) right wingers who will excuse and sanction Trump's immoral tax cuts as just because of what the situation under Obama forced us to do, borders on ultra-partisan INSANITY.....

You're all responsible for the debt, Dems and Rs, Bush, Pelosi, Obama, McConnell. Anyone suggesting otherwise is dishonest and dishonorable.

I also find it ironic you are suddenly against welfare spending and complaining about partisanship.
You're all responsible for the debt, Dems and Rs, Bush, Pelosi, Obama, McConnell. Anyone suggesting otherwise is dishonest and dishonorable.

I also find it ironic you are suddenly against welfare spending and complaining about partisanship.

NO.........I am reacting to moronic right wingers who "think" that the huge deficit under Obama went for his family buying new shoes.....basically Obama WASTED all that money.

My O/P was trying to offer some perspective on WHERE that money went and WHAT it did to prevent another "great" depression......Don't you think?
You're all responsible for the debt, Dems and Rs, Bush, Pelosi, Obama, McConnell. Anyone suggesting otherwise is dishonest and dishonorable.

I also find it ironic you are suddenly against welfare spending and complaining about partisanship.

NO.........I am reacting to moronic right wingers who "think" that the huge deficit under Obama went for his family buying new shoes.....basically Obama WASTED all that money.

My O/P was trying to offer some perspective on WHERE that money went and WHAT it did to prevent another "great" depression......Don't you think?

My O/P was trying to offer some perspective on WHERE that money went and WHAT it did to prevent another "great" depression...

The recession ended in June 2009. It didn't last for 8 years.
You're all responsible for the debt, Dems and Rs, Bush, Pelosi, Obama, McConnell. Anyone suggesting otherwise is dishonest and dishonorable.

I also find it ironic you are suddenly against welfare spending and complaining about partisanship.

NO.........I am reacting to moronic right wingers who "think" that the huge deficit under Obama went for his family buying new shoes.....basically Obama WASTED all that money.

My O/P was trying to offer some perspective on WHERE that money went and WHAT it did to prevent another "great" depression......Don't you think?

He wasted trillions on failed policies, stimulus, QE, the same way bush wasted trillions on stimulus and wars.

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